
Chapter 430: Let's Do a Kaiju Final Battle

Chapter 430: Let's Do a Kaiju Final Battle

Come on, seriously!?

Until just a moment ago, Naoki had been destroying the cannons inside the warship, but he was now frantically running with a flustered expression. The surrounding walls were already like the surface of a slimy mollusk. It seemed all the windows were also closed, and as long as he couldn't see outside, he couldn't use the short range Transfer.

I'm in a big pinch, aren't I!?

Naoki being flustered was no wonder. Even for Naoki, dying while wearing a school swimsuit was too high level. If everything related to his older sister was excluded, Naoki was fundamentally a cool guy, so that was a reality he couldn't bear.

Fortunately, the existence of school swimsuits themselves was unknown to residents of this world like Emily, so they didn't realize that Naoki's appearance was strange, but Naoki couldn't forget that wry smile on Yumika's face. He flatly refused to let his life end right after being seen in that manner.


Shut up. Hindrance!

Then Naoki easily cut down the Skeleton that suddenly jumped towards him. The Skeletons on board seemed to currently be assimilating into the mollusk walls, but Skeletons occasionally jumped out and attacked him. It looked like a situation from some kind of alien movie, but Naoki wasn't frightened by that and cautiously ran forward.

(Good grief, what is this development?)

Naoki cursed in his mind. Due to the transmission from Kazane'sInformation Link, Naoki was already aware of the situation. He was told the enemy was finally getting serious and that the warship he was on seemed to be transforming into a Kraken.

If he were outside, he probably would have been surprised and bitterly smiled at the situation, but now he was just running frantically. However, as far as he could see down the passage, the path to the deck was already almost closed.

Dammit, I won't make it in time!?

Naoki shouted, and with no other option, he pointed his Dragon Flame and Crystal Dragon magic swords toward the wall. Then, using hisSenseSkill, which closely resembled Kazane'sIntuitionSkill, he found a spot leading outside.


Immediately after, he unleashed the full powers of his magic swords and destroyed the wall.

Alright, I saw it!

Due to that attack, he was able to see the scenery outside the wall. The sea was there. However, the ship's repair speed was also fast. The hole wasn't big enough for Naoki to immediately pass through, but the scenery outside was still visible. Then, using the Return Stake, Naoki set the Transfer coordinates to a place outside in his line of sight and did a short distance Transfer. And he successfully escaped to the outside world.

You're late.

Hah, hah... I hurried quite a bit, though.

After Kazane's words, Naoki replied while breathing heavily. Immediately after he escaped outside, he did another Transfer and finally returned to the deck of the crystal galley. It was surely difficult. However. In that place was a man panting while wearing a school swimsuit. Rather than difficult, it was perverted.

After Kazane looked at him with eyes like she was gazing at raw garbage, she immediately turned her gaze to the Krakens. She couldn't bear to look at her younger brother's revolting appearance. However, that appearance was Kazane's fault. In actuality, Naoki didn't do anything wrong.

(Now then, what should we do?)

The battleships were still transforming into Krakens in front of her.

There were two Krakens that were about the same size as the one they saw yesterday and one Kraken that was twice as large as them. That was the monster that transformed from the Skeleton General's warship, and the Window's notation was General Kraken. Unlike when it had the General notation as a skeleton, it made her mad, but the reason was unclear.

Also, it seemed the Berserk Ogre canceled the summoning of the Dark Ogre corps that had been attacking the battleship on the right side with him. And he was attacking while flying in the sky. Furthermore, the Berserk Ogre's group had been damaging the ship itself from the start, so it seemed that damage continued to the Kraken after the transformation.

(Ah, I guess I should have hit the ship more?)

If she had used Mega Beam, it surely would have caused considerable damage, but it was too late for that. Also, the other members had already returned to the crystal galley, and those capable of long-range attacks were doing restraining attacks.

What should we do, Kazane?

After Yumika said that while approaching, Kazane groanedMmmand thought for a moment, then saidAlright, let's do THAT.And her intention was also transmitted to Yumika throughInformation Link.

Roger. Our first time actually doing it?

Yumika agreed, and the Blade-body KatanaMasamuneslid out of her palm. Kazane also changed herDragonizationSkill's set Skill fromMega BeamtoFriendship Tagas she sent instructions to the surrounding people.

So then, Yuuko-nee, use Dragonization and fight with the Berserk Ogre. Me and Yumika will bring down the one in the middle, so everyone else, take the one on the left!

After a slight delay, Yuuko-nee repliedNyaato that order. She wanted to fight together with Kazane rather than with the Berserk Ogre, but now wasn't the time for such selfishness. Furthermore, Tiara made a rare dissatisfied expression and turned toward Kazane.

Kazane, you're doing it with Yumika?

Tiara was making a displeased expression. She could be said to be sulky. Seeing her expression, Kazane started her words withNow, now.

We're on the surface of the sea, so it might be a little difficult with Tiara. It can't be helped this time... right? Tiara is next. Next time, please.

Kazane apologizedSorryto Tiara. It was a rare sight. It was the first time Yui had seen Tiara like that, so she was staring in wonder.

Uuu, it can't be helped. Next is me for sure, Kazane.


Then, seeing Tiara step back while still making a dissatisfied expression, Kazane sighed with relief and looked at Yumika.

It was a truly regrettable matter for Tiara, but the ability ofFriendship Tag-teamshowed a higher effect with the combination of Kazane and Yumika. Tiara knew from the beginning that Yumika was closer to Kazane than she was, but it seemed having it expressed in this form was recently causing a little stress to pile up.


In any case, they were in the middle of battle right now. Kazane activated herDragonizationSkill and transformed into a 9-meter dragon.

