Lord Shadow

Chapter 1364: An Old Acquaintance

Chapter 1364: An Old Acquaintance

Azief opens his eyes. 

    He saw the ceiling and then he got up almost mechanically. 

    'I didn't think morning would come so fast' he mutters to himself. 

    He went to the window and opens it taking the breeze of the sea in the distance. 

    Azief had tried to sleep last night and he did sleep. 

    In his sleep certain thoughts are being rearranged and certain subconscious memories floated up

    To beings of his level, sleeping is not simply to gain energy but also to sort out his thought. The stronger you are, the more you think and that is not always a good thing

    Azief went out of the room and he saw Katarina.



    Katarina smiles and said

    'Want to have a breakfast? I think they prepared quite the feast' Azief was about to answer when he senses something

    His eyes narrowed and he look toward the east. His Divine Sense exploded and in almost only a second, his Divine Sense enveloped the entire island and he could finally see it

    Something is approaching the city. And it is approaching it fast. In the distance there is a storm of electricity in the middle of ocean and a trail of a golden blurry figure

    He smiles

    He looks at Katarina

    'I think I have to take a moment'


    'An old friend had just come' Azief did not explain what he said before he rises from the ground and fly off through the corridors a then quickly exited the residence, flying to the sky in almost a second.

    Katarina white robes flutters. 

    The maids and the workers in the City Lord residence was all shocked. Azief flying create supersonic boom and so how could Arthur not hear it. 

    He immediately went out from the dining room and could only saw that Death Monarch had already flown past the City Lord residence.

    He was actually waiting for Death Monarch. Last night, he had hold the Sword of Humanity in his hand and he fears to let go of it.

    He also found out that as long as he holds the Sword of Humanity, it felt like his energy is unlimited, as vast and as boundless as Heaven and Earth

    His connection with the Will of Heaven strengthened and his Divine Sense has become incomparably powerful that his Divine Sense could even see far from the city and goes to the Turbulent Sea. 

    Of course, because of the weird properties of the Turbulent Sea, his Divine Sense is disturbed a bit. But Arthur is quite sure if he is in any other places of the world, his Divine Sense would have no obstruction and he could easily watch everything like he is the Heaven and Earth

    It is addicting feeling such power in your hands

    Bu, it is not all rainbows and sunshine. 

    When he holds the sword, he could also feel in general the will of humanity.

    The good and the bad. Holding it too long could drove someone crazy. 

    If not for the fact that Death Monarch had bestowed him with the sword personally, holding it without permission could truly made him crazy

    The Sword of Humanity has its own will. And so when morning came he was waiting for them in the dining room. 

    He wanted to eat with them and also ask Death Monarch question and tips.

    Imagine his surprise right now. 

    He had a determined face. Beside him is Ahmad who also follows him out of the dining room. 

    'I'm going to follow him' 

    Arthur said as he brought out the Sword of Humanity. 

    The moment he brought out that sword, powerful energy engulfed him and that familiar sensation of being full with energy course through his entire being. 

    he flew up in the air

    Arthur momentum was so powerful that he created trails of energy behind him like he is some kind of plane fighting trailing through the clouds


    The sound echoes all over the city as two figure fly in the sky. A second later, from the clouds, snow fall down.

    It is clear the snow is not natural. 

    Another figure exited the city lord residence, leaving only a white blurry figure in the sky which is even harder to spot

    And wherever this figure passes, snows fall down. So, this morning there is a weird weather in the city of Arturia

    Some people wo woke up early open up their window only to be surprised seeing snow falling down from the sky.

    A tropical island…...having snow? In the area where that white figure flashes by, the temperature dropped rapidly like the winds of winter had just blown by

    This white figure that follows the golden flashes in the sky is none other than Katarina

    After Arthur flies out, Katarina follow behind. She was just as curious as Arthur on why Azief suddenly leave the residence.

    Was it an enemy? She knows that Azief said that it was an old friend. But, Azief always likes to speak with meaning. And he sometimes does call his enemies old friends. 

    Azief is like that and she is worried about him. If it's his enemies, then two is always better than one

    This morning the city look more deserted than ever before. Some district become almost empty.

    Azief on the other hand did not see the empty district. Instead his eyes are looking at the port. Near the port there is a storm and that storm is dissolving

    Azief could see that the storm was man made and was not natural. Someone had caused that storm.

    And in that empty port with no ships or boat, there is someone waiting there, with a smile waving his hand towards him. 

