Loyal Heart Roaming the Skies

Book 2: Chapter 12: The road is obstructed and long

Jiang Wang thought that Yin Guan would kill him, after all, he had disrupted his plan.

But he didn't expect that Yin Guan was actually here to fight Zheng Chaoyang.

What he didn't expect was that Yin Guan could fight Zheng Chaoyang to this extent.

There are so many geniuses in this world!

At this moment, Jiang Wang has already understood Yin Guan's purpose.

He must have been preparing for today for a long time.

He not only understood the weaknesses of the national guardian beast, but also understood the Upper City Formation.

And with a meticulous layout in the twenty-seven cities, when the national guardian beast carried out its patrol to this point, when everyone who knew the plan was waiting for him to be devoured, waiting for the national guardian beast to be satisfied... he made his move!

Of course, he couldn't control the national guardian beast, but as long as he triggered its ferocity, it would be enough. The Qian Jue Curse could complete the task very well.

It would be best if the top combat power of the country and the national guardian beast were both heavily injured, and then he could reveal his true strength that had been hidden for many years, overthrow the Upper City, and destroy the existing political system of the country.

On the ruins, rebuild the country.

But under a fortuitous coincidence, he was triggered ahead of time, and the trump cards of the upper echelons of the country exceeded his understanding—after all, he had always been in the Lower City and had no chance to learn too much.

Not only did Zheng Chaoyang alone temporarily stop the national guardian beast, but the national guardian beast itself was not too crazy. And from beginning to end, Zhao Cang had not made a move, ready to handle any unexpected situations at any time.

Yin Guan realized that the operation had failed, so he decisively withdrew.

But why did he appear outside the city again, and then leave after a battle with Zheng Chaoyang?

On the surface, it seemed like a fight out of unwillingness, wanting to see if he could kill Zheng Chaoyang.

But in Jiang Wang's opinion, there was only one reason. That was Su Muqing.

Whether it was the cursed paper doll or the curse of Su Muqing's wet nurse, they would not harm Su Muqing's life. But they would separate Su Muqing from him and no longer be involved with him.

He fought Zheng Chaoyang just to show his strength.

Even if he left, those who still had thoughts about Su Muqing should think twice about whether they could withstand his anger.

After he fought Zheng Chaoyang to a draw, no one in the entire country would dare to test his bottom line.

Perhaps he cared about Su Muqing, perhaps he didn't, it didn't matter anymore.

What mattered was that he was so young and could fight Zheng Chaoyang to a standstill. What would happen five years later, ten years later, twenty years later?

What was even more terrifying than the strength he displayed was his talent.

What was more terrifying than now was his future.

This also explained why he didn't kill Jiang Wang, even though Jiang Wang was one of the people who disrupted his plan.

Because he saved Su Muqing.

The journey of the country was hasty, but it left a deep impression on Jiang Wang.

Especially Yin Guan, such a genius, so powerful, had prepared for so long, but still failed. The Upper City of the country was almost unscathed.

The country had been running like this for hundreds of years, and it would continue to run like this in the future.

It seemed that nothing had changed.

And as for Jiang Wang himself, what he faced was such a long and difficult road!

Jiang Wang pointed forward, and the flames bloomed.

He had already gotten used to it, used to releasing flames anytime and anywhere, and then letting them extinguish.

Along the way, he had repeated this tens of thousands of times.

He wanted to master all the details of this Dao technique, so that he would have a chance to glimpse a stronger scenery.

Flowers bloom and wither, there is a time for everything.

His figure leaped, and he pressed his sword over the mountains.

This journey through wind and frost had not eroded his fighting spirit in the slightest.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

The road ahead is long and arduous, and I will seek and explore!


The national guardian beast came rumbling and went rumbling.

The huge turtle beast with the bloodline of the Overlord would continue to bear the burden and move forward. It had already become accustomed to this symbiotic relationship with the country.

