Lord Shadow

Chapter 1404: Worth It

Chapter 1404: Worth It

Kaiju is a middle age man who have an imposing figure.          


Maybe that is due to his extreme height. Twenty-five feet with bulk of muscles that looks like carefully carved bricks.      

Just by standing there, he emanated a feeling of invincibility and he dwarfs everyone around him     

When Golden Face meets Bloody Mary, he looks like a dwarf when compared to Bloody Mary. But now standing beside Kaiju, Bloody Mary is the one that looks like a dwarf.      

Overly top heavy in builds, he did not wear any clothes, revealing his well-muscled torso and wide set shoulders, thick arms and somewhat out of proportion legs     

His feet are far less heavily built than his arms yet it is about the same length.      

Kaiju head, atop his bulky neck, is disproportionally small as well. But that is not the reason why Golden Face was speechless when he looks at Kaiju.     

On top of Kaiju head, he has a massive pair of red dark sharp pointed horns coming out from the sides of his head.      

Curving slightly to the front then upwards.     

'A horn?' he thought to himself.      

Kaiju has a longish face with a heavy, hairless brow ridge topping sharp. His eyes are yellow and green sometimes.     

Golden Face eyes narrowed.      


Golden Face has only one objective this time when coming to this sea. That is to make sure that the Trident falls into the hand of the Crime Alliance.      

But, then he had to move the goalpost because of the sudden appearance of the Earthshaker and the Divine Archer.     

It is not that they don't want to send some of the more powerful members of their organization to vie for the Trident     

But, they fear that if they move some of the more powerful members in the organization, the world powers would start paying attention to them.     

After all, the world powers know that unless there is nothing important, the Crime Alliance would not move their high end levelers.      

And at the time, when the decision was made to send people to the island, their only rivals and competitor to the trident is only the pirates.      

The pirates are disunited and those who have great power and influence is mostly at another sea.      

The Ten Pirates lords, rarely would sail out from their own sea. Most of them would just send some representative to try to get the trident.      

From what Golden Face knows only four or five Pirate Lords had come here today for the trident.      

As for the other five, they all send their representative and a few pirates to try to vie for the trident. The reason is simply because they don't know the true worth of the trident     

That is why Golden Face was confident that the trident would fall into the hands of the Crime Alliance even if they don't rely on the high end power of the Crime Alliance.      

Since, he might not get to fulfil his main objective, he at least wanted to gain some information.     

'Kaiju' he mutters to himself.         


Kaiju is the newest member of the Ten Pirate Lords. There are not many things that are known about him other than the fact that he is very strong      

And Golden Face did not have that much information about the Ten Pirate Lords as he was mostly in charge of information regarding the world powers.      

But since Kaiju is already here, he would try to see if he could gain any information about this mysterious pirate lord.      

The horn alone made Golden Face feel that Kaiju does not feel like a human. It is like, this is a creature.      

And that eye. Sometimes it glows yellow.      

Sometimes it glows green. He knows that when people become Disk Formation, they were many things that they could do.     

But, is there any needs to made eyes glows a different color? Kaiju did not notice that he is being watched intently by Golden Face     

Either he doesn't notice or he simply doesn't care.      

Kaiju look around the ship     

'This is the Bloody Mary, your ship?' Kaiju ask and the words coming out of his mouth is like a supersonic blast, the words heard by everyone and gust of wind escapes from his mouth pushing the wind of the sea     

The crew nearby were pushed to the edge of the ship. The plates for eating, the jugs of wine and beer, all kinds of furniture and things on the deck scattered to the floor.     

Some of the small structure cracks.      

'Small!' he said and he seems to laugh     

Gray Becker suddenly move forward.      

'This is not the Soaring Sun. Control your voice' saying this the temperature quickly dropped and the wind around them seems to turns cold.     

'Gray Becker' Kaiju turns his gaze toward Gray, his eyes are bloodshot but he sneers and did not say anything else.      

It seems that Kaiju respected Gray a bit. But, Golden Face could see that there is a trace of fear in Gray Becker eyes.     

Other people might not see it but he saw it.      

Surrounded by these powerful figure, Golden Face looks like an insignificant character.      

