Lord Shadow

Chapter 1410 The Archer, The Earthshaker And The Beast

The ground shakes and the sight of beast coming out from forest, from the rivers, from below the earth, that flies in the sky, swims in the water, slithers on the ground, the sight of them all coming out from their nest to eat is something that would terrify anyone.

The aura coming out of them is massive, like it would condense and solidified.

Sofia look at all of this with a smile.

But her eyes are cold.

'Small monsters' Of course if anyone could see the monsters, they would not call it small.  But to her eyes, they are small. Because they are weak.

'I guess I have to deal with this' Raymond only smiles bitterly. Right now, he really does not have any ability to fight this horde of monsters.

He could survive but not without adding more injury to his body. Sofia sighed.

She simply raises her hands and her bow that she put behind her back flew to her grip. She grabs it and her smile grows wider.

'I guess a rain would solve them all' she seems to be talking to herself.

She pulls her bowstring and the sound of screeching could be heard echoing all over the island. It is grating to the ears and echoes loudly.

Some of the beast stop rushing forward and screams and screech, their ears bleeding. But this sound did not harm Raymond who is the closest to her.

Raymond look at this and thought to himself

'She really improved in her magical means'

The entire ground shakes wildly and the sky above her distorted. A sharp will cuts the wind and the space around her.

She pulls her bowstring slowly, like she is savoring every moment. But Raymond could see that her energy is draining from her.

Yet, as she is drained, the aura around the bow strengthened. Pulsating winds swirls around the bow, almost like it will merge with it.

An inch more that she pulls her bowstring, the more powerful the force of her bow seems to emanate.

And the weaker her energy became.

She then mutters to herself

'This much is enough'

In the distance, some of the monsters and beast that is rushing forward halted in their steps.

They sense the power and they turned back. They fly back to the sky, going to the tall trees where their nest is.

Those who come out from the rivers and lakes returns back to the rivers and lake. Those who come up from the ground once again burrow their body back to the ground.

These are monsters who have intelligence. They could sense the energy and they understood their limitations.

Survival insect kicked in

But not all of the monsters turns back. Some are stupider and some are more confident in their strength

They rush toward the forest, some are big and some are small but each of them have an aura of bloodlust around them

In their eyes are hunger and desire.

Sofia look at all of these beast, rushing from all four directions, like they have found lunch.

Raymond knows that these beasts are attracted to the smell of blood and also to him that are now weak.

His body is leaking energy and that is what attract them to him

if these monster ate him, they would still be able to retain the energy in his body and gain benefit.

It is like when humans eat pill to strengthen themselves or heal them from diseases. It is no difference from when human's kills monster and gain EXP

But Raymond is not worried at all.

He keeps calmly absorbing the energy that he could, his body is quickly recovering.

Sofia did not wait for the horde of monster to come close.

The moment that they are forty feet near them, arrows suddenly appears on her bow string. It is one lone arrow but the energy around that arrow is formidable and space shattering.

She pointed it towards the sky

'Rain down judgment' she mutters.

She smiles and release her finger from her bowstring and the clouds above opens up like it is being pierce by something sharp.

There was even one second where the wind barrier seems to be affected by this arrow before it quickly recovered.


A thunderous sound seems to erupted in the sky and then suddenly the clouds disperses. A blast of shockwave seems to push all these clouds away.

The sky suddenly turns dark. But there are no clouds but something that seems to cover the sky.

something is falling down towards the ground. For a moment, it looks like a rain of water is about to come down.

But then as it comes closer, it is clear what it is.

A rain falls down only this rain is a rain of arrows.




The sound of monsters and beast screaming, howling, shouting echoes all over the area. The rain of arrows falls down; a few dozen beast all turns into dust.

The scream of death lingers for a while before the only noise left was the noise of the whirring sound of the wind barrier.

Raymond face is now almost completely healed. There is now finally silence in the island. The beast no longer dares to come near this place. The monsters died and Sofia could feel EXP entering her body

She did not care that much as she knows she is still far away from reaching Divine Comprehension.

