Lord Shadow

Chapter 1439 Impermanence Of Mortal Affairs


The wind rushes all over him and then he stops

Azief is looking at the Sun, his eyes did not squint at all

'These kinds of days are also necessary' he mutters to himself.

the sun just breaks the darkness of the night and dawn is approaching. And he is now floating in the sky, among the clouds.

In the morning he likes to see the sun showing its face. But it is different seeing it here on Earth.

Because the earth he is in now is a very different Earth than when he left it six months ago.

Still, it is a beautiful world.

'Maybe, it is even more beautiful now' The Multiversal Convergence changes a lot of things. But Azief would not say that all the changes are bad.

Some even improve Earth tremendously.

The wind is cold but it did not affect him and the wind is also harsh but it turns into a breeze that simply flutters his robe instead of making it flapping wildly. Azief sighed

He did not sleep at all last night.

Instead, he was preoccupied with many thoughts.

There are many things he now knows and many new problems he needs to solve.

'If this is all the things I have to do, then sooner or later, I would ignore my training and I would regress' he sighed.

This is the reason why he rarely interferes with world affairs.

This is also the reason why he rarely governs or do anything on the affairs of the world

he only moves when people provokes him. because he knows once he stepped his feet in this muddy ground, he had to deal with the filth.

But, this time it is his fault. And so, he has to deal with it. All of the things that he had sown, he must be the one that reaps it now that it has grown.

He tied the knot so he must be the one that unravel it

All of this started when Pandikar died.

And he is trying to solve the cause and effect of everything that had happened since then. He did not blame Pandikar.

That man was the one that made him step into the world stage.

But, the decision was always his decision.

'I have to repay the world and clear my debt. Only then could I breakthrough with a peace of mind'

'Repay the Karma that is owed' he thought to himself

Azief had uses his time in the Seresian world not only to get new technology for the world but also finding ways to break through

He was lucky the last time. He is not sure that he would be lucky every time.

This time the energy of the world is enough to support his breakthrough. And he also has his own ideas of how to breakthrough.

He is also ready to once again fight with the Heavenly Will.

Before, the Heavenly Will is weak and did not have power. The moment it has instincts; it tries to attack him.

Of course, for that incident, Azief was the one that provoked him by trying to become stronger than the Heavenly Will

Azief would be surprised if the Heavenly Will did not do anything to him at that time.

And when Azief own, he got the authority of the Heavenly Will that he had never relinquished.

Azief knows as long as he did not relinquish this authority, the Heavenly Will would always treat him like an enemy.

Because his Grand Path seems to surpass the Heavenly Will itself.

The Heavenly Will protects the world but it also has the desire to control the living beings of the world. Because what is important to the Heavenly Will is the survival of the world itself and not the living beings inside it.

The Heavenly Will is on the side of the world and not of humans and animals and everything that lives inside the world,

The only reason it did no attack is because Azief holds one third of the Heavenly Will and also because he is stronger than he Heavenly Will itself.

The developments are not right. It should be the Heavenly Will form first and then the human's beings risen up.

Heavenly Will is like the will of Earth itself, its consciousness.

It is there but never could do anything. The All Source gives this consciousness a shock and bring it out

Azief sighed again

'If I breakthrough on Earth, the Heavenly Will will bring down another Heavenly tribulation' But even though he is saying this, there is no worries on his face.

There is many thing he needs to be worried about. But this is not one of them

He sighed and then Azief look at the horizon in the distance and he could imagine his plan coming into fruition.

After this is done, the world would be in peace. But then he thought about Kaiju. About Loki. Void, Erika and her cohorts, the Red Table.

The figures of the world flashed by in his mind.

These are the seeds of instability.

But then he shakes his head

'As long as the foundation is strong, these unstable factor could not shake the world' he thought to himself.

Azief had been planning to wash his hand out of the matters of the world.

If he didn't have Pandemonium, it would have been easier.

He did what Pandikar asked him to do.

he stepped in and rein in the world.

But as he grows stronger and stronger, and there is more thing he wanted to protect, he also realizes that sometimes, him doing nothing is better for the world

It is not an excuse. It is just that he is too big now. Once he makes a move, the move affected the entire world

And because of that, he now knows there is no longer any needs to be to active

He shakes his head

'I'm getting ahead of myself' he mutters to himself. He has all of these plans in his head

But he knew, he needs to solve the current problem first.

