Lord Shadow

Chapter 1350 Help From An Acquaintance

Chapter 1350 Help From An Acquaintance

  The sword is floating there in the sky, the emanation of the energy fills the Heaven and Earth, purple and golden light seems to shine from its edges and its hilt.

  Then that titanic figure of Death Monarch moves his lips and his words echoes all over the world

  'I call upon the Heavenly Will to bless the Sword' 

  BOOOM! A thunderous roars echoes from the void. There is no lightning nor is there any thunder, only a heaven shaking roar.

  The clouds like it is being pulled by someone, flows backwards and golden light rises up from the ground and from the Heavens it rained down purple energy. 

  If anyone is looking outside of Earth right now, they would not only see the large movement of clouds, they would also see nebulous-like gases from the nearby planets seems to surge towards Earth

  These gases are energy made solid. Contain in it is the chaotic essence of the Universe, guided by the Heavenly Will. 

  The Observatory on the Moon detected this but could not send the report to the ground because of the emission of unknown energy that disrupted the communications. 

  But while the Observatory is an unliving things, the personnel on the Moon could see with their own eyes, these colorful energies that seems to come out of the Void of the Universe surging toward Earth. 

  And they could see that on Earth, there is a spot where it almost seems like the clouds of the entire Earth seems to gather there.

  Of course, such sight baffles and puzzles them.

  But even without the knowledge that Death Monarch had returned they could tell something big is happening on Earth right now. 

  Some of them yell

  'We need to report this to Main Command. The Observatory is down!' someone shouted and they quickly rushed to send the message to their respective factions and forces. 

  Meanwhile on Earth, the sword is being tempered by energy. Azief look at this process while also feeling the power of the Heavenly Will rising in an unprecedented rate

  The energy gathers on the sword. Azief could see the sword is vibrating and is about to crack. But each time it wanted to break, a thunder from the void would fall and fills the cracks. 

  It strengthens it each time

  As for the rest of the world, they are also very involved in the creation of this sword

  every living being that have energy in their body could feel a bit of their energy is flowing toward that sword. 

  It did not matter whether they were humans, animals, monsters or even inanimate objects. 

  As long as it has energy to give, the energy would flow out from their body and surges toward the sword

  But none of the living beings could tell that their energy is being extracted. 

  But in an island nation and inside a room filled with clocks, there are two people in the world that could feel their energy is being drawn out from their body

  It is not only the energy that is coming out but also a certain kind of intangible force. Luck and fortune also seems to be extracted for them, containing a bit of fate and destiny

  This kind of energy touches the very existence of the Laws of the world and affect the fabric of reality

  One of the people that felt this pull is someone in Moscow. Inside a room filled with clocks on the wall and even on the ceiling, there is a person who was floating in the air.

  Around him time seems to lost all of its properties. Particles that should be vibrating and moving stand still, like they were chained by some invisible force.

  This person wears a green robe with runic design. There are also all kinds of hieroglyphic-like words sew on his robes.

  And each one of these writing seems to come alive, glowing with beautiful colors and also emanating some kind of force.

  This man had long tied hair, and his face seems to be glowing with light.

  Time Monarch Jean!

  There is only one place on Earth that have this many clocks and someone who have so much mastery over the Laws of Time and that would be none other than Time Monarch

  Jean opened his eyes again and the time stream around him returns to normal. 

  He sighed

  Before, he had opened his eyes when Azief confront the Heavenly Will. At that time, he was alerted that someone is manipulating time. 

  So, he opens his eyes and he was cut off from his Wanderings. Now, he felt something different

  Time is not badly affected this time but it was more the ripples to the very laws that held this world reality.

  It is a power that seems to interfere with the very essence of the fabric of reality. He felt something had changed and something had been taken and given

  Jean slowly landed on the floor