She wanted a truly stable foundation before she steps into Divine Comprehension leveler. Raymond who now is recovering finally ask the most important question.

'You see it?' Sofia knows what he meant and nodded

'I see it. It is at the center of the island. And it is the source of the wind barrier. I don't think it is going to be easy for you to take it even when you have no competitor' Sofia said.

But then she added

'Still, maybe it is easier than I expected. I don't really know. I myself have never seen a true Divine Artifact that is not a replica of the real one'

'Tell me' Raymond said. He needs to know what he is dealing with if he were to try to get that trident.

Sofia told him what she knows. She already saw the trident. The trident of Poseidon is at the center of the island.

It is stuck on the middle of a small circular water pothole.

However, she did not manage to get close because the wind around that trident is even more powerful than the one on the wind barrier.

But unlike the wind barrier, it is not spinning wildly.

instead, it spins very slow, the kind of wind that simply sweeps leaves off the ground before disappearing.

But when Sofia and the other two members of the Crime Alliance come close, that gentle wind spins even faster than the wind barrier that surround this island.

And if they retreated backwards, the wind slowly slows down.

But that is not the only thing she saw.

The trident is called the trident because it has three pointed ends.

It is a three pronged spear.

What she was that from each prong is a gust of wind that rises up to the sky in a straight line.

The wind stream that shoots up to the sky seems to disappeared at certain height. These three wind stream then flattened out in the sky, creating the pillars

What pillars?

The pillars of this wind barrier.

It is like a round dome that surround the entire island.

The wind barrier comes from the trident. When both Raymond and Katarina enters this island, they discovered something.

It was that while it is a bit hard to enter this island, it would be harder to leave it. When some people saw them, they wanted to run out form the island.

But they found out that they couldn't. It was like if you have desire to fight for the trident, you are bound here

Both Raymond and Katarina believe that the trident is the answer to everything that happens in this island. And as Raymond heard Katarina story he smiles

'We were right'

'Yes. But Raymond. You better heal yourself and keep your tank full. Because I simply don't think that it is easy to gab that trident.'

Sofia repeated her words. And Raymond knew she was not joking around. Sofia might have been influenced by Loki and Azief.

They always talk in a vague way. And when they repeated things, it basically means it is very serious

Raymond knew and he did not rush to do anything.

All of the rivals for the trident in this island has been killed.

There is no need to worry.

Even if more comes in, their strength would be highly reduced by the wind barrier. That is what happens to him

Though Raymond don't know if that disadvantage still exist since he already kills most of the people in the island.

He was thinking of all of this thing when suddenly both Katarina and Raymond heard nothing. And that brings chills to their heart.

They did not hear the wind and Raymond eyes widened as he looks and pointe toward the wind barrier. Sofia seeing Raymond finger pointing behind her look at the wind barrier.

The wind barrier is stopping. And then before they could say anything, they both raise their forehead. They felt a powerful force sweeps through the entire island

And then they see a hole. More like a door. It was like the wind barrier opened up and someone comes out from that hole.

A giant. That is the thought that they have. Raymond instantly got up and Sofia once again summons her bow.

Slowly that giant came out and then he steps on the ground. The wind behind him started functioning again.

The moment he set his foot, another powerful aura swept the entire island. Dust rises around him that makes it hard to see

A laugh sounded that echoes over many miles.

His laugh created a gust of wind that swept the dust around him. Raymond could finally clearly see this person.

Even though the distance between them is a few hundred feet, it was like there is no distance between them that Raymond could see him clearly like he is sitting just a few feet apart from him.

'Hah' Raymond sighed.

A twenty-five feet height of a monster figure revealed itself

A presence which cracks the space and diverts the wind.

Powerful aura seems to gather around him. The barrier of the wind did not seem to strip him of any of his power.

That is the more shocking thing.

The way this person enter this island is different from everyone else.

Those who came before usually have to suffer the tribulation of the wind, withstanding the pressure of the wind and the wind gales that is as sharp as divine sword to enter this island.

But both he and Katarina had just seen how this person enter this island. The wind barrier stops and a hole opens up and this giant enter and now step his foot on the island.

