Loyal Heart Roaming the Skies

Book 2: Chapter 11: What monument do you bear?

Jiang Wang did not speak, nor did he turn around.

Previously in the twenty-seven cities, Zhao Cang had shown himself to be too comprehensive, too magnanimous, and too wise.

Could such a wise person not see through his own son's actions?

But Zhao Che still grew up to be the person he is today.

Jiang Wang therefore sensed Zhao Cang's killing intent.

He also hoped that it was just an illusion, and he was willing to believe in the warm and positive side of the world. Even though the people who had shown him warmth and positivity... almost all of them had died.

But when he saw Yin Guan in an instant, he understood that he was just bait.

Perhaps Yin Guan hid too well, or perhaps divination failed.

In any case, he couldn't find Yin Guan in the upper city.

And Zhao Cang deliberately publicized his achievements in front of everyone, just to attract Yin Guan's attention. He used himself, a passerby who had contributed to the country, to lure Yin Guan.

Inviting him to join the upper city, giving him the Longevity Pill, all of it was just to dispel his guard. It was not only to dispel his own guard, but also to dispel Yin Guan's potential hidden guard.

Even Fang Pengju would kill him, even Dong A would deceive him. Zhao Cang, a national teacher of the country, using him as bait was not a rare thing.

But indeed, he felt angry.

Did doing good deeds mean inviting disaster?

Was there no retribution for good and evil, and was there bias in the world?


Behind Jiang Wang.

Yin Guan and Zheng Chaoyang collided violently!

One was a young cultivator who had not yet reached adulthood, a candidate for the upper city cultivators.

One was a powerful warrior who had been famous for many years, the legendary commander of the country's negative monument army.

One had a medium build, with flowing sleeves. One had a bare upper body, majestic and powerful.

Even the comparison of their hands was so distinct.

One palm seemed like floating snow, one fist like a mountain.

When they collided, they actually stagnated for a moment.

Then they separated, and both were shaken back.

Yin Guan floated back several zhang, while Zheng Chaoyang retreated seven steps.

They were evenly matched!

Zheng Chaoyang was inexplicably surprised.

He didn't dare to say that he was invincible, but in this one mu of land in the country, he was indeed the undisputed top powerhouse, ranking among the strongest.

After countless battles on the battlefield, there was no second opponent in the entire country except for the national teacher Zhao Cang.

Now, in front of him, a mere lower city lord, a young man who was not yet twenty years old and had never practiced in the upper city, was actually evenly matched with him?

Could this... be the true genius?

As tough and unyielding as he was, he had a momentary lapse of concentration.

Then the sky was covered in dark clouds, and black smoke filled the air.

It was curses, resentment, despair, and pain.

It was the collection of all negative, struggling, and dark things.

An extremely violent evil aura suddenly erupted.

Yin Guan's eyes began to turn green, his long hair stretched and hung down to his feet.

"All these dirty methods, unorthodox means!"

Zheng Chaoyang threw a punch, his blood surged.

Qi and blood rose like wolf smoke, crashing into the dark clouds.

As his fist approached, the killing intent tore through space, turning into spears, sharp spears, and sharp swords... covering the sky.

The killing methods of the military.

Destroying cities and turning them into ruins, condensing death into weapons!

Cutting through the dark aura, severing hatred and curses.

"There are no unorthodox methods, only unorthodox people!" Yin Guan didn't retreat at all. "I actually want to learn some orthodox methods, but the upper city is full of mediocrity huddling together for warmth. Can someone like me, a genius, go up there?"

Zheng Chaoyang couldn't answer.

Because a giant turtle beast with the bloodline of Overlord, when fully unleashed, had the combat power close to the Profound Truth Realm.

It was the strongest force in the country.

In the past history, it had saved the country from destruction many times.

That's why it became the country's guardian beast.

But he also knew what the "guardian beast" needed.

As the commander of the negative monument army, the number one person in the country's military.

Feeding the guardian beast with the flesh of a genius cultivator, this matter couldn't be hidden from him.

He had also doubted and wavered.

Could he, Zheng Chaoyang, protect the territory of Youguo once the national guardian beast left?

He couldn't.

He was willing to die for Youguo. But even if he died in battle, he couldn't protect Youguo.

After all, he was only at the peak of the Fourth Rank Outer Tower Realm, and had been stuck just before reaching the Divine Dominion Realm for decades.

The national teacher, Zhao Cang, could exert the power of the Divine Dominion Realm with the help of the city's large array. But it was unrealistic to expect a single Divine Dominion Realm power to protect a country's territory in a time of great strife.

Sacrificing one person every half a year to save the entire Youguo, wasn't it worth it?

Therefore, he was increasingly reluctant to deal with worldly affairs. He was more and more focused on military affairs and cultivation, but wasn't this also a kind of evasion?

He had no answer to Yin Guan's question.

After all, he was only good at fighting.

Then fight!

Fist and palm, the power of blood and the power of curse.

Thousands of collisions within a single breath.

Zheng Chaoyang remained silent, his body as steady as a mountain.

The green light in Yin Guan's eyes intensified, his eyes almost completely turning into those of a wild beast, his hair dancing wildly, looking like a demon.

It was unknown where he learned these heretical arts.

It was also unknown what this child... had been through.


An intense confrontation ended.

The two separated again.

Just as he was about to be completely engulfed by the green light, Yin Guan suddenly closed his eyes.

When he opened them again, his eyes had returned to normal, and his hair was also back to normal.

He was sure that he couldn't kill Zheng Chaoyang at the moment.

But it was enough.

He didn't linger in the fight, he turned around and flew away.

Leaving only a voice, wrapped in evil power, rolling all the way, crossing a long distance, and exploding in the sky above the twenty-seven cities!

"One day I will come back, take down your monument, and twist off your head!"

Whether it was the upper city or the lower city, the people of the twenty-seven cities who heard this voice were all terrified.

They all knew that Zheng Chaoyang had personally chased after Yin Guan, but even Zheng Chaoyang couldn't kill this beast!


Zheng Chaoyang silently retracted his blood energy, watching the direction Yin Guan was speeding away in the sky.

And Yin Guan didn't look back once, didn't take another look at the twenty-seven cities.

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