Lord Shadow

Chapter 1527 The World Is Big

Hirate smiles. But it is an uneasy smile

'Wipe that smile out of your face Hirate' Azief never liked seeing a smile from Hirate face. It felt like he is conspiring against you.

Maybe it is just his feeling. After all, his experience with Hirate shape his experience. So, it is reasonable why he felt like this. 

Hirate sighs, takes a deep breath and nodded

'Tch' Azief clicked his tongue. 

'This will be complicated' he mutters to himself. But Azief did not hide what he said and Hirate nodded

'He is not the perpetrator' Hirate added

Azief look back at him and simply ask 

'You think or you know?'

At this Hirate could not answer. Another silence fills the room

'He was helping her' he said

Azief only chuckles at this

"What if that is what he wanted you to see? Do not underestimate the things he could make other people see and the things he could make people believe"

Azief sighed and then he said

'What if that is what he plans from the beginning?'

'you don't believe him? I thought he is your sworn brother. I thought that your oath of protecting him is a sign of affection toward him. Was I mistaken?'

At this Azief chuckles. 

"Who would have thought that you would defend him fiercely? How the world has changed' he mutters with a smile on his face

'Loki and I….we have a very weird relationship. I would protect him...but trust him?' he paused for a second, closes his eyes and opening it back he said to Hirate

'I trust him with certain things. But there is a lot more that I don't trust him with. Things he would do for me…. sometime is not what I wanted him to do. But…. but he always thinks he knows better' 

Of course, Azief could not tell to Hirate that he knows Loki soul come from a very different timeline from all of them. Ina way, it is not wrong to say Loki come from a future. 

A future that is not yet written.

And because of that he could not trust the motivation of Loki.

Loki and Paulette have no enmity. Logically, in anyone mind, Loki would have no reason to attack Paulette. But…..that is now. 

The difficult thing about trying to understand Loki action is that he came from the future. His knowledge and his perspective in seeing thing is different.

If Loki lived in the now…. without knowing any future information, there should be no reason for him to attack Paulette. 

But what if in the future that he is from, he and Paulette were enemies? What if they were rivals? These what-if situation is what worries him. 

He knows Loki is here to stop something. It might be his future. It clearly points to that in some capacity. 

Or it might be something else. Considering Loki cunning mind, it would not be an exaggeration for him to put some red herring so that he would be confused, chasing an empty lead.

Azief is confident on only one thing. 

And that is Loki would never do anything to jeopardize his life. But for the people he loved and people who he cared about...Azief is not so sure. 

Because the objective is different

Loki could make anyone bait. Even Sofia, Even Katarina, Sina, Sasha. People he cares about. People he has become attached to.

As long as he did not die, Loki probably would not mind using anyone to fulfil his objective. And that is why he could not fully trust Loki. Maybe, Paulette is just another piece of his plan 

A pawn. 

The room went silent again. 

"Maybe you should trust him a little" Hirate said and Azief only chuckles at this.

"Go. Come when I summon you"

"when will that be" Azief thought for a moment 

"maybe in a month" Raymond nodded and he got up from his seat. Hirate followed him from behind. 

Now, inside the room there is only him and Hikigaya. 

"A month? You seem to be delaying it?"

"We have just broken the Crime Alliance and the Pirate Lords. We kill a few pirate lords and a few high-ranking members of the Crime Alliance"

Hikigaya nodded but he does not seem worried.

"in the past this kind of purge would create chaos all over the world"

"How about now?" Azief ask. Hikigaya only smiles

"It would not?"

"it would not" he answered. 


"the world is too big now"

Azief laughed at this answer and nodded.

"Yes, the world is too big now"

"Then why?" Hikigaya ask. The question is simple but only these two understand the meaning of this question. 

In the wake of the Multiversal Convergence, the once-familiar world underwent a remarkable transformation, stretching its boundaries far beyond what anyone had ever imagined. 

Countless new continents materialized, each with its own unique landscapes and biodiversity, spanning vast distances that seemed to defy the laws of physics. 

