Lord Shadow

Chapter 1474 Demons Fighting The Sea

He went to each Battlestar. And each touch disintegrated the Battlestar. Anything he touches seems to have recovered its time.

Those people inside the Battlestar all floated in the air, unmoving. They did not disintegrate with the Battlestar

Whether it be a Battlestar, a powerful ship, a missile, or a gigantic robot, all of them turns to ashes.

The world could see the horrors of a Divine Comprehension leveler.

Before, Jean, Hikigaya and Azief had to fight against a Demon King who has the equivalent power to an Essence Creation leveler so they might seem weak.

But now if it is compared to the people of Earth where most people top ceiling power which is Disk Formation, all methods seem unable to escape Jean grasp.

Jean himself did not kill these people.

Because none of them could kill people under his watch.

It is like him blocking a couple of ants.

All over the world, Jean pacified the chaos almost in an instant.

In Arturia, Azief smiles.

Even though he is far away he could see all of this.

The scene might be a little bit blurry but he could see that Jena had managed to pacify the attack of the dark forces

​ Then a powerful aura burst out all over the entire island.

The soldiers on the first level of the platform sees other soldiers of the dark forces approaching. And they also charge forward.

Some flew to the sky, some burrow to the ground, all kinds of magical and mystical abilities are shown.

But they all do it in an orderly manner.

A formation is formed, a gigantic image of a golden spear appears and with a shout that shakes the Heaven and Earth, this large spear flew toward the charging mob.

The spear flew forward like some kind of a giant missile ready to smash the unruly mob of the dark forces.

But before, it could reach them, it exploded into motoes of light, unable to reach the intended destination.

The people of the Crime Alliance finally appear on the scene, floating above the air, their aura pierces the clouds.

Rains are falling all over the entire island continent; the dark clouds are oppressing and thunder roars and lightning flashes by.

The entire scene seems gloomy. Right now, if Azief wanted to kill those ten people it would be as easy as clicking his finger together.

But he did not and everyone know why.

Those ten people is not important at all.

Whether they live or died is not the true crux of the matter.

Death Monarch wanted to bait them to come here and the Crime Alliance and the pirates and the criminal underworld knows they must take the bait.

Azief saw the situation but he still did not stand up. Instead, he shouted

'Soldiers against soldiers, general against generals' he said it and the people on the second level of the platform all rises up.

When these people, generals, kings and Queens, great figures of the world all stand up at the same moment, the momentum soar toward the heaven with great momentum.

The entire city could feel it before it ripples like a fast-moving wave that is spread all over the island continent.

The force is very powerful that it created blast of wind flattening and crushing every stall around the squares.

The closest building near the platform instantly vaporized, turning to dust

The dark clouds above their head split apart, the roars of the thunder seem to be dimmed compared to the sound of droning that seems to echoes all over the entire city

The force of tehri power changes the course of the wind, split apart the skies above and parted clouds and crushes thunder and dim the lightning.

Wang Jian, Athena, Freya, the general from the other world powers, Jesse, Nick, Nehanda Nuhurai, and many more then rose up from their chair

And without waiting, they clashed in the sky and in the ground, on the sea and below the Earth

Sound of explosion echoes endlessly, the entire ground shakes and the skies seems to crack apart.

The scene of a war of gods and demons. That is the most apt way to describe the battle right now.

Now, there is only two parts of the platform that still have people.

There is the third platform where Azief and Hikigaya is and the fourth level of the platform where there is those ten people.

'Are you both going to gang up on me?' Kaiju said. All over these two people are the sound of explosion and after waves of shocks could make the words, they said distorted.

But everyone could hear each other very well even amidst the explosion.

these shock, the blast of all kinds of energy waves did not even break even one tile of the platform

There is a reason why Kaiju did not simply just rush forward and save those ten people and call it a day.

Other people might not see it but how could Kaiju not see it. Hikigaya is maintaining a certain kind of formation.

And as long as he sist there, even Kaiju would find it hard to break through this formation.

This kind of formation is not a formation that is like the dome formation where he could simply break it with strength

Knowing Hikigaya and his abilities, his formation must be some kind of illusion formation.

It is dormant now but once the enemy enters the platform upper level, the formation probably would be activated instantly.

It is because of that Kaiju did not dare to come forward and grab all those ten people.

Because even though he holds the trident, Hikigaya is a whole other realm above him

Kaiju, even though he shows such power…he is still a Disk Formation leveler.

The only reason he is able to fight and dares to challenge these many people and the top power of the world power is precisely because he knows how miraculous and powerful; the trident on his hand

Of course, even though people think of him as a Disk Formation leveler, he is not a Disk Formation leveler in the conventional sense.

After all, his cultivation method is very different from the people of this world

If anything, it could be said that he has the power equivalent to a Duisk Formation leveler.

It is like that Demon King who has the ability and power equivalent to an Essence Creation leveler but not truly an Essence Creation leveler like the people of this world.

Because if the people of this world become an Essence Creation leveler, they would control laws and souls and intangible things and concepts.

But the Demon King focused on physical enhancement.

There is no right and wrong, there is only strong and weak and their power level system might be different but it is not wrong to say that the Demon King has the power equivalent to a Divine Comprehension leveler.

The atmosphere become more and more chaotic. All over the entire island, there is fight and explosion.

The sky itself seems like it would collapse. And Azief finally stands up. The moment he stands up, a gust of wind blows all over the city.


This wind pushes all of the people in the sky near the city and this wave of wind is unlike any other wind that have blown.

It seems to have a repulsing power that pushes these people hundred and thousands of kilometers away.

This wind seems to have the power to rip apart space and time and transported tens of thousands of people fighting in ethe sky and on and under the ground, tens of thousands of kilometers away from the island.

Some people who are more powerful, whose attack disrupt space and time was not affected by those soldiers were all transported far away.

Hikigaya pointed his hand toward the sky and then the shouting and screaming seems to echoed out all over heaven and Earth that many people were shocked.

They look up at the sky and some people frowned.

And some people smile

It is the March of the Demons, the Hyakki Yakou.

Demonic aura seems to spread out all over the skies, the clouds around this march of the Demons all turns red like blood is dripping from the sky.

Was it really simply an illusion when it feels this real? The consciousness of people could conjure up very interesting thing and this is the thought of Hikigaya.

and the March of the Demons appears and these monsters and Youkai, Oni, demons all flew out toward the direction those soldiers. Kaiju could see what Death Monarch is doing.

He is trying to isolate the soldiers of the Crime Alliance and the dark forces of the world.

The wind only spread across the city of Arturia so there are still many people fighting in the beaches and the shore and all over the island continent.

Kaiju could also see that now that they are isolated, Hikigaya seems to take advantage of this to send his Illusion Servants to help and aid the soldiers of the world powers. But Kaiju seeing all of this, how could he let such thing happens.

He waves his trident and pointed it to the sea and the sea tremble and the seabed quakes, the entire island continent seems to shake.



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