Lord Shadow

Chapter 1363 Blood Sea

Chapter 1363 Blood Sea

  Then there is the Order of Thinkers. 

  Like the League of Freedom, they are also did not send any ships toward the Turbulent Sea. 

  There is many reason for why they did not send ships to the Turbulent Sea but one of the greatest factor is because they bordered the Blood Sea

  The Blood Sea is one of the Ten Seas. The Ten Seas also refers to the Ten Mystical Seas.

  Some of the Seven Seas is included in the Ten Seas and some are not. If the Turbulent Sea is the most mystical sea, then the Blood Sea is the most terrifying. 

  At certain times, the sea would turn red and thick like blood. Of course, if this is only thing it does it would not be listed as one of the Ten Seas.

  Some people notice that when the Seas turns red, people who have weak mental ability would be enchanted. 

  Some went crazy, and some went mad. Bloodlust would surge in them and they want to kill people

  There is a negative energy coming out of the sea each time it turns red. And if that is not all, the water become thick and it would be like sailing on mud.

  Then there are also the apparitions that appears

  This Blood Sea always appeared at night though there is no fixed time. There are a few times that it appears in the morning

  Before the Multiversal Convergence, the Order of Thinkers had always been a little bit reclusive compared to the other world powers

  Now, they are even more so.

  With the Blood Sea as the barrier, they could easily repel enemies even without investing too much in defense. 

  But, they also have to find a way to shield their mind from the harmful effect of the Blood Sea. 

  The Order of Thinkers also did not have too much population compared to the other world powers and as such they do not have the same kind of problem like the other world powers. 

  But that did not mean they did not have any trouble. Every day, the apparition from the Blood Sea would attack them so they had to deal with that

  And probably the other reason why they would not send shop to Turbulent Sea is because they would not find trouble for themselves 

  There is something that was revealed during the Multiversal Convergence. It was that the Order of Thinkers was experimenting with humans. 

  And Pandemonium very much frowned on that. 

  It is very clear that Death Monarch wanted to pursue the matter of human experimentation. 

  The matter had already been sent to the World Council and if not for the fact that Death Monarch had went to the Seresian world, they would be in trial by now

  The Order of Thinkers are not savvy politicians. They do not know the intricacies of global politics, mostly concerned with their research in the ends of the world

  But they are learning. Their decision to not send any ships to the Turbulent Sea might come from a place of wisdom. 

  The League of Freedom, the Order of Thinkers both of these two world powers appears to not want to attract attention 

  Especially now that Death Monarch had returned. 

  Then what about the Lotus Order?

  The four world powers propped up by Death Monarch might be rivals but they are at times also allies. 

  There is a distinction between the original Three Great powers and the current Seven Great Powers. 

  The four Great Powers propped up by Death Monarch could feel it and as such as a means of survival, these four world powers while at the same time competing with each other they also at times could band together and work in solidarity

  This is not because they are good people or that they have some kind of deep friendship between each other but it is a method necessary for survival in the cutthroat politics of the world

  Since those two powers did not send any ships or delegation to the Turbulent Sea, the Lotus Order also did not send any

  But it is not out of disrespect as the Lotus Order did not have an antagonism toward Pandemonium.

  Compared to the other world powers, Lotus Order did not have that much of a conflict with The Three Pillars.

  The reason for such inaction is because the severe internal problem of Lotus Order right now 

  Lotus Order is a serpent with many heads. 

  Some people might think that the Wei dynasty controls the Lotus Order but that is not exactly the truth. 

  Asian continent of which the Lotus Order is in charge of is full of great heroes and heroines, there are many intertwining powers and formidable factions and organizations all vying for controls, influence and power

  In a way, it is almost like the Lotus Order is the representative of Asia but the words they say does not reflect the true Will of Asia. 

    Pandemonium, World Government and Republic all have one thing in common. And that is a monolithic figure of power.

  League of Freedom while they do have Narleod is charge, he is not the only one that could make decision for the entire force. It is the same for Order of Thinkers.

  But in Pandemonium, Death Monarch words are the law. 

  In the World Government while it is true that there is the Quorum Council, at times of emergency, the President is given emergency power enabling him to enact all kinds of law, mobilize the entire military of the World Government, superseding the will of the Quorum.

  It is the same for the Republic. In time of emergency, the Senate restriction are lifted and the High Chancellor is given unlimited power. 

