Lord Shadow

Chapter 1522 Sigh, Give Up, Bide For Time

The world sighed. And those who watched the end of the war could not help but have many mixed emotions. 

The moment Death Monarch announced to the world that the war is over, the war is over. 

That is the strength of his word. 

In the aftermath of the conflict, the world powers basked in their victory, celebrating their triumph over the dark forces that had threatened their dominance. 

The war had been long and arduous, with countless lives lost and cities ravaged. 

However, it did not exceed the casualties like the War of Weronian and while there is may lives lost, it is in the tens of thousands which is small considering the fact that the world was at war. 

Of course, because of the expansion of the world, not all parts of the world was attacked. Even the world powers does not have enough manpower to attack every continent in the world 

Since there is too many of them to count. 

The sizes of every continent is also very large and the fact that the world has become a Super Earth had made many people migrate all over

Those with power and wanted to be left alone could even hide in these continents and secluded themselves

  The Crime Alliance, the pirates the other criminal organization focused their attacks on large and important cities. 

They were never intending to occupy any of the cities. 

They simply have to inflict the greatest damage and then hope that kaiju defeated Death Monarch. 

However, the world powers had ultimately prevailed, and their victory was unequivocal. 

The evil force, known collectively as the Crime Alliance, consisted of various nefarious organizations that operated in the shadows of the criminal underworld. 

They had sought to challenge the authority of the world powers, aiming to disrupt the balance of power and impose their own malevolent agenda upon the world.

The Crime Alliance had employed ruthless tactics, employing piracy, terrorism, and other illicit activities to weaken the world powers.

  They thrived on chaos and instability, preying on the innocent and vulnerable in their quest for control and dominance. 

Their actions were driven by greed, power-hunger, and a disregard for the sanctity of life.

In contrast, the world powers, comprising established governments and organizations, represented stability, order, and the rule of law.

They stood as beacons of justice, working to maintain peace and protect the well-being of their citizens. 

This…..this is the script. This is the propaganda. Whoever wins become justice. And everyone could already tell how this story would be told. 

The justice of the World powers. 

The evil entity of Crime Alliance, the pirates and the others that oppose the formation of the Seven World Powers are the evil forces of the world

Why are they called the evil force? 

Because they lose. 

And whoever lose is evil.

  And whoever wins is justice. 

The world powers wins and it won in such a way that there is no doubt about it

So, the other forces that attack the world powers become villains and the world powers become heroes.

Thus, always how justice work. 

Many people that watched this battle all over the world sighed. Some of them sighed harder than the rest

Some sighed longer

Some could only remain silent.

'So, in the end the world powers still wins. Heh' some people snorted. Some people sighed. Some people felt like the world become even more oppressive. 

The world powers is not always good. 

Some of them are evil. No….that is a naïve way of seeing it. The world powers is motivated by interest. 

And the interest of the state always outweighed the interest of the individual. The world power is just another structure of power like a state, only they are bigger and they are ruled by godlike beings.

But in this world, everyone have the chance to become godlike. Death Monarch, before he became Death Monarch was a lone wolf. 

At least that is how he is described by man. A lone wolf that operates alone. But even then, his strength rivals that of the World Government. 

Death Monarch did not create this structure. But he sure as hell did perfect it. 

The Seven World powers all have their sins. In their pursuit for power, clearly many people were harmed. 

The only difference between them and the so-called evil forces they defeated is that they know to balance it

More people benefited than it oppresses. The rulers have different perspective compared to the ones that are being ruled. 

For example, the Order of Thinkers. 

They are considered to be the one with the least influence among the Seven World powers. They have many great inventions and many powerful weapons

But they lack a powerhouse, like Death Monarch for Pandemonium, like Jean in the Republic or how Japan got Hikigaya. 

Some people might think that out of the seven world powers, they are the most harmless considering the lack of influence they could exert

But that…..that could not be more further than the truth

The Order of Thinkers is populated by a secret order. There is a reason why they are called the Order of Thinkers.

They started out from a secret organisation. A secret organisation of scientist, inventors, intelligent people

But one must note that the Order of Thinkers are mostly joined by fringe scientist. Some of them are eve considered crazy. 

But to say that they are not scientist would be a false statement. 

These are not people who promoted pseudo-science or some made up science. 

Many of those that follow the Grand Researcher, the found of the Order were people who were shunned in the scientific community

What made them called fringe is because of their lack of ethics in proving their scientific method

Some because of some political leaning. Others because they do not know how to socialise with the higher society

Some lack funding and could only theorize. 

For example, one of the chemists in the Order of Thinkers once created something that would target someone based on a genome differential. 

There is another who created something that seems to breach boundaries between world only it is built during the time before the Fall

Some created a variation of the CRISPR-Cas9 to edit the human genome. In both cases, they worked for government secret research. 

And for both, they were shunned and erased. 

The chemist created a biological weapon that could target a certain DNA that is prevalent in certain people. 

The possibility of genocide by a chemical weapon has never been higher. 

His research however was cut short. Human right group, ethical committees, politicians who did not want their name related to this research shut him down and shut his access tor research. 

The chemist himself is quite the crazy kooky one. But he is one of the Chemist in the Order of Thinkers.

As for the one who created the variation of the CRISPR-Cas9, he tries to do human experimentation even though he was not allowed to

Activating the so-called warrior gene. 

This uncontrolled experimentation of humans by manipulating the Monoamine oxidase A gene was barely stopped when it was found out

The military who he worked for was very reluctant to shut down this program but the moment it reached the politicians desk and the possibility of the news broke out to the public made him a scapegoat of the military. 

He never had the chance to prove that he could manipulate people tendencies towards violence. 

This particular biologist believes that if he could do this, he could create a perfect soldier who felt no remorse and would fight to the death. 

By manipulating this gene, he propose that the soldiers would have incredible strength, and would be like the berserker in the old Viking stories. 

The only side effect would be death after the overexertion of adrenaline in the body

This was the research of that biologist and he was stopped. 

Now, these two people were shunned and when the world Falls, the Grand Researcher came to them and hold them and bring them into the order of Thinkers

And they are not the only ones. The early members, the founders of the Order of Thinkers are this kind of crazy and somewhat evil scientist. 

To them, the highest purpose is to the advancement of science and technology….regardless of the human cost. 

Of course, after they became a world power, more sane scientist, the one so called the orthodox scientist began to join.

But it did not change the fact that the Order of Thinkers had every questionable people holding the power. 

And during the war with the Multiversal Convergence many things about them were revealed like human experimentation. What the world sees was the product that have succeeded. 

They did not see the humans, the lives that have been sacrificed to gain that success. 

The Aztec have human sacrifices. And a few other pagan religions also have human sacrifices. But no one talks about the human sacrifices of science. 

To them, they are fighting for the advancement of science for they believe that science would lead to some kind of paradise or utopia. 

Just like those shamans who believe sacrificing children and babies to the Sun would somehow save the world 

The only difference is that they have the name of world power, their power and influence is legitimate and acknowledge by the other world powers. 

So, some people sighed.

  Some people give up.

  And some people will bide their time again. 


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