    Azief did not take long before he landed on the group a few feet away from that person. 


    He landed on the ground and laughed almost immediately. He is clearly happy

    In front of him, only five feet away from him is Will, clad in golden lightning that is slithering all over his body. 

    'It has been a long time since we have seen each other. I'm glad you are not dead' Will said before he come close and pull Azief with a hug.

    'Hell, I told them that you would survive' he said. They broke their hug and Azief could not help but have a big smile on his face

    'Where's the other?' 

    'They're coming but they are not as fast as me. And there is a lot of complication. They are not me falter all' he said a bit braggingly.

    Azief could only laughed at this. But then he felt a bit tingling on his hand and he look at his hand and sighed.

    Azief shakes something from his hand.

    It was the kinetic energy materializes as a lightning arcs that snake to his hand

    'Maybe, you should tone that down a bit' Will finally notices all he lightning that is slithering all over his body, the kinetic energy that is coming of him and he simply said sheepishly

    'Ah, forgot about that. I was so used to it by now. Wait a few second'

    Will then shakes his body like he is shaking his body after a bath and slowly the force around his body is calming down

    the golden lightning that is floating and slithering around his body had also calm down. Azief was about to ask something else but before he could even say anything someone else landed on the port.

    Will raised his eyebrows. 

    Azief did not have to turn back to know it is Arthur. 

    He had noticed that Arthur had followed him from behind before but at that time he knows Arthur might just want to contribute a bit to him so he did not say anything

    And he thinks it is a good way to introduce these two. 

    Azief then pointed toward Arthur and said.

    'Will, Arthur. Arthur, William' The moment that Arthur arrived and landed down, he knew he had misunderstood.

    He brought the Sword of Humanity because he thought that he enemy of Death Monarch is coming. It is a reasonable assumption to make. Death Monarch has many enemies.

    And everyone knows that he is at Arturia right now. Of course, Arthur is not so conceited that Death Monarch would not be able to handle his enemies and would need his protection

    This is simply him trying to make himself appear useful. And he also wanted to try the Sword of Humanity on someone.

    But when he saw that golden flash and the golden lighting all over the young man entire being, he knows that this is the famous Will the Golden Speedster

    It is hard not to notice and Will the Golden Speedster is a recognizable face. Everyone knows that Loki and Wil is kind of like brothers to Death Monarch. 

    'Will the Golden Speedster. It is an honor' he said

    Will on the other hand look at the sword that is being wielded by Arthur.

    'The Sword of Humanity' and he frowned. Then Will look at Azief and sighed

    'I know you must have a good reason for forging such a weapon using the Heavenly Will. Most of the time, I would never question you. But this….'

    Azief smiles and said

    'Don't worry. I'll explain it to you' 

    Will however shakes his head and said

    'Forgive me, where is my manners' he said to Arthur. He was so preoccupied with the sword that he forgot to reply to the greeting

    'I have read a lot about you, Arthur Foster. The people outside of the Turbulent Sea is paying attention now' Arthur frowned. 

    He expected as such but hearing it confirmed had only increased his anxiety. 

    But then Will added.

    'however with that sword, I think you will do just fine. I am also interested in touring this city of pirates' he mutters and then nodded like he had ended the conversation

    Azief turns back and look at Arthur and said

    'You go back first and tell Katarina that I would return after a few hours. I want to catch up with my brother' He could see that Katarina had already stopped in the air. 

    In the middle of the city, there is a patch of clouds that is raining down snow. 

    And floating below that cloud is Katarina. Unlike Arthur, she had stopped when she saw the storms and the golden streak on the sea.

    She had deduced that it is Will. 

    So, she simply stopped there in the sky and did not come down from the sky or go further to their meeting place

    Katarina did not know Will that much. But she knows that Will is Azief sworn brother and she knows that this is a reunion between brothers

    then he turns to Will and then with a smile he said

    'What about another race? To that mountain in the distance' Azief pointed toward a tall mountain that reaches the clouds in the horizon. 

    Will laughed and said

    'Another race. The last race is thrilling enough'

    Azief laughed and simply said

    'This time, let's not break the barrier of Time and Space' They look at each other, and then like all those time that they have lost are inconsequential, they laughed together.

    Azief then said.


    Will count the next one


    Azief count the last number



    A powerful sonic boom erupted the moment the count ended. Leaving Arthur alone in the port area he looks behind him and he could only see trails of wind, fire and lightning all over the ground.

    And in the distance a black blurry figure intertwining with a yellow blurry figure. 



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