Lord Shadow

Chapter 1475 The Awe Of The Enemy

A sudden sound of explosion blast sounded.

First, there is only one such noise but not before long hundreds and thousands of such sound seems to erupt at the same time, forming a powerful sonic blast all over the entire sea.


Flying up from the sea, is countless of dragons, sea creatures and monsters of the deep sea.

Some of them is made from water itself, a form of power of the trident and some are the creatures of the sea itself. Their eyes are cloudy like they are being confounded.

These sea monster all goes toward tens of thousands of kilometers away.

If Hikigaya could summon Youkai and Onis, demons and monsters, using his illusion ability to change unreal things to real, then Kaiju who has the power of the sea could mobilize the monsters and creatures of the deep sea to help the soldiers of the dark forces.

Hikigaya seeing this only smile.

'It seems it is really right not to underestimate him. If he is allowed to refine more of the power of the trident, who knows what kind of power he could reach.' He paused for a second before saying

'This kind of unstable element really should be eradicated'

Azief smiles.

Since he thought about making the world stable, this kind of thing really should have been eradicated or tamed.

Before, he returns back to Earth, he never planned to do all this.

To him, the criminal underworld and the pirates are never his concern.

Because the world power could not be shaken by these two.

The reason is simply because they don't have the firepower that the world powers have.

In every world power, a few dozens of Disk Formation levelers are retained.

And that is only on the surface. This did not mention other people of interest that is not brought to the world stage, acting like a trump card.

The pirates on the other hand are loose and disorganized.

Even though they have pirate lords and they schedule meeting with other pirate lords, there is no unified command.

The pirates act independently and sometime act against one another. The world power approach to them is to pit them against one another.

As for the Crime Alliance, they have a bit more organized command.

Hence, the name, organized crime. However, they do not have enough people to fight any of the world power.

Most of their member of the Red Table are all Disk Formation levelers but compared that to the Disk leveler of any world powers, they would find themselves lacking.

And they also lack soldiers.

The world powers could mobilize tens of thousands or hundred thousand of people.

Population might have dwindled, but even these common people know where to choose to live.

Would they choose a city that is full of crime, chaos or choose the world powers? The world power might be authoritarian but eve they follow rules to some sort.

Not to mention that the people also knew that if the world powers oppress them too much and they revolt, other world powers could impeach them in the World Councill, attracting the attack of other world powers or other faction that could rise.

This is the wisdom of Death Monarch giving one organization, one force a large continent to manage.

Either you manage them well, or dissident would rise and if this dissenter manages to replace you, then if everything is proper and right, the other world power would acknowledge their ownership of the title and welcome a new regime to the fold.

Azief look at Kaiju and he shakes his head

'Because of him, I have to scrap all of my plans' he thought to himself.

How could he not be angry?

His plan was very simple. After he returns with Katarina, he plans to return to Pandemonium, settle a few matters and then began his seclusion.

There are many things that he wanted to do. Not only eh wanted to break through to Essence Creation, he also wanted got check the inheritance of the Etherna that he got.

The bleu crystal.

He wanted to take time to digest the information from the blue crystal and maybe he would find a way to successfully walk the path of Perfection in Essence Creation.

He also wanted to learn more about the legacy of the Etherna

This was his plan.

But, then somehow there is a trident that falls from the sky. A battle was fought and this battle alone had shocked the world

Azief believe that is when it all started.

The mater seems to be small but the more it is known what they are fighting about, the bigger the matter became

Azief then learns that the weapon that a dragon and the Earthshaker fight for is the true trident of Poseidon.

Hearing this, he was alarmed. Poseidon is a true powerful powerhouse in the Universe.

Azief himself had never met that being but he did hoes to the periphery of Olympus when he was trying to find his way back home with Will years ago.

So, he knows how advanced and powerful Olympus really is.

They have many planets under their control and each planet could easily harvest energy all over their star system, making them prosperous.

That what makes Azief alert and made him choose such a drastic way. Poseidon sending his trident here what is the purpose?

Azief also felt that this has something to do with him.

The moment he initiated the Multiversal Convergence and fighting those Demon King, he seems to have signaled the Universe that Earth is capable of great power of destruction.

This might alert some people and some gazes might now focused on them

Since it is his responsibilities, he also needs to bear the burden of cleaning it up. In the past, he might be someone who would run from his responsibilities

But he had grown and he knows, even if he could run form this, his heart couldn't.

Azief then put this thought on the back of his mind.

He shows no sign at all, he was thinking of all of this stuff.

It took him only a fraction of a second to think of all of this while at the same time maintaining his focus on Kaiju.

His eyes are still looking at Kaiju.

And he walks slowly toward the edge of the platform but each step he took created wind gales. The entire city seems to being pushed by this wind but unlike the force that blasted off those Disk Formation levelers before, it did not destroy the houses or the building.

instead, it only pushes those who he wanted to push and retain those who he wanted to retain

Azief control of energy is very precise and this is one of the differences between Disk Formation leveler and Divine Comprehension leveler.

He looks at Kaiju and his Divine Sense seems to surge forward. But the moment it reaches Kaiju, nothing happens.

Azief smiles

'Even though it protects him from soul and mind attack, at least it did not have the power to attack back'

Azief smiles at this.

he was ready to be backlashed by his own divine sense but it is clear that Kaiju did not yet master the power of that trident

Kaiju frowned.

Right now, around the square, there is only a few people. As for those Disk Formation levelers that fought bravely in the sky, they were pushed by the wind and no doubt were pushed tens of thousands of kilometers away.

This is probably Azief way of limiting the damage to the city.

So, the area of the platform seems empty but the scream and shouts in the distance could still be heard echoing all over the entire city.

There is fighting everywhere and chaos pervaded

But in the eyes of Kaiju and Azief, they seem to only look at each other.

At the same time Azief is analyzing Kaiju, Kaiju also is looking and analyzing Azief.

Both of these people did not know each other and they are not even familiar with each other.

They have never traded blows with each other but it seems that Azief wanted to fight him even more than he wanted to fight against his other enemies.

Death Monarch has many enemies and he also knows who his enemy is and accustomed to fighting them.

At least, he had tried their strength before like his battle with Void and the other forces of the world power

But this is the first time Azief fought someone who he did not know that much. Kaiju look at Azief and he could not help but think that the renowned famous Death Monarch really look like a tall sturdy mountain

The invincible Death Monarch, the most powerful man in the world, the ruler of Pandemonium!

Now, that he had stand up and began making his move, the atmosphere of the battle exploded to the peak in an instant.

The smile on Kaiju face becomes wider and the hands holding the trident becomes even tighter.

His aura fills the sky and there is the feeling of killing intent rising from him.

Kaiju had seen the footage of Death Monarch and he could be described, One thought to become Immortal, One Thought to become a Demon.

At times, he could emanate an aura of immortal living unstained by the mortal affairs, at times he could be like a Demon that steps on the corpses of the people of the world, merciless and cruel

All that separate the lofty, noble immortal and the bloodthirsty free natured Demon is simply his thoughts.


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