Lord Shadow

Chapter 1495 That Archer

The whole world looks at this scene and almost everyone held their breath looking at this scene

And everyone thought the same thing

'This battle could really not be judged by common sense' many people that watched the battle all thought that Kaiju had reached his limit and his lost is all but sealed.

But now, he is suddenly having a breakthrough, once again raising his power and the outcome of the battle is still in the air.

People could only sigh, looking at this, thinking…. these people who are on the top of the world, none of them are someone that could be calculated with common sense.

They all have their own strength to reach that top and when these kind of being fight each other the way Death Monarch and Kaiju us fighting, only then they could see all of these powerful being's trump card.

And each trump card is more dazzling than the other.

Kaiju shows bravery to even attempt what he is doing right now.

He uses all of the power of the trident to stimulate himself to breakthrough to another level.

If he had failed, and did not trigger any breakthrough, just now, he would probably get chopped to pieces by Death Monarch.

While Kaiju was having his own breakthrough, all over the island of Arturia, the battle between the forces of the world power and the dark forces of the world also seems to be ending

On one side of the island, there is Sofia the Divine Archer.

When she flew up to battle before, she targeted the warriors and snipe from behind. But it was not long before, she was encircled by a group of tens of thousands of people.

A literal army was formed to restrain her.

They all have shields and each shield is a magic shield.

They encircle her and force her to fight them, cutting her from giving support to the other combatants of the world power.

It has been around fifteen minutes and the battle finally ended.

She is standing alone amidst the rising dust and the fires, and the wind gales.

They fight at a hilly area.

But now the entire hilly area was flattened.

There are tens of thousands of deep holes all over the entire ten kilometers radius.

Blood drenches the entire area and rivers were diverted.

'Huh, huh' she is panting, each breath seems to be forced out from her.

Golden blood drips from her wounds as she looks around.

There is nothing in the sky and nothing below. All those people that attacked her…...all of them is now dead

And now, what she sees in front of her is tens of thousands of dead bodies. Some are humans. Some are beastlike. Some are cybernetic organism and many more were robots.

The Crime Alliance and the Pirates have all kinds of toys and it seems they use this war as a way to clear out all the toys they have.

Around her is tens of thousands of dead bodies.

And there are tens of thousands of shields, broken and battered scattered all over the battlefield

All of it shows that the battle that she had been through was a harsh one.

And in front of her is twelve archers kneeling in death.

They are all members of the Crime Alliance.

These twelve people is different from those tens of thousands of dead people.

Each one of them is accomplished archers.

All of them could be a great figure in the world but they all have ana arrow that stuck out from their chest to their back.

And all of their knees are pinned to the ground by an energy arrow.

But that energy arrow that pinned them is also slowly dissipating and turns into a green mote of light that turns into nothingness as it floats to the sky.

But the twelve bodies are still there, kneeling even in death at her.

These twelve archers are very strange.

They all seem to have the same energy with each other and it is precisely because of that when they draw their bow strings and unleash their arrows, there is resonance formed with each other.

Their power was so great that it nearly reached the threshold of a Divine Comprehension leveler attack power.

Sofia herself was shocked and if not for the fact that these twelve people could not use such a move continuously, it will be Sofia that would be kneeling on the ground, losing all of her breath.

It has been quite some time that she is in a situation that she nearly died. The most recent one was when she was fighting Kaiju. That is the one battle where she feels that she was lacking. No matter how many arrows ere let loose, that physical body of Kaiju is too strong.

She looks at these twelve people and she snorted.

All of these great archers in the mouths of many people are simply a victim in the barrage of rain arrows by Sofia.

Sofia looks around her, and she fall down, kneeling on the ground, using her hand to support herself from falling completely.

'Uhuk, uhuk' and she coughed up ichor blood from her mouth, drenching the ground into golden colors

She also has wounds all over her body. Some are obvious. A whip mark, a hole on her shoulder, a slash on the area around her chest and her back.

This are the obvious ones.

But then there is the not so obvious one

And like the injury itself, the wounds are also subtle and not so obvious

The wounds are so small that one has to use a microscope to see it.

When archers the same level as Sofia fight each other, their arrows could be as big as a mountain or as small as a particle of atom

But she had managed to win even against such archers. And there are also the thousands of soldiers that besieges her.

Sofia doesn't know who she kills but she thinks they are fall famous people in the world. In the end, it doesn't matter since they all die under her hands.

She then dragged herself to one of the boulders, crawling on the ground as she does it and lean her back on the boulder, while looking at the sky.

She does not know what happens between the fight of Azief and Kaiju. But she did feel the unnatural turbulence of space and she even feel a wave of energy swept her by before

It is clear that Azief is still fighting with Kaiju fiercely

The wind blows gently around her and she drops a tear.

Who knows why she is crying?

Who knows why there is tears on her eyes? What does she remember?

It is not because of the pain. She just thought of Azief and she could not help but cry

And then she laughed.

'What am I doing?' she mutters to herself and close her eyes.

She lets the wind blows her hair and her robe as she heals her body with the energy of the world

And as she closes her eyes, there is a strong desire in her heart that is being born. She wanted to meet him again. She wanted to speak with him again.

And she wanted to know how he is doing

Is he doing well? How's life? She wanted to ask these questions and wanted to talk to him

But there is also contradiction in her heart. She does not know whether she really wanted him to do well.

Or will it be easier for her to see that he is miserable without her?

Seeing him miserable…. would also hurt her. But seeing that he is doing well, would also hurt her. She could smile bitterly

'What am I doing?' she asks herself again

She closes her eyes and there are all of those years that they spend together flashed in her mind.

In the years since the professed their love with one another, there is only a few periods of peace.

In a year, there is only a few days where they could be together.

But probably it is also because of that, each time they met each other, their love for each other is intense.

Every kiss felt like the last and every touch send a jolt of electricity. And because of that their feeling for each other is like fire.

Intense with each passing moment

Then she sighed

'I wish that I was enough for you'

And at this moment, in the middle of a war, surrounded by death and destruction, Sofia seems to forget all of these and thought about all the moments and the days she spends with Azief and…

There are smiles and there are tears.

Maybe…that is why she cry. Because of all those moments and all those days.

Precious days and precious moments

Having it…and losing it.

She sighed and her sigh is long and hard.

She closes her eyes and she lose her consciousness, her robes sways left and right as the wind breeze passes her by.

She passes out but her body keep absorbing the energy. Those who watched her battle all over the world could not help but admire and finally sees why the rest of the world called him the Divine Archer

Those who watched her battle form the beginning could not deny that the title of the Divine Archer is really apt

When she holds her bow, it was like nothing in this world, she cannot shoot.

No matter how far the target is, as long as she pulls her brow strings and let it loose, the arrow would go and it would transcend space and time and attack where it should go

Those who watched the battle could see rains of arrows.

Even when she is besieged by thousands of enemies, as long as she took one shot, tens of thousand of enemies is nothing but dust flying in the air.

Everyone could not help but finally see Sofia the Divine Archer as one person and no longer the Death Monarch woman.

But now, that the battle between Sofia and the forces of the Crime Alliance had ended, they turn to other fights.


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