Lord Shadow

Chapter 1409 The Death Of Villains

Raymond crash landed onto a hill filled with forest and monsters. The hill vaporized almost in an instant when he crash landed.

The trees disappeared in almost an instant, the monster did not even have the chance to run before being vaporized

His arms are melting, the bones turn into liquefied substance, golden blood splattered all over the ground.

He has difficulties breathing and each breath he takes is like inhaling acid into his lung.

The cracks created a wide crater but it is not deep. All around him is fire and ash.

Raymond as he crashes down spread the damage and impact in a controlled manner, causing widespread destruction all over but did not went deep to the ground.

He just lays there and tries to breathe.

On the other side, Stewmaker fall into a river, creating a large explosion that rocked the entire riverbed.

The entire river seems to rise up toward the skies as the impact forces the water to be displaced up toward the air.

Like Raymond, the explosion breaks the banks of the river.

Usually when such things happen, a large amount of water would spread out

But when Stewmaker crashed to this place the impact and the power of that crash disintegrates the water into gas

And even the gas did not have a chance to merge with the clouds before it was swept away by the powerful force that attacked Stewmaker

It soars into the sky, pierces the clouds and disperse in the high clouds.

Right now, the Stewmaker is at the bottom of the river, his chest caved in, a hole on his neck, energy leaking out from him from every orifice.

Around him there is no water, only dust. Even the stones at the bottom of the river turns into dust because of the pressure.

He seems to look at the sky, thinking of something, then taking his last breath.

Slowly he closes his eyes and dies and his body disintegrated almost immediately. This seems to be the backlash of his power

Then the water from high places comes down and washes this dust

One of the most fearsome people in the Cartel died here today in an unnamed island.

As for Nana she falls on a clearing on a forest. The impact causes a blast wave that flattened the entire forest around her.

It also depressed the land to ten feet downwards. The monsters in this forest also could not escape this calamity, turning into dust.

Unlike Stewmaker, she did not have that much injury. But not much of as an injury as Stewmaker did not mean she is unscathed.

She is lying there on the clearing, surrounded by ashes of the forests around her. The blast wave is like fire as it turns every plants, every trees around her into dust.

She still has her hands but she could not move. The injury is to her energy. With each breath she takes, energy is leaking from her.

Raymond and Nana is the only one that survive that clash before.

Nana is opening her eyes wide. She feels difficulty breathing but she still wants to see the sky.

She thought of the battle.

She thought of her mistake. And then she smiles

Who knows what she thought of in her last moment?

Maybe, she smiles because she remembers certain memories of the past, memories before the Fall?

Or maybe because she felt that it is now futile to think about what moves she makes before because she is losing? Maybe, it is none of this and she smiles unconsciously.

To her, the battle is over.

But the battle is not yet over. Since she and Raymond is still alive, the battle is still ongoing.

Maybe that is the reason she smiles. She already knows the conclusion and she felt like it is a joke.

And so she smiles.

Or maybe…...just maybe...it is nothing relating to the battle. She is just there, lying on the ground, smiling, looking at the sky.

Nana has no energy and Raymond is injured but he could still move. Raymond took only five second to heal some parts of his body.

Then he got up, kicks the ground, and in three second he appears in front of Nana.

A sonic boom just sounded and he is already near Nana.

The trails he left creates a powerful ripples of energy that keep rippling across space.

He come closer to her and Nana could hear his footstep. He glowers over her and look down at her

Nana simply smiles. She made her bed long ago. She kills people and she is ready to be killed. Raymond did not say anything.

There is no need. He raises his feet and then stomp his feet on her head.


The sound shakes the sky above and create a mini tremor all over the ten kilometer radius.

Golden blood splashed to both sides of Raymond boot.

His boot is also filled with golden blood.

Like a watermelon beings smashed by a hammer…. that is what happens to Nana face. It was completely crushed and the meat of the face mesh with the soil underneath

The skull was instantly crushed and the teeth grinded into the ground because of the impact.

A headless woman with a smashed head. Raymond did not always kill people. But when he does, he does it decisively.

This is not the same Raymond who go to Comic Con every year.