The realm between the heavens and the earth expanded, creating a breath-taking expanse of celestial wonders and mystical realms.

Amidst this grand expansion, the balance of power shifted, and the dynamics of large organizations such as the Crime Alliance and the Pirate Association were forever altered. 

A few years ago, their very eradication would have sparked unprecedented chaos and turmoil, igniting a fervour of revenge and retribution.

Yet, the world had changed. 

The Multiversal Convergence brought forth a new era, where boundaries were blurred, and the possibilities seemed endless. 

Azief, with his unparalleled abilities, had swiftly and decisively exterminated the high-ranking members of these organizations, striking a blow that would have previously shaken the foundations of society.

But now, a palpable shift in the air could be felt.

  The once mighty organizations, while undoubtedly nursing their wounds, seemed hesitant to embark on a path of immediate retaliation.

They could not because there is still Death Monarch, sitting there on the top of the world, watching over the world, like the Heaven that hangs above the Earth

The very mention of the name Death Monarch Azief instils fear and trepidation in the hearts of all who hear it. 

His reign as the undisputed ruler of the world brought with it an aura of invincibility that seemed impenetrable. 

It might seem like the world power is equal. But if it is equal, then why does when Death Monarch spoke….everyone have to listen?

Once Azief ascended the throne as the strongest being in existence, no one dared to challenge his authority or dream of overthrowing him.

In the early years, there were some people that thought of challenging him. But as time passes and he grows stronger the more people felt like it is almost impossible to bring him down

The battle between him and Kaiju was so interesting because, Kaiju almost seem to be able to fight him

The might of Death Monarch Azief extended not only to his own person but also encompassed his loyal followers and allies. 

His power was so overwhelming that attempting to directly attack him or his people would be nothing short of suicidal. 

Aware of this fact, those who harboured ill intentions against him turned their attention towards his allies and the other members of the world power

However, even this avenue of attack proved to be a daunting task. 

The war that had ravaged the lands and reshaped the world had already depleted the ranks of the pirates and the Crime Alliance

  The loss of countless soldiers and resources left them in a weakened state, unable to mount a substantial offensive against the fortified positions held by the world power.

Furthermore, the sheer vastness of the expanded world presented a logistical nightmare for those contemplating an assault on the important cities held by the world power. 

The distances to be covered, the intricate supply lines to be established, and the coordination required among their forces made such an endeavour nearly impossible to achieve at this juncture.

And the most important reason …. is the absence of Divine Comprehension levelers among the Pirates and the Crime Alliance 

This played a crucial role in their inability to pose a significant threat in the current juncture. 

In contrast, the world powers had individuals with Divine Comprehension level abilities who possessed immense power and were capable of protecting their territories from any potential attacks. 

Jean alone had saved countless cities and kept the attack of the pirates and the Crime Alliance forces at bay. 

And this is only one. Now, that Azief and Hikigaya is also free, it means there is three of them. 

And the three of them could overwhelm the world if they wanted to 

This power disparity tipped the scales heavily in favor of the world powers, rendering the Pirates and the Crime Alliance virtually defenceless.

It is fortunate that the Crime Alliance hides in places where finding them is almost nigh impossible. 

They would make their headquarters and place of residence in places where Divine Sense does not work.

This significant advantage held by the world powers was the primary reason why Hikigaya questioned the need for a month to pacify the broken cities and eliminate any remnants of the Pirates and the Crime Alliance. 

From a strategic standpoint, pooling their efforts for a week would have been sufficient to accomplish these objectives. 

Within a week, the combined might of the world powers could have swiftly restored order and eliminated any remaining threats within their respective cities.

The timeline of a month appeared unnecessarily prolonged to Hikigaya, given the overwhelming power and resources possessed by the world powers. 

The notion that it would take a month to pacify the entire world seemed excessive and raised questions in his mind. 

Azief was about to answer but then he shook his head. 

"I have my own consideration" The moment Azief said this, Hikigaya did not insist more. 


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