This person makes Raymond felt danger. Sofia arrow inside the quiver behind her back seems to shakes.

And this makes Sofia eyes to narrow.

This giant then looks toward them. He smiles and then took a step, his momentum rises to the sky like a dragon rushing to the heavens

The clouds above his head parted, the wind was pushed thousand miles away, the entire forest around him seems to be under pressure as one by one, the trees broken from inside out, the branches break all of a sudden, the leaves like a powerful wind blowing, was plucked out from the trees, flying to the far distance.

'Who is this person?' Raymond thought. Raymond just got away from a battle and he just finished healing.

But now, a more terrifying enemy enter the island. Raymond could see that this person is only a Disk Formation leveler in the low realm.

But, the pressure that he gives out is like a pressure of meeting a beast. He knows many powerful people in this world.

This person must not be an unknown person. But who is he?

'Is he….' There is something that Raymond had thought of.

'What?' Katarina ask. Raymond did not finish his words. Maybe, because he himself could not believe what he thought in his mind.

'I don't believe this. This is impossible' he suddenly said. Katarina is puzzled by Raymond reaction.

Raymond has some speculation in his heart

But he dares not utter it because it feels so absurd.  So, he looks at this man once again, this time focusing on the detail

This giant of a man is walking step by step. Each step, a few dozen feet is traversed, the space around him seems to bend and stretch but this is not teleportation.

This island seems to ban teleportation. To be more accurate, it restricts certain space properties making them only able to use their speed but not teleporting between one space to another

Raymond keep looking at this giant, Sofia readied her bow.

The imposing figure of this giant seems to grow larger and larger as he comes closer toward them.

Raymond and Sofia both quickly understand this giant of a figure thoughts.

This person must also come in because of the trident.

But instead of trying to find the trident, this man focused on them.

He did not seem to care that there are corpses all over and there is traces of battle in the distance.

So, this person simply wanted to kill all the competitor and then takes the trident for himself. This kind of approach is very straightforward.

Raymond does not know whether he should be happy or feeling unfortunate right now that he meets such a straightforward person at this juncture.

He is so close to getting that trident. As for him taking step by step approach, this is not because that person underestimates them.

They both know that this is is simply because this person is accumulating momentum, giving them the illusion like he is getting bigger.

He is tall with brick like muscles and the aura that he emanated from his body does not lose out to the powerhouse in the world

He did not wear any clothes, revealing his well-muscled torso and wide set shoulders, thick arms and somewhat out of proportion legs

His feet are far less heavily built than his arms yet it is about the same length.

Kaiju head, atop his bulky neck, is disproportionally small as well. Raymond look at all of this but when he saw the top of this person head, he takes a deep breath

He saw a massive pair of red dark sharp pointed horns coming out from the sides of his head. Curving slightly to the front then upwards.

And he is confident now

'Attack now!' Raymond suddenly shouted. Raymond face is very serious right now. Hearing Raymond shouts Sofia releases her arrows.

The arrow flies through the air.

Unlike before when she attacked the monster horde, there is only one arrow. But this arrow is pure concentrated energy shaped like an arrow.

That giant is only thirty feet away from them now. The arrow cut through space and time and arrive in front of that giant.

Sofia smiles.

Because she saw the arrow is in the range where it could no longer be stopped. No matter how fast this person is he could not catch it when it is only a few inches from him

But the conclusion of this attack was shocking.


A powerful shockwave exploded and dust rise sup into the air, the wind forms wind gales that cut through stones flying all round.

But, there is no smiles on Sofia face and Raymond face has turned solemn.

The dust quickly settles as fast as it rises. The arrow hit that giant of a person, but the effect was...lackluster.

The arrow whittles and breaks like an egg was thrown onto a steel wall.

That giant smiles

'You must be the Divine Archer Sofia. And the one with the broken golden armor must be Raymond the Earthshaker. I am Kaiju, the Captain of the Soaring Sun Pirates.'

He paused for a second before continuing saying

'The trident will be mine!'


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