That kid still lives.

But it lives deep inside him. And it rarely gets out

Raymond would not be able to become who he is today if he is not decisive in certain things.

He lives in a chaotic era. And those who live in this era, mostly, all of them have some quality that made them stand out from the rest.

Raymond look down at the corpse and he sighed

'Since you have killed many people, I believe you would have foreseen this' he thought to himself

Raymond did not feel pity much that he kills her. Only wish that things could have been different.

Another famous assassin dies today.

On the other side of the island, two people is stuck on a stony hill. Their feet and hands are stuck

Their body is full of holes and golden blood drips from these holes. The condition of these two people is very pathetic.

And right now, they are struggling to live.

The thing that is holding them in place is four arrows. Both of these people have arrows on the middle of their hands and on their feet.

Four arrows pierce their skin and nailed them to the hill. Floating in front of them, looking at them from five feet away is Sofia the Divine Archer.

Like the other two that fight Raymond, these two that is fighting Sofia is also heinous criminals. But unlike Raymond she did not know the name of these two people and their crime. But she did not care

The two people did not beg for their lives and Sofia did not say anything.

They have fought and the winner takes all. These people simply know that their time is up, they are struggling to try to release themselves but their energy has all but used.

But, even if there is a slight chance, they would not give up. Sofia look at this and she simply did not delay.

Unlike some people, she did not like to play around with her target.

A good target is a dead target.

Her eyes are cold, and there is no word to say. She simply pulls her bowstring and two arrows flies out as she releases the bow string.

The two arrows flew fast and accurate, piercing both of these people brain.

They twitched for a few second before dying.

The arrow is like an invasive energy as it pierces the brain and then melted into an energy force that melted the brain and then slowly melting down the two people bodies, turning them into a thick liquid that drips along the stony hill surface

Wherever these thick viscous liquid drips, it melted the stones of the hills, leaving a trail of this liquid

Sofia did not wait long to see what happened. Instead she goes back toward Raymond. She notices the battle

It is kind of hard not to notice with all that tremors and shockwave even reaching to the center of the island.

Raymond fought those people at the edge of the island.

She is on the center of the island, searching for the trident.

Since she had defeated the last two people and also already found the trident

It takes some time as she is flying in the air and could not manipulate the space here.

She landed and saw Raymond resting under a tree. There are small trees all over that is slowly coming out from scorched earth.

grass grows and life seems to bloom again in this area. She looks and saw how a large scorched area is quickly being filled with greens, from grass to trees.

It was like time was accelerated here.

The trees are all made by energy and uses the resource that is already in the island to create a true solid form

The whirring sound of the wind barrier is as clear as ever, the wind blows around the tree, the branches sways left and right, the leaves falls down to the ground or swept by the wind.

The sound of water in the distance, a river and lake could be seen. The terrain was changed by the battle between the three people, leaving a land of scorched earth.

But the moment the battle ended life seems to breathe toward this area once again, filling it with great vitality.

She walks toward him and only then she saw how much damage that Raymond took.

'Hey. You're alright?' she said as she crouches down, only a few feet away from Raymond. She looks at him and see his injuries.

Beside Raymond is the mace.

She looks at the mace and ask

'he is still not talking?'

Raymond only nodded. Sofia could see that Raymond is thoroughly exhausted. She wanted to say that he should have let her help.

But, she did not beat someone when they are down.

Right now Raymond is absorbing the energy of the world.

He had taken the pills he brought and that heals most of his broken bones and replenish some of his energy.

But the energy of a Disk Formation leveler is not easy to replenish.

So, he still has a few injuries, some are easy to heal, some takes a few more effort

Half of his face is now recovering. The fire that is in his body has also been calmed down. The Stewmaker has some methods to poison him, making him feel like he was burn inside out.

Fortunately, now that his two enemy are dead he could focus on healing himself.

Sofia look around the area. Her face slightly changed all of a sudden

There is beast horde that is now coming.

She could tell from the shaking of the earth.

'They sense you' she said. Raymond did not deny her words. Or maybe he is too tired to say anything

Sofia did not say any more unnecessary words. She began to act


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