Compared to any of them, Golden Face has only a Seed Forming realm. He is not like Bloody Mary that could fight a person of a higher realm than him     

As for Gray Becker, he seems to have reached Disk Formation but it is hard to tell. But Kaiju is certainly a Disk Formation realm leveler.     

He would be someone that these powerful people could simply ignore.      

However, even if these powerful men and women wanted to ignore him, they couldn't      

Because he had the medallion.      

And that medallion is a symbol.         


  To many people it is a symbol of dread. And this reputation is forged with blood. It is as real as it gets.     

Crime Alliance might not be powerful enough to shake the world powers, but they sure as hell could fight any other faction and forces in the world and win.     

Don't look at their record of being beaten by the world powers and underestimate them.      

The Crime Alliance is the unified organization of criminals.      

It is the gathering of the most terrible and terrifying people in the world.      

There are brutal psychopathic killers, demented crime lords, terrifying and fearsome characters in that organization.     

Once they select a target, they would take it down by any means necessary.      

Unlike the world powers, they have no such thing as mercy, or moral consideration on what means they would use.      

The only reason they play nice and enforces rules among them is because they don't want to kill each other and then become prey to the biggest predator in the world which is Death Monarch.      

Whales fight against whales, and shrimp fight against shrimp.      

And among the shrimps, Crime Alliance is the most dangerous shrimps. That is why even though Kaiju is very reckless, he did not attack.     

He only raises his eyebrows; his eyes look at the red medallion.      

All the while, these pirates looks like they were about to fight with Kaiju, Golden Face is looking at Kaiju. It was like he wanted to remember every details about Kaiju in his mind.      

Kaiju only took a glance at it but he snorted.      

Kaiju then walk toward the helm, each of his step shakes the ship.      

It is not intentional on his part instead because of his height and weight, even the ship which is powered by magic and energy stones could not help but be affected.      

One could only wonder what would have happened if Kaiju walk on normal battleship before the Fall with the power he has now     

Probably even a battleship could not endure his weight and splits into two. Bloody Mary walk behind him with Gray Becker walking beside his captain.     

Golden Face walk behind all of them, not daring to come to close.      

As for the rest of the pirate, they are in state of vigilance.      

Most of the pirates here probably know the terror of Kaiju.      

That is Golden Face speculation as he saw that everyone that Kaiju had passed had a certain sense of fear toward Kaiju.      

Kaiju black hair did not move much even when it is being blown by the wind     

His black hair consists of an unruly, mostly swept-back mane down to his mid back.     

This form a distinctly flat, rectangular locks of which some of the hair fall down near the front, over his ears or jut upwards         


And he also has facial hair. A wavy, waist length Fu Manchu mustache that pairs with a spiked goatee across his chin     

He looks at the wind barrier in the distance, his face is frowning, moderately wrinkled.      

'Earthshaker and the Divine Archer. This is a formidable opponent.' He said. He then looks at Mary and said     

'You did not lie to me? The trident could control all the Ten Seas?'     

Mary then look back, her gaze rested on Golden Face.     

'He said it to me. I don't have the power to fight against both the Earthshaker and the Divine Archer. But, you can. Win this for us'     

Smiling Mary then said     

'Let those world powers stay on land. Let those gods stays in the Heavens. But let carve a dominion of our own. The Ten Seas ruled by pirates'     

Mary after knowing the true power of the trident already had a plan. It is a plan that would probably be approved by all of the Pirate Lords.      

The World Powers, let them have the Earth.      

As for those gods, it refers to the three Divine Comprehension leveler, Death Monarch, Time Monarch and the Illusionist Archmage.      

Even Mary in her short career as pirates, had never met any of those powerful people. Even Raymond and Hirate, these two pillars of the World Government, she had never seen them face to face.     

These people live in an entirely different world for them. The level of power they have made them distant from normal people of this world.     

Of course, normal is a relative term.      

As for Death Monarch, to pirates like Mary, it was like he is a myth.      

Everyone who survived the Weronian war and fought in the Multiversal Convergence knows how powerful Death Monarch really is.     

Mary also fought a few Otherworlders during the Multiversal Convergence. That and a variety of sea monsters.      

Sometimes, when she thought of those days, it still gives her the chills      

But a swipe of Death Monarch sword light sweeps the world.      

She was at the other side of the world at that time, but the sight of a titanic figure of Death Monarch that seems to block out the sun, covering the whole skies was something that shook her to her core.     

