Lord Shadow

Chapter 1405 Unexpected

'Then….it is quite worth it' Kaiju said, a smile on his face, his hair slowly rises up in the air and then


Powerful aura suddenly exploded from him.

Everyone around him was blasted away.

The clouds above his head opens up, the force rushes upwards to the sky, shaking the sky.

Mary took ten step backwards, each step creates deep indentation on the wooden plank, the footprints is clear.

​ The wooden floor of the ship is elastic precisely to avoid things like this from happening. But, the force of her feet nearly reach the breaking point of this wooden floor.

The sails flutters wildly and the ruins that is usually invisible glows on the sails, trying to repel this powerful aura.

Gray Becker stands on his original position, an ice wall floats in front of him deflecting the pressure.

His eyes are sharp and severe. He opens his hand and the cold air around him converge on his hand

A sword made of ice forms. And he grabs it and slash forward. The cold air deflects the pressure but Gray Becker has a serious expression on his face.

'he is getting stronger' he thought to himself.

As for Golden Face the red medallion floated up in front of him deflecting all of the pressure.

Even though, the face doesn't change, if anyone could see the face under that mask they would be shocked to find out that this person is really anxious.

Other people might not be able to see it but he is in front of the red medallion and he could see that the medallion is cracking.

'What a powerful pressure'

But as for the crew members, the force pushed them to the side of the ship. Some quickly fainted and falls down to the ground. Many foamed in the mouth.

Those who did not fall unconscious is kneeling, like there is a mountain on their shoulders pressing them down.

Kaiju then waves his hand.

A purple energy mixed with gold seems to envelops him.

before, Kaiju was half naked.

But now he dons a blue purple, feathered, sleeveless overcoat draped on his shoulders and below a lavender, tight fitting opens shirt with long sleeves

Upholding the shirts is a thick, white belt of laid rope festooned with a pair of white, hanging zigzag shaped paper streamers one would usually seen in some Shinto rituals.

As for his lower wear, it also had changed. It is a simple baggy pants of gray color, tucked below knees into simple, black boots.

There are characters that does not look like Kanji characters or even Katakana characters but have some sort of resemblance

Kaiju did not seem to care that he had created such a mess. Instead he flies toward the wind barrier.

The wind barrier crushes stones and anything thrown at it.

But as Kaiju fly and is passing through the wind barrier, the entire fifty kilometers radius of that barrier, one could hear the sound of something screeching, like the halting of something heavy and big

The most unbelievable scene happens.

The Pirate Lord Mary, Gray Becker, Golden Face, the pirates that is around this side of the island could all see something unbelievable happened

As Kaiju was about to enter the wind barrier, the wind barrier seems to be halted

Golden Face look at this with shock. If he removes his mask right now, his expression would be really comical.

The wind stops and halted as Kaiju pass the wind without any injuries.

Then the wind started again but the screeching sound still lingers. Golden Face saw this scene and so does the other

They really don't know what to say. They simply could not believe it. Is there such a method.

'Kaiju' Golden Face muttered to himself.

'There is something about him. This is not just simple power' Golden Face could tell that Kaiju must have many secrets

He is quite sure that in that moment, it felt like Kaiju was controlling the wind.

He reminded himself to put this person in the list of high interest person in the confidential files of the Red Table

This is another figure that would shock the world.  Golden Face look at Blood Mary and simply said

'I hope either one of our factions get the trident. As long as Raymond does not possess the trident, it is a win for my Crime Alliance' Mary nodded.

She has her own plans and it is better if they also have allies. They already have many enemies, there is no need to add another one needlessly

Golden Face did not have anything else to do here so he flies away quickly.

His heart is still shocked seeing what happened before. It did not take long before he arrives back at his ship.

But the moment he landed, his face beneath the mask become solemn.

There is someone on the ship that he does not want to see. Sitting on a wooden chair on the middle of the deck is a person.

This person had a bowler hat, wearing a tight fitted suit. Lean and tall, with hair reaching the back of his neck, neatly tied

And like Golden Face, this person wears a mask. Golden Face knows this person.

Mister Moscow. One of the representative of the Bratva.

It's never good news when this man appears. Golden Face landed but before he could say any words of greeting

Mister Moscow simply throws a letter. Golden Face reached out and grabbed the letter that was flying in the air

'I only came here for this.' He looks at the sky and sighed

'In a way, I am just passing by.'

Mister Moscow then rose to the air and fly away. He did not explain his intention and Golden Face did not expect it.

Mister Moscow is someone who ranked higher than him. Golden Face look at the letter and he frowned underneath the mask

Letter is the safest way to give a message in this era as another methods of communication could easily be cracked by the world powers.

And this is the Turbulent Sea. If any message is coming out from outside, it might be delayed.

'Still this is weird' When he saw Mister Moscow, he thought that the Red Table heard what he had done and wanted to summon him back.

He is quite ready to explain his action to the Table members.

But that is clearly not the case. If not Mister Moscow would escort him back and there is no need to give him any letter.

When he thinks about it again, even though he had sent the report, this is not the normal sea.

This is the Turbulent Sea. The message would probably reach the Red Table late. And even if the message arrived, the Red Table give him the permission to act unilaterally on this matter.

Then, it is really only to send him a letter? What kind of letter? And who is sending him one?

He opens the letter and then he frowns.

Finished reading it, he burns the letter with his hand.

He then went back to his cabin and lied down on his bed, his hand over his head. He had no mood in seeing the battle or trying to think who wins in the island.

Because the letter said a very simple words.

Loki is coming


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