Lord Shadow

Chapter 1438 Sleepless Night

The sound of electricity crackling reverberates all around the room.

The gust of wind that is in the room was pushed away by an invisible force and the coldness of winter is replaced by a warm energy that fills every inch of the room.

Will the Golden Speedster in the room!

And he came inside with such incredible speed.

Usually when he came with such a speed, any place that he runs through would be left with a mess either from his speed generating kinetic energy or high moving lethal winds or flames trials left by the speed of his movement.

But nothing was pulled along with him and the room is not affected much.

There is no flame trial all over the compound nor are there any spiraling storms or powerful force that tears everything apart.

Azief smiles and said

'You now even have the time to put everything in its place. And I could see your control over the Speed Source has improved. No more mess.'

Will smiles and said

'I know you always hated my entrance. You called it too messy. So, I decided to train myself a bit. Restrain a bit of the destructive nature of infinite potential'

Azief laughed as waves his hand and the chair on the other side of the room slides toward Will.

'Have a seat'

Will sit down and Azief offers him a drink.

He shakes his head. His expression become solemn and then he said

'It's serious. Lot of things had gone out of control'

Azief sighed. He is still calm.

Because in this world, he is still the most powerful person

The problem might not be simple, and it might be hard but it will never be something that is impossible for him to settle

He let Will get his energy back up to speed first. For a moment there is only silence inside the room. Then after a while Will said

'I'm good now'

Azief nodded

There is a silence between them before Azief said

'Thank you for the hard work' Will hearing this smiles a bit.

Azief smiles a bit. When he left Earth, there were many things he had prepared. There was always a chance that he would never get back to Earth.

There is a chance he might die in Seresian world so there were many things he had prepared beforehand.

Some of those measure now need to retracted.

His journey to the Seresian world was anti climatic.

When he got there instead of an epic battle between him and the Demon King, the matter has already been settled, Katarina is already safe and there was nothing for him to worry about

But an anticlimactic journey does not mean that he did not get any benefit at all.

Instead, he learns many things.

About his connection with the Creator, about the invisible force of fate and destiny and how powerful that force truly is.

He learns that the Karma he had sown before has already take shape in a different time and space.

But the most shocking thing of all, is that he knows there is a Creator.

That the galaxies, realities, and everything that have ever existed on every place on every corner of all universe is created by an entity.

That it have a trace of him, an essence of creation that come from him, like a divine spark that fills the lifeless void with life and creation

He knows that the Orvanian has some kind of relationship with the Creator and from what he guessed this relationship is not exactly a cordial one.

He knows some secrets of the Universe and h gained many things in this anticlimactic journey

So, he is not complaining

But as he looks at Will, there is one thing he regretted. If he knows that the journey would be safe, he would not put such a heavy burden on his friend.

A word of thanks could not truly express the gratitude he felt. Will has done a lot for him. And now, he is asking ng his help again

While Azief say here, Will has been meeting the other world leaders and circling the world to see some information.

This could not be helped.

Will is the only he could trust and is capable of doing the things he asked

The only one that could move freely in this world is the Three Divine Comprehension leveler.

Other than some forbidden places, they could go almost anywhere by teleporting so the question of distance does not really come into the equation.

It is a luxury not many people could say that they have. Right now, to travel from one continent to another would take years because of how large the world is right now.

But Azief need to stay here for now. There is no certainty that the moment he left, the people who blow up the Dome of Arturia would not make anther move.

And Jean also stay here for the same reason. Hikigaya on the other hand did not need to stay here and has already gone back to Japan.

But eh will come here when summoned. He wanted to make sure that the Emperor is safe.

Other than these three people, there is only a few other people in this world that could truly move freely in this world and with fast speed.

One of them is Warp.

Unlike Azief teleportation method that would get distorted by the Turbulent Sea force field, Warp ability to teleport all over the world is not that affected.

The other one is Will. He did not need to teleport because he could simply use his physical body and with his speed, he could easily travel to far away distance quickly.

And because he is a Speedster the turbulent space and time around the Turbulent Sea does not affect him that much

There is nothing more effective in breaking through the space and time disturbance in the ten seas other than using their own physical body. And no one moves as fast as Will.

So, Will had to be the messenger.