It could regularly obtain nourishing food, and its strength could continuously improve.

Although it seemed to have thrown a small tantrum today, it was not a big deal in its long life.

For most of the people in the twenty-seven cities, today was a day of great turmoil and sudden panic.

An ordinary political assessment unexpectedly stirred up a storm.

They would continue to discuss many topics, about Yin Guan. About why he betrayed the country, why he was so strong, why he joined a cult, what evil deeds he had done... Of course, there would also be occasional voices suspecting that Yin Guan was forced into a corner.

There were even people talking about that scholar with a mouth full of flattery and a high forehead, and the young man with white hair. They talked about Zhao Che, who acted like a dandy.

But no matter how people discussed it, they would soon forget.


In the Upper City.

Although the huge turtle beast was moving, the entire Upper City remained stable and exceptionally calm.

The ruler of the Upper City was also the ruler of the country.

But everyone knew that the current ruler of the country not only had no cultivation, but also lacked political wisdom. He indulged in a life of pleasure, but had unique talents, making him and Zhao Che, the son of the national teacher, the unparalleled duo.

He would not attend court meetings and would not handle political affairs. At most, he would come out and take a walk, do some publicity, during the sacrificial ceremonies.

There was no way, he was the only bloodline of the previous monarch. He was born noble.

The loyal courtiers could only pin their hopes on the next generation. Fortunately, the current ruler of the country was much more fertile than the late emperor. He already had three sons and seven daughters, so there was no need to worry about not having suitable candidates to be nurtured.

As for those who were disloyal... they could only hold it in.

After all, both the national teacher, Zhao Cang, and the Commander-in-chief of the Stele Army, Zheng Chaoyang, were unwavering royalists.

They were loyal to the late emperor, and they transferred this loyalty to the current ruler.

Because the current ruler didn't care about court affairs, the national teacher was the one who actually governed the country.

In the grand hall.

Zhao Cang sat alone in a seat.

Apart from the ruler, there were only him and Zheng Chaoyang who had seats in this grand hall.

He sat at the top among the courtiers.

But Zheng Chaoyang never sat, saying that he was not used to it.

At this moment, there were only Zhao Cang and Zheng Chaoyang in the hall, no third person.

The turtle shell was scattered on the table.Zhao Cang didn't look at the divination, but closed his eyes and asked, "Why did General Zheng let Yin Guan go today?"

Like most cultivation schools in the world, the military cultivation method also originated from the Daoist sect.

The oldest Daoist sect was the integration of the methods explored by the human race on the path of cultivation.

However, over the long years, different directions gradually emerged, giving birth to different schools.

Almost all cultivators from these schools also follow the same series of realm divisions: Meridian Flow, Heavenly Cycle, Sky Passage, Soaring Dragon, Inner Mansion, Outer Tower, Divine Arrival, True Cavity...

However, due to different ideological programs and emphasis, it leads to changes in combat methods.

The military school focuses on the power of blood and Qi, excels in the use of killing Qi, and is known as the most lethal among all schools.

Today's battle between Zheng Chaoyang and Yin Guan, although it also erupted with great power, the lethal force that surpasses the same-level cultivators was not fully displayed.

In other words, he didn't use his full strength.

Standing like an iron tower, Zheng Chaoyang remained silent for a long time before saying, "I have never seen such a talented cultivator in our Youguo."

"I was thinking," he said, "such a genius, if given the opportunity to grow, couldn't he become the pillar of Youguo? Isn't he enough to protect Youguo?"

Zhao Cang slightly lifted his eyelids and said indifferently, "There are more talented ones than him, but they didn't have the chance to grow, they all died in battle."

He added, "Before the appearance of the national guardian sacred beast."

There was a long silence in the hall afterwards.



PS: Without any recommendation, the average rating has risen from 64 to 80. Friends, although the road is long and arduous, the gathering of small streams will eventually form a vast sea!

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