The Ten Realms needs to be established.

He still needs to meet with the other world leaders and discuss the distribution of the world.

Who gets which sea, which lands and how much lands should the get. What kinds of lands and what kinds of resources and so on and so forth.

They probably would argue about it endlessly.

He thought of all of these tedious work. But he decided to tackle it head on.

After this, I would go into seclusion and breakthrough.'

It is for these reason that Azief did not mind entangling himself in what he believes a boring affair.

He always has the ability to become a ruler.

But his heart was never into being a ruler. Or a king or an Emperor

He only seeks the highest peak of power.

Because he believes that it would protect him and protect the people he loves

Ad in that journey of seeking power, he also found out who he was, what he would be able to sacrifice and what he wouldn't sacrifice.

The seeking of power is like a seeking of yourself, a journey of self-discovery.

There is a grand path and this grand path follows the heart.

And as such you would know yourself. And as long as you dare not confront yourself you could not find your grand path

And maybe this is why all of those powerful beings all have powerful confidence in themselves and why they always insisted that they are right

Because even if it is wrong, they could make it right.

Azief thought of all of this and as the sun finally dawn he flies even higher and then flies through the clouds. He did not fly in high speed velocity instead he is flying very slowly, one hundred kilometers per second.

The clouds parted way for him and there is a smile on his face. It is a hobby he picked up on Seresian world.

Flying in the sky.

Azief realized that even with all the powers he has, he rarely enjoys it. So, now before he goes into seclusion, he wanted to solve everything and enjoy everything he could


The sound of him flying in the sky echoes down to the ground. The dawn breaks and as people began getting up, and going out of their house, they could see a trail in the sky

A shining light, a streak in the sky, a blur of white and black like it is melded together in the sky, travelling in a speed like that of a fighter jet

Everyone knows who it is and some look at that figure with fear and some look at it with awe.

This has always been the case.

The strongest man in the world…. this is not a figure that people could see easily.

But at least for these past few weeks, they would be able to see such figure in this city.

In a balcony on one of the many palaces in the center of the city, there is Hirate. He is sitting on a chair. In front of him is a round table with bread and soup with a few side dishes.

Opposite him, sipping a peculiar milk tea is Raymond. They both look at the sky and they could see with their eyes who is flying in the sky

To others it is a blob of blur, of white and black. But to the eyes of Hirate and Raymond, they could see Death Monarch clearly.

'he is enjoying it; don't you think?'

'It's not wrong' Raymond said

'I just never expected it of him to be like that. It seems he does know how to enjoy himself'

He paused for a second before saying

'Or was it his journey to the Seresian world that change him a bit' then Hirate added

'He always seems so…...stony'

'Stony? Is that how you want to describe him?'

'he never cares about how people describes him anyway'

Raymond nodded. He takes another sip of the milk tea. Hirate look at him and said

'How is your injury?'

Raymond did not immediately answer. He slowly put down his cup on the table

'This milk tea really does have healing properties.'

'The barista here has special abilities. It is an unexpected find for me too'

Raymond then sighed.

'It is a pity that I lost the trident'

Hirate smiles bitterly.

'If I knew what I knew now, I would not simply tell you. I would mobilize all of my elite personnel. Even if we got into an open war with the Crime Alliance and the Pirate Lords, I would not care.'

He sighed again as he shakes his head

'the key to control the sea'

One could not help but hear the trace of regret in his tone of voice when speaking about the trident

Hirate continue

'And with you holding it, even if you did not break through to Divine Comprehension leveler, we would have rose to our rightful position again. There is no need to compromise so much with Japan or having to bow down our heads to the Republic. We could even stand tall in front of Pandemonium'

There is silence between them as Hirate seems to lose his mind in his pondering.

'Controlling the Ten Seas' Raymond could hear Hirate mumblings.

Raymond shows a complicated look at this.

It is shocking how a few months have changed the distribution of power in the world

Raymond and Hirate also began to understand that in this brand new world, as long as one person could reach to a certain level, the populace could be ignored.

But, they don't want a world like that.

So, they could only sigh at the impermanence of mortal affairs


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