Lord Shadow

Chapter 1523 Return Home

Then there is the League of Freedom. The names did not match their intention. 

It might be called the League of Freedom but their freedom is unlike the freedom before the Fall. 

Their freedom is a perversion of the term freedom. A doublespeak. Doublethink full of Newspeak. 

But they do preach some of the ideals of freedom and over the years, the Doublespeak decrease, the double think is not so prevalent and more of the Newspeak is eradicated. 

Ironically, in the beginning they did not believe what they preach. 

Yet, as time goes by, they were funnily enough is influenced by the manifesto that they write to fool the people. 

They fight for the freedom of the world to….choose. That was their manifesto. At that time, there were only a few factions in the world 

And their main enemy has always been the World Government who sought to unify all of the Earth under One Government. 

Hirate believe that if the world is unified under one power, the resources of the world could easily be redistributed and then with one unified command, humanity could make the leap forward into a  different kind of future. 

Of course, with the appearance of Pandemonium, this idea had to be shelved but the objective of the World Government ahs never changed. 

As an antithesis to the World Government, League of Freedom unify people who did not want to be in any other powers. 

And as years go by, League of Freedom who at the beginning was more authoritarian becomes mellow a bit with them upholding their own manifesto 

Among the many world powers, they are the only ones that is known to start with a sketchy past. 

To be more accurate a very brutal past. But that is rarely mentioned nowadays

The League of Freedom is filled with misfit and crazy criminals that has been whitewashed. 

The Republic supported many rebel forces all over the world, employ spying on many world powers. 

What about the World Government then?

They are even worse. 

Their projects are shrouded in secrecy most of which  would be very dangerous and broke so many laws that it would be a joke. 

There is the Genesis project. 

On paper, it looks like a noble project but those who are involved in it knows that there is something very wrong with that project

There is also the Chimera project. 

Then there is the World Gate which also contributed to the weakening of the time space and fabric of reality of Earth, contributing to the Multiversal Convergence. 

How about the Lotus Order? Surely, they are not like the other world powers. But no, they also have skeletons in their closet. 

Lotus Order, in theory was given the power to govern the continent of Asia. But Asia is big. And Lotus Order does not reign supreme.

What one called Lotus Order is only merely the territory that once belong to China, Mongolia, a few parts of the North Korea and some territory around the Ural mountains. 

As for other parts of Asia, they are ruled by warlords that pay allegiance to the Lotus Order. 

Of course, this allegiance is just lip service. These warlords are basically kings in their dominion. 

Surely such a  weak world power that could not even control fully their region of power could not have any way to do evil stuff, right?

But no, evil always finds a way. 

In the process of pacifying the rebellion forces in Asia, how many people were killed, how many people were slaughtered and how many innocent people were caught up in such killings? 

The soldiers that the Emperor of Wei uses is not always honourable. 

They might not interfere with other world powers or supply other rebellious forces with weapons or trying to escalate conflict but surely they are no saints

Then there is the African Alliance. There is civil war, child soldiers, massacres, attacks on civilian, instability all around

The African Alliance has fifty-four members. 

Sometimes it changed. Sometimes new leaders emerge, a new kingdom rise, old kingdom falls

While the formation of the African Alliance has alleviated many of these atrocities, the problem is still there. 

Hatred could not be extinguished in a day. It is like an ember of fire on the verge of dying

All it needs is wind blowing just enough to lit the ember into a fire and this fire could spread and turns into a great flame

Vast resources, advanced technology means shit. Because people are going to be people. 

And how about Pandemonium? The strongest of them all. With Death Monarch sitting on its throne, it should be free of such evil.

When compared to the other world powers, it must be acknowledged that Pandemonium did not suffer the same problem that the other world power suffered.

They did not have to vie for anyone for the lands that they have inhibited. Death Monarch clear up the continent of Australia from monsters and take it for himself 

And even though they were a few Australians that survived the initial attack, who dares come before Death Monarch and try to claim that land in front of him?

Unless you are not screwed right in the head, you would not shorten your life doing such a stupid action. 

But Pandemonium has the largest and most powerful intelligence agency in the world headed by Sasha. 

Sasha herself even though she has the title of the Nightingale, she is not some kind of peaceful birds that sings in the night

She is in charge of a very powerful intelligence agency that probably knows everything about everyone. 

Death Monarch rarely care about what Pandemonium does. 

But the apparatus of power that Pandemonium had amassed being under the umbrella of the strongest person in the world has allowed them to have great control and influence over the world.

Wherever and whenever they make a move, it affects the entire world. 

They could disrupt the stability of a region simply by uttering a few sentences. 

When a  force reaches that level of power, that level of influence, then even an unintentional move could bring catastrophic consequences to innocent people

And the world always have to worry about Death Monarch losing control. The six powers is basically the check and balance of Death Monarch

Before today war, there is still many forces that are free. Not everyone that opposes the world powers are evil

To some of the world powers, the forces that attacked them today are criminals, pirates and terrorist. 

The broadcast focus on the members of the Crime Alliance and the pirates because they are more well known. But there is also some forces that are regarded as terrorists forces 

There is the Independence Leader for El Salvador Guillermo who fought against the League of Freedom

But it is clear that Guillermo is one of the warlords that tried to wrestle the control of Central America and to be acknowledged by the world powers. 

While his motive are not pure, they are many of those independence leaders that does not really approve of their lands and their territory to be carved up by the seven great powers. 

Now, that the threat of monsters is not as high as before, humans find a way to divide themselves again

To the world powers, these people are terrorist. But another man terrorists is another man freedom fighter

They lose, they become terrorist. 

They won, they become freedom fighters. 

The definition of good and evil in the arena of politics had always been defined by the people in power

And so today…people mourned. Mourned the era of the great competition. Today, the supremacy of the world power prevails.

And whether that is a good thing or a bad thing…..is still something that needs to be seen.


Regardless of what the world thinks or hope to see, everything was already set in stone.

The world powers that participated in this war quickly returned back to their headquarters. 

The Lotus Order was the fastest to return. 

The moment they saw Death Monarch defeated Kaiju; they give the order to return to Asia. 

By now, all the personnel of the Lotus Order has left the island and sailing back to Asia. To those who knows the inside story, they would not be surprised.

Even though the Crime Alliance retreated in Asia after finding out that Death Monarch defeated Kaiju, that is not the only threat facing the Lotus Order. 

It is not that lee Sangmin and the Emperor of Wei did not want to take it easy. But a rebellion happened inside the Lotus Palace. 

The son of the Emperor lead a coup. So, how could they not quickly try to return home

The moment they went out of the Turbulent Sea, they could use teleportation array to quickly connect with the teleportation array in Asia. 

Joining the war was the Emperor of Wei Feng Jing. 

In the war, he defeated three thousand pirates alone, break through the encirclement of a thousand androids and manage to destroy one of the energy supplies of the mech army of the invading force

Arrayist Sage Lee Sangmin participated in the creation of the protection formation of the island. 

Without his protection formation, the island would have even wrecked when Azief and Kaiju duking it out with each other

He also helps from the background by constructing talismans and amulets for the low-level soldiers and crested many arrays formation traps on the four directions of the city of Arturia, making it impenetrable from poison gas and other more subtle and intangible kind of magic. 

Now, they are sailing home. 


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