To think that humans could reach such a level of power that is beyond her imagination.     

It was at that time that the world understood one thing.      

Death Monarch could not be considered human anymore. He is a completely different being than them.     

And then Jean and Hikigaya also shows up and shows the power they possess and the whole world finally accepted that while they might think themselves as humans, they are no longer just human     

They are something else.          


And if one reaches the level of those powerful figures, it was like they are born again and in that rebirth, a qualitative change happens to their life form.     

It has been six months since the Multiversal Convergence but each time Mary recalls that day, she felt her powerlessness against these beings.      

  A sword to calm the world and eradicate all evil!     

At that time, Earth was not as big as it is today.      

But, Mary is quite sure that even if the world had expanded, that sword that Death Monarch uses, he could still use it and attack anyone he wanted in the world.      

And then there is Jean who could be seen all over the world after the Multiversal Convergence.     

That ability of his shocks the world. Even when it is hard for other people to teleport and fly the distance all over the world, Jean shows that such limitation could not restrict him,      

his Time Avatar seems to surprise the world.      

As for the Illusionist Archmage, he is in seclusion all day, rarely one sees his face. One thing that Mary notices, is that when these beings reached a certain level of power, they do not care that much about stuff.     

Death Monarch usually sit on his black throne in Pandemonium.      

If not there, he would travel from some other dimension or going to outer space.      

He rarely makes a move to fight against the factions of these world, his approach is more of a hands off.      

Unless you are stupid enough to provoke this Death God, Death Monarch usually would be too lazy to deal with you.     

To Mary, these beings is like Gods in the Heavens.      

You don't bother them; they won't bother you that much.      

Even Jean, even with his position as the Left Chancellor of the Republic, he himself rarely take a shot personally.      

He would send his people, the soldiers of the Republic but the amount of time he shot personally could be counted in one hand     

Of course, all of this is after they reached Disk Formation.      

Because of this, Mary is quite sure that if the trident is in the hands of the pirates, they could divide the world into three.      

The Heavens and the sky, the affairs of mortals, let's these powerful beings governs it. The land, let the world powers hold it     

As for the sea, let give it to them, the pirates. But the condition for these separation to work is for the pirates to have a certain degree of power     

Something that could get them into the negotiation table. Before, they do not have it. But now…. if they play their cards right, they could sit on that negotiation table.      

Mary herself is not that attached to the pirate community. Still, in the end, she is a pirate and is it wrong for her to fight for the faction that she is in?      

It is not wrong at all.      

The Pirates might not have an alliance like the Crime Alliance but they do have a meeting when something big happens.          


She would invoke her rights as one of the pirate lords to call another pirate meeting.     

Kaiju on the other hand did not react that much after hearing what Mary had to say and her ambitions      

He might look like a monster, but that does not mean he had the brain of a monster. He fought the battles and then give the benefits to all the pirates?     

  What is this? This is not pirate behaviors at all. It looks more like the action of those hypocritical leaders of the World powers.      

Mary then said     

'You will have the full support of all the Pirate Lords. And Kaiju, I don't know much about you. But I am pretty sure that you would not like it, if the trident falls into the hand of Earthshaker. If he has the full control of the sea, you could only imagine how powerful he would become. Then, the sea could not really become your sea anymore'     

Kaiju did not answer but he snorted     

'We'll see' Mary knows that her plan is not exactly perfect.      

But right now, there are only a few pirate lords here.     

  Some of the pirate lords that are here is pirate lords that have bad relationship with her.      

Some of them are not powerful enough to fight against the Earthshaker.      

Even Mary herself is not confident to fight against the Earthshaker     

Raymond the Earthshaker is not someone with a false reputation.      

He might not be leading his Golden Army right now but even without his soldiers, he alone has powerful individual battle strength.      

Kaiju is the only one that is here in the Turbulent Sea and have enough ability to at least fight with the duo of Earthshaker and Divine Archer.     

Mary could attest to this because she had experience the power that Kaiju have. Kaiju then look toward Golden Face and said     

'Does the trident have that much power'     

Golden Face nodded.      

'If you lie, I would take your head' Golden Face simply said in a calm tone     

'That is understandable.'      

Then Kaiju once again look at the wind barrier and his smile become bigger     

'Then….it is quite worth it' he said.      


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