Lord Shadow

Chapter 1528 Prelude

As the island of Arturia undergoes rapid reconstruction, utilizing the convergence of magic and advanced science, the world's attention is captivated by the task at hand. 

However, unbeknownst to most, behind the scenes, individuals wielding great power and influence are engaged in schemes and machinations that ripple across the globe.

The defeat of the Pirate Association has sent shockwaves throughout the pirate-infested seas. 

With the Pirate Lords silenced by their recent loss, it is anticipated that their once boisterous presence will be significantly subdued. 

Furthermore, the vacant seats left by fallen Pirate Lords foreshadow an impending clash among the remaining pirates, as they vie for supremacy and control.

Yet, as long as their battles are contained within their own ranks and not directed towards coastal settlements, the world at large may remain indifferent to their internal struggles. 

The focus will shift towards rebuilding and revitalizing the coastal regions ravaged by the piracy scourge, allowing the common folk to gradually regain a sense of security and peace.

Simultaneously, the Crime Alliance finds itself in disarray, having suffered significant losses, including the decapitation of their leadership by the relentless guillotine of justice. 

Forced to retreat into the shadows, they must regroup and re-establish their network of illicit activities. 

The world, too, must re-evaluate its stance and recalibrate its position in response to the shifting power dynamics resulting from the retreat of these two formidable forces.

Amidst the tumultuous aftermath of these significant transformations, the world grapples with the need to reorganize itself. 

Nations, organizations, and individuals of influence reposition themselves, seeking to exploit new opportunities or protect their established interests. 

And it is the same for Death Monarch and his ally. 

He is still in the room. 

The room filled with an unusual silence, interrupted only by the presence of Azief and Hikigaya. 

In that moment, Azief found himself reflecting on the peculiar workings of fate as he look at Hikigaya sitting not far away from him

It was a curious twist that brought them together in this manner, as neither Azief nor Hikigaya had ever anticipated such a connection.

Their relationship could not be categorized as friendship, nor could it be described as camaraderie. 

Yet, there was an undeniable sense of alliance that had developed between them. 

Hikigaya had proven himself to be a trustworthy and capable individual, someone who could deliver on his promises. 

Azief held great admiration for competence, and he found himself regarding Hikigaya as a reliable ally.

Silence, though often considered burdensome by some, held a sense of comfort for both Azief and Hikigaya. 

It allowed them the space to engage in deep contemplation. 

At their level of evolution and strength, their minds were capable of simultaneously processing a multitude of thoughts.

  The complexity of their thoughts had grown alongside their own personal growth, further enhancing their cognitive abilities.

Even in the midst of forming words and engaging in conversation with Hikigaya, Azief mind was a whirlwind of simultaneous contemplations. 

He navigated a realm where numerous ideas and considerations coexisted, his concentration undeterred as he exchanged words with his newfound ally.

And then he spoke

"I'm just worried about Jean. Would he be able to come when I created the Ten Realms? Sangmin promise me that he would come and I have no reason not to believe him.  And Raymond is already in the bag. You, me and then Jean. But after what happened with Paulette, I worry that…."

Hikigaya shook his head and spoke

"I believe Jean would come" there is another silence and Azief simply reply

"I hope so"

Then he began talking with Hikigaya about other matter

Azief turned his attention to a matter of great importance—the potential breakthrough of Oreki into the Divine Comprehension realm. 

The possibility of Oreki attaining such a level held significant implications, not only for Earth's safety but also for the stability of the world as a whole.

Azief harboured concerns about the World Government intentions regarding Japan. 

With Oreki potential ascent to the Divine Comprehension realm, Earth could find itself in a safer position. 

Azief was wary of any attempts by the World Government to reclaim Japan and feared the resulting chaos that might ensue.

Hikigaya, once a prominent member of the World Government, had seceded from its ranks, effectively removing Japan from the World Government influence. 

In the past, neighbouring world powers would have seized the opportunity to conquer Japan, asserting their control. 

However, with Hikigaya formidable strength in the Divine Comprehension realm and his command over the Laws of the World, he had become the stalwart shield and sword of Japan, much like Azief role in safeguarding Pandemonium.

However, Azief recent decision to bestow the Trident of Poseidon upon Raymond had left him concerned. 

With plans to enter seclusion, Azief feared that Raymond, acting under Hirate orders, might wield the trident and attempt to reclaim Japan. 

The immense power of the trident could potentially overwhelm Hikigaya, leaving him vulnerable and Japan unprotected.

Yet, Azief worries could be assuaged if Oreki were to break through into the Divine Comprehension realm. 