  It is not that the other four great powers did not want to create such environment where their words are the only law but it is not possible 

  Pandemonium could have done that because the one in charge was the strongest person in the world. It also helps that he takes over a continent that is empty and make it his power base.

  Nor are they the first like World Government who have won the trust of their people. Or the Republic that came second. 

  The Lotus Order is established during the Warring Period. 

  And while one might say that the Warring Period has ended, there is still any skirmishes all over Asia with warlords trying to expand their influence. 

  The former China is divided with many factions. 

  It is the same for Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam and many others Asian nations. 

  Some had even been wiped out and some still stay afloat fighting with warlords dividing the old country.

  The Lotus Order have the Lotus Conference every year where they would invite all the recognized warlords under the Lotus Order and vote on the policy of the current and future years. 

  Some more powerful warlords could even force the Lotus Order to rescind some restrictions or grant some rewards.

  In a way, the Lotus Order is like the Emperor and the warlords are like the vassals. Only all of these vassals are very powerful with their own military force 

  If not for the intervention of Pandemonium, these warlords would never bend their knees and lower down their heads

  So, the decision not to send any ships is not simply because there is history between Lots order and Pandemonium but also because they could not afford it right now

  With the expansion of the world, Asia also expands. 

  And one could imagine that in such a large expansion with what was once small nations in the past expanding to a size that is so large that it rivals and surpasses old continents, that some people have different thoughts

  In the past sixth months, the Lotus Order is disintegrating with many nations under it declaring secession. 

  There is a sign that it is once again entering the Warring Period era with warlords holding power. The Central authority of the Lotus Order is jeopardized. 

  And unlike before, Lotus Order could not just simply send an expedition against them as the distance between them have not increased hundredfold

  While these warlords did not attack Lotus order, sooner or later they would. 

  To legitimize the power, they would attack the Lotus order in order to won the approval of the other world powers. 

  So, how could the Lotus Order cares about sending a ship when their entire existence is on the verge of being annihilated

  They're delaing with their own stuff and even though what Death Monarch did is shocking, distant water does not put out nearby fire

  That is what is happening in Asia. And that explains the lack of movement from the Lotus Order.

  There is a world power that shares a similar structure of governance like the Lotus Order and that is the African Alliance

  The African Alliance did not have much contact with Pandemonium, primarily having more contact with the World government instead. 

  But they also know the importance of greeting the strongest man in the world and having him to show some goodwill.

  The Six Great Powers usually follows the lead of Pandemonium. 

  Even the African Alliance had to follow. Because when other powers follow and they did not follow, there is a great chance that they would be ostracized. 

  This is politics and everything is described in terms of gains and loss. There are no eternal enemies or a forever friend in front of politics. 

  Everyone knows that before his departure to the Seresian world, there were discussion that Death Monarch wanted to reorganize the world order once again. 

  But the African Alliance is not at a place where they could send a ship. Not only their realm of influence had expanded beyond their capacity to surveil it, they are also more divided.

  The African Alliance consisted of hundreds of kingdoms and nations in African continent. 

  Even before the Multiversal Convergence, it took a lot of effort to make sure that the Alliance did not break off

  So, even before the day was over, everyone that was paying attention to the world news knows that the four great powers would not send anyone to the sea. 

  And while these four great power had their own reason, the wheels of history move unceasingly

  Ships are sailing on the ocean, the destination is none other than one of the most dangerous sea that had formed after the Multiversal Convergence, the Turbulent Sea. 

  And just before the ships could sail from the sea, there was another news that shocked the Admirals. 

  Will the Golden Speedster had been seen running toward the Turbulent Sea

  These shocked the Admirals. Because everyone knows by now that Will could run so fast that he could even break through the barriers of time

  What they worry about is that the region that the Speedster is going is the Turbulent Sea.

  That place is filled with turbulent space time. If Will is not careful he could accidentally create a singularity event.

  Even if he could avoid that worse cases scenario, the Admiral worries that it could weaken the barriers of reality and created something like another multiversal Convergence. 

  But worrying about it is one thing. It is not like they could stop him. 

  But of course, they did not only worry about another portal being opened.

  The other worries are…...what is the reason the Speedster is so eager to meet with Death Monarch?

  Is there a scheme here? A conspiracy?

  With all of these uneasy feeling, the ships sail the sea


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