Lord Shadow

Chapter 1496 Refining Is The Job Of An Alchemist

On another side of the island, there is Sina the Queen of Alchemy. Sina also fights. Only the way she is fighting is different from everyone else.

She is fighting inside a large valley. And from the beginning of her fight, she is surrounded by all kinds of beast

Twelve thousand beast of many kinds encircles her.

There are thousands of them in the sky, thousands of them on the ground and in every four direction that she could look, there is beast and monsters waiting for her.

If she flies to the sky, there is winged monsters and beast flapped their wings and create storms. Some roars and brings thunders down from the sky, attacking her

If she goes to the ground, some monster would charge toward her, each stomp of their feet create mini quakes all over the area of the battle

Some would use the power of the elements to attack her, one swipe creates a space rift, each monsters possess all kinds of abilities and power.

And if he wanted to burrow down to the ground to escape, there is also monsters waiting for her down below. She went down once and was punched back up.

These twelve thousand beasts are commanded by three people

These three people are people from the Crime Alliance. Just like those that fight with Sofia, these are also famous villains in the world.

And they are from the Dark Syndicate

It is the Three Beast King.

It is Asha, Faraji and Chausiku

Asha commanded ten thousand beasts.

All of the beast under her command is titanic in nature and possess high endurance and powerful life force.

Faraji commanded one thousand beasts, each one is poisonous and when these thousand beasts walk together, it created a mist of poisons that surges toward the sky and kills everything on its path

Chausiku commands a thousand beast that brings with them the darkness of the night

These three people is not known to many people of the world but is known to the forces in Africa.

These are the Three Beast King of the Dark Syndicate and their long list of crime includes destroying an entire city, and countless of villages all across Africa

When the do such deed, they leave no one alive, all of the people die under their hands die miserably, stuff of nightmares.

Asha is a woman with exotic beauty.

She has long black hair, beautiful brown skin and tall. But there is viciousness in her eyes and there is tattoo all over her body.

These tattoos could not be seen when she is not attacking but as she attacks, the tattoos spread all over, like it slithers across her skin. It is from the power of this tattoo that she could command so many beast

Faraji is a short man. He is five feet four and stodgy, looking like a toad. There are all kinds of defects on his body.

This might have something to do with the fact that most of his beast are poisonous in nature.

And because of that he is also affected by the poisons.

His face is full of scars and bulbous wounds, making him look terrifying and ugly.

His body is swirling with poisons aura and it surges toward the sky and attack the Earth. The area around him in one kilometer's radius would have all life wilted.

The aura on his body semes to be supplementing his poisonous beast

Then there is Chausiku. A young man with handsome face and curly hair. His skin is as black as the night, shining and his body is full of tough muscle.

Today, they use twelve thousand beasts to attack the island.

But even before they could charge the city, their beast was led to this valley and meeting them in this valley is Sina

Sina floats in the sky, her robe flapped left and right, appearing like she possesses control over everything

Sina was then encircled by these twelve thousand beast. But she did not lose her composure.

She always has that kind smile on her face. And how does she fight against twelve thousand beasts? With alchemy of course!

When the winged creatures attacked her, she would touch the air and the air turns an transmute into swords, spears and all kinds of weapons and attack like it is some gatling gun.

When the beast from the ground leap up into the air, Sina transmutes the ground, creating Earth prisons and changing the terrains.

She alone fights twelve thousand beast and managed to hold her ground.

If she did not transmute the elements, she would also use all kinds of alchemy pills.

When she got injured, the sight of her popping pills is not uncommon. Any injury she has is quickly healed.

But the pills that she created not only could act as a support, but it could also be used to attack.

She would throw a few pills and these pills would explode and create poisonous fog. And this valley is now a poisonous valley.

But could Sina alone fight against twelve thousand beast and win?

No, she could not.

She is not Death Monarch that could use all kinds of methods and punch his way out of anything in this world. She does not posses that kind of overbearing power.

She is not like Raymond who always find a way out even in the most hopeless situation.

But…. how could Sina, this person who have survived from the initial Fall until today be a mediocre person?

You do not fight someone strength with your weakness.

Sina has never been a direct fighter.

She could concoct all kinds of poison pills and she could also concoct miraculous divine healing pills.

But fighting like Kaiju and Death Monarch, beating each other up, shocking the Heaven and Earth, that is not Sina style of fighting.

She will use her strength to fight against people weakness.

And what is her strength other than her alchemy?


Her faction is the strongest among the many factions in Pandemonium. And how did that happen?

Because she made connections and treated people with sincerity. She might seem low key compared to her family, the likes of which Death Monarch, the strongest man in the world, Sofia, the famous archer in the world, or Loki who is a Trickster that roams around the world unhindered.

But Sina, has Acolytes all over the world.

And she has seventy-two disciples

And these seventy-two disciples …. how could they not come when their teacher is being attacked?

In the past, the connection between teacher and disciple is loose.

This is because, in school, the education system takes precedence, the rapport between teacher and student is not emphasized.

The schools to churn workers for the elite class and nothing else.

The teacher does not teach knowledge, only parroted the knowledge of others and the student is not interested in learning, the teacher is not sincere to the student.

There are all kinds of problem that erodes the connection between students and teachers

But it all comes down to this one word.


Lack of sincerity in both erode trust and erode bonds

But, the function of apprenticeship, of discipleship of the system forge a bond between teacher and student and to betray your teacher is frowned upon in this new world

A teacher could impart their understanding of their skill to other people and Sina imparted many of her knowledge to her seventy-two disciples.

Each one of them are also the children of war, orphans and only a few were not.

As such, the relation between Sina and her disciple are very strong.

Sina had hidden her disciple all over the island to help the forces of the world power, acting like a support team and medic on the battlefield.

But the moment she was surrounded by twelve thousand beasts, she knows she could not defeat this alone and so, the summon is given and seventy-two auras appeared and surrounded the twelve thousand beasts

Seventy-two people raise their hands toward the sky, and seventy-two aura surges toward the sky, and a formation matrix appears all over the area of the seventy-two people

The beast who wanted to attack was pulled into this large formation, one hundred kilometers in size.

And once they are pulled in, they could not escape.

It was like there is a barrier in front of them and they could not come out of that one-hundred-kilometer radius.

The formation extends to the bottom of the ground and to the height of the sky.

And the seventy-two people waited.

Sina smiles and flown to the center of the formation and she sat cross legged on the middle of that formation up there in the sky.

It is the middle point between the beast that is trapped on the sky and the beast that is trapped on the ground.

They roar and they scream but their claws could not hit her. Each attack seems to be nullified.

'Refining the Blood!'


The sound of droning could be heard all around and in just a few second, a red aura fills the entire formation and these twelve thousand beasts all screams in pain in unison, their roars seem to be able to split the Heavens.

However, their roars are useless and in only a few second, their blood is drained and many had fallen down.

It did not matter how powerful these beasts are.

The moment they were inside the formation, unless they could find the key of the formation and break through the formation, they would be like a fish inside a pot that is boiling from the outside.

This is one of the formation methods of Sina. She alone could not perform this. There is a reason why she only has seventy-two disciples. Not more and not less.

It is the requirement for this formation.

Seventy two position above the ground, near the sky, stimulating the power of Heaven and Earth, using the worldly elements to refine a pill.

Sina rarely uses this method.

Because this method requires lives.

And there was never a need. But today, the opportunity comes.

She would refine the One Breath Pill.


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