With two formidable allies in possession of such power, Azief could find solace, knowing that Japan would remain secure even in his absence. 

The combined strength of Hikigaya and Oreki would form an impenetrable barrier against any threats that may arise.

Thus, the question of Oreki potential breakthrough weighed heavily on Azief mind.

As for Raymond, with the trident on his hand, it is only a matter of time until he could break through

They spoke about this for half an hour and then they change the topic

After their discussion about Oreki potential breakthrough to the Divine Comprehension realm, Azief and Hikigaya shifted their focus to the Ten Realms Project, a crucial plan that required meticulous planning and coordination. 

Hikigaya, being one of the main contributors to the plan, expressed his preference for the Illusory Sea to surround the Empire of Japan when the project was initiated. 

Azief, considering the suggestion, did not voice any objections, indicating his agreement with Hikigaya choice.

In parallel, Azief made the decision to relocate the continent of Pandemonium to the Turbulent Sea. 

The other great powers of the world would have the freedom to select their preferred sea as a barrier, effectively designating it as a restricted area. 

This step aimed to enhance the effectiveness of the plan and provide strategic advantages to the participating powers.

Their conversation stretched on for hours as they refined and polished the details of the plan, taking into account potential challenges, contingencies, and desired outcomes. 

And then the only thing that is left is silence. 

Hikigaya sighed. 

"This is a tall task" Azief nodded.


This why is different from the why before

And Azief could tell. So, he ponders the question. And he takes his time to answer. But the answer come quick

Because this is the same question that he had asked himself multiple times in the past. So, the answer come quick.

"I'm tired" he answered

Hikigaya frowned. 

"You want to let go?"

"I want rest"

"And what about the world?"

Azief chuckles 

"It will keep spinning"

Hearing this Hikigaya also chuckles. 

And then he sighed. Though it is not a sigh of disappointment. There was that silence again. But these two have grown comfortable with the silence. 

"Have we grown old?" Hikigaya ask

Azief shook his head

"We just walk our own path" he said it leisurely

Hikigaya look at Death Monarch and then he smiles. 

Something about Azief response resonated deeply within him, bringing a smile to his lips. 

It was an answer that satisfied his restless soul.

Though only a decade had passed, excluding the years spent in the Fake Earth, it felt like a lifetime to Hikigaya. 

Along his journey, he had forged many friendships.

  However, as time progressed, some friends had met untimely ends, while others had chosen different paths or simply vanished without a trace. 

Some had become lost in their own struggles.

There were days when Hikigaya believed that things would remain unchanged, that the bonds of friendship would endure forever. 

But there were also days filled with pain and hurt, experiences that aged his very soul. 

In the depths of his heart, he wondered where the youthful spirit he once possessed had gone.

However, in that moment, Death Monarch's words severed all doubts and questions. "We walk our own path." 

The simple yet profound statement cut through the fog of uncertainty, clearing Hikigaya mind like a divine wind dispersing a dense mist. 

It reminded him that each person's journey was unique and that their individual paths held meaning and purpose.

"I wonder what you think about sometimes" Hikigaya ask

Silence filled the room once more, as Azief took his time to consider Hikigaya question. 

It was a characteristic trait of his that those close to him had come to recognize and understand. 

Sina, Sofia, and Katarina were aware of the reasons behind his deliberate approach, as he had shared his story with them.

In the past, Azief had been inclined to answer questions quickly. 

Perhaps it was driven by a desire to please others or to appear intelligent. 

Reflecting on it now, he couldn't fully comprehend why he had possessed such a tendency in the past. 

But as he grew older, he found himself pausing, allowing a moment of silence before responding to a question.

Contrary to what some might assume, Azief intention was not to create suspense or intrigue. 

Though Azief could not really blame those who thought so. After all, he always like to do some theatrics whether it be persuading people or threatening them 

Rather, he simply wanted to take the time to fully understand the question at hand. 

He desired to delve into its depth and meaning, pondering over it before formulating his response. 

It was a conscious effort to avoid the impulsive nature of his past, when his quick answers had often led to undesirable outcomes and even tragedy. 

However, those were events from a different time, a chapter of his life before he became the person he is today.

Looking back, the memories of those days appeared hazy and indistinct in Azief mind. 

Yet, the habit he had cultivated remained, a testament to the lessons he had learned. 

As Hikigaya question lingered in the air, Azief embraced the silence, allowing his thoughts to flow and intertwine.

  And then, with the weight of consideration behind his words, he finally spoke, his answer carrying the weight of wisdom gained through experience.


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