Using any other remote communication usually would result in the communication being distorted and the signal is low and took a long time to be decrypted or enhanced enough for anyone to make a conversation clear

And today, they need fast communication. But, right now, he needs the report

'Is it rude if I ask you to report now?' Will shakes his head

'Then me everything you know' Will nodded and then he began telling everything that he heard and all the things he sees

He tells him everything he had learned about the explosion and the request he got. The matters of the world are spoken about, each one is earth shattering revelation.

Azief who was asking question, listening and interjecting Will report slowly, his face become hard and solemn.

Six months he was gone. And a lot of things had changed. And the change is very drastic. And the events of the world are very much unstable.

That night, Azief did not come to Katarina bed.

That night, he did not sleep.

And the rest of the world is also the same. In dark corners of the world, people are scheming and plotting.

In the world there is many people that heard the news and saw a sign.

To them, today event signifies many things. Some people thinks that this is the moment for them to made a move

Some began scheming and plotting

All over the world, eccentric people see the news and they all have their own reaction to it

There is a mad scientist in his lab, grinning looking at his own personal customized computer

'What a weapon!' he exclaimed as he looks at one of the footage of the explosion in Arturia.

The footage itself is very distorted and hard to restore. Because the disturbance of time space also affected electronic devices.

But the recording device that he had created is one of a kind. Even so, it still could not capture the explosion.

Instead of being frustrated by this, this mad scientist is even more enraptured by the bomb used in the attack.

'If there are a few modifications made to this type of explosive, then it is not a pipe dream to truly contain the levelers of the world with technology. The hybridization of magic and science…. would be more than possible'

Then he added

'Even those Divine Comprehension levelers…...hehehehe'

And he laughed, his laughed echoes all over his room

In another part of the world, there is a magician. He has a tall hat, comical looking even., He wear black jacket that is long and showy, white shirt underneath that black jacket.

There are a few orbs like things in his hand. He throws it in the air and it floats.

His eyes are full of hatred and his heart is full of darkness. The Magician of Aleppo. He is inside a large room. On the walls of the room, there is many schematics and designs.

And the design of bombs is also stacked on the wall.

there is many research notes sprawled all over the white surface of the ground.

'Record: manage to hide from the Divine Sense of Death Monarch, Time Manipulator and Illusionist Archmage. However, this stealth mode only works for a short period of time. Distorts space and time enough for it to cloud the judgment of Time Manipulator.

Suitable to be sold to the Crime Alliance.

End Record'

The Magician sighed

'It is still not good enough. But this is good enough for me to gain some buyers. I need more resources to continue my research. Magic alone is not enough' he mutters to himself.

He goes to the wall. This is where he does his research. There is a lot of advancement in his research. His talk with Paul Koch also opens a new world for him

Paul Koch is pioneering anew kind of research. He is intending to create something that is part magic, part biological, part divine

With their heads put together, they believe that they could create one of a kind device or weapon.

He wanted to integrate a few discipline of the world into his creation.

He looks at the wall but then he shook his head. Tonight, for some reason, he does not want to bury himself in research.

Instead, he goes to one part of the wall that is not covered with research paper. There is only one picture. And it is the picture of his family.

There is a trace of tenderness in his eyes. It is hard to see amidst the hatred and the anger. But it is still there.

Tonight, he also could not sleep.

And in some other place of the world, the Sun had just shows it face. And in that place, there is a red table inside a dark room, surrounded by five people.

They discuss only about two things. The explosion in Arturia. Fingers are pointed to the Bratva, raised voice echoes all over the dark room

When that matter is shelved, they would then talk about the trident.

There is five people around the table, but there is one other seat. And this seat is empty.

And then they stopped arguing. Because they know as long as that person did not come here to explain, their arguing would go to nowhere.

They are waiting for the Sixth Seat of the Red Table, Loki the Trickster

In another part of the world, the moon is shining bright, there is no clouds covering the sky. The moon shines its light the ground and on the ground, looking at the heavens above is a middle aged man.

But this is not his face and it is not his true appearance. He is the last of his kind. He did not come here from other parallel dimension. But he came here from a very distant galaxy.

The last son of his planet.

Searching for salvation in this planet. He looks at the moon with determination, clenching his fist.

And then he keeps walking ahead.

That night is a sleepless night for everyone.


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