So then, shall I also do it?

With the katana Yumika was clasping as the focus, her body started shining. Starting with the hand holding the katana, her body gradually transformed into a cluster of blades. It was the Blade-body Unification of the Blade-body KatanaMasamune. This was the ability used by Ijika.

However, as a Metamorphosis Miko, Yumika could take that transformation one step further than Ijika.


And when Yumika activated that Skill, further changes appeared.

As if crystallization was occurring on fast forward, her body started transforming further. The clusters of metal started multiplying. And the result was a sword itself. Yumika transformed herself into a huge odachi.

Her appearance was a 6 meter odachi. It was inscribed with her own name,Yumika.

When dragon Kazane grasped the odachi with her right hand, the power of the SkillFriendship Tag-teamraised Kazane's Dragon Spirit and odachi Yumika's Spirit Power. Furthermore, dragon Kazane summoned the dragon-exclusive golden swordGolden Duskand held it in her left hand.

Holding God Dragon Emperor Naga's beloved sword and her best friend transformed into an odachi, Kazane rose into the air and glared at the General Kraken.

Since Kazane was transformed into a dragon, theTwo-sword StyleSkill hadn't been activated. However, thanks to her usage of the Skill up to now, its movements had been etched into her body. She had been continually training herself as she taught Naoki how to use it, so even though it didn't reach the same level of ability as when she was using the Skill, she was able to use the two-sword style.

And when General Kraken saw her figure, he spoke with a trembling voice.

Lolicon fatty's companions, dragons, Dragon Emperor Gaiel... is that so? Everything's connected. Is that how it is?

It seemed they were connected. How difficult it is for people to understand each other! Then, General Kraken shouted.

Destroy the traitors allied with Dragon Emperor Gaiel! Justice is on our side!

Together with that shout, the Krakens finally attacked Kazane and the others.


Yuuko-nee, who had become a golden Crystal Dragon, rushed toward the Kraken on the right hand side. On the left hand side, the Flame Griffon Knights and the two flying dragon energy bodies of Naoki's magic swords in their unleashed state confronted their foe. Emily's arrows and Louise's Lightning Sphere also participated in that front.

Gaiel's minions!!

You're excessively misunderstanding, you damn squidhead!!

The monstrous giant squid and dragon shouted and clashed.

Let's go with maximum output, Kazane!

I'll immediately fireGolden Duskas well!

Dragon Kazane raised the sword and katana in her hands. Then,

Double Breaker!!

The voices of the two people overlapped, and blades of golden and purple energy were respectively released from the two blades that were swung down. Also, sayingDouble Breaker!!wasn't particularly necessary. They simply decided it would be easier to match their timing if they shouted. It didn't particularly matter what they shouted, soDinner isn't ready yet!orNaoki's gross!would have been fine.


On the other hand, General Kraken wasn't flustered. Inside the water, his tentacles grabbed miniature battleships, which he raised up.


General Kraken used them as tonfas, cladding them with an aura as he warded off the energy waves.

What is that?

Kazane was astonished and shouted. With their trajectories bent, the energy waves crashed into the sea behind General Kraken immediately afterwards, raising columns of water.

He used battleships as tonfas?

The Yumika sword blade also shook in surprise. It was nonsensical. Kazane and Yumika thought it would be an easy victory with their Friendship Tag-team combination technique, but that wasn't the case. The enemy General Kraken's huge body could freely wield the miniature battleship tonfas.

The squid in front of them wasn't an ordinary squid. He was an extremely dreadful squid.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Dragon and Beast Ruling Tenma Monarch (Apprentice)

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King, Liberator, Guardian

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Draghorn Tonfa x2, Dragon Eating Ogre Army Armor (True), Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, White Magic Accumulator (Revised) 2, Rainbow Necklace, Rainbow Dragon Ring, Angel Bracelet

Level : 40

Health: 156+20

Magic Power: 378+520

Strength: 81+45

Agility: 83+39

Endurance: 45+20

Wisdom : 75

Dexterity : 53

Spell : FlyTorchFireHealFirestormHealer RayHigh HealGolden DuskDragon ExclusiveMirror ShieldRabbit SpeedFlare Mirage

Skill : Apprenticeship CancellationNil PrincipleSkill Hand ()HaloEvolution Hand ()Kick DevilKick Decapitation WaveWarrior's Memory: Lv2Night VisionCrushing BlowDog's Sense of Smell: Lv2Golem Maker: Lv4Aegis ShieldFire Principle: Third ChapterHealing Principle: Fourth ChapterAir Jump: Lv2Killing Leg: Lv3Fear VoiceInvisibleTiger EyeWall WalkingIntuition: Lv2Cheat DeathNimbleChargeMaterial Shield: Lv2Information Link: Lv2Optical CamouflageHigh DashBloodsucking BladeDragonization: Lv3DragonRegenerateSoul Breaking BladeStealthy Hand PlacementThunder Chariot: Lv2Sturdier Teeth: Lv2DragonCrystallization: Lv2DragonDevil King's IntimidationStone Minotaur: Lv2Mega Beam: Lv2Space ExpansionPseudo-Silver CreationPoison ClawFireballDragonCuticleDragonArms Creation: Black FlameIngredient Connoisseur: Lv3Dragon PheromoneDragonBoostMonkey's Strong ArmTwo-sword StyleBoobies PlusLiving ArmorAlarmSix-sword StyleMental Attack Complete ProtectionSpider WebWire CutterFlexibleMagic Power AbsorptionRed Body TransformationFriendship Tag-team

Yumika: Battleship tonfas are nonsensical.

Kazane: No, Yumika is also considerably nonsensical... a katana...

Yumika: Aah?

Kazane: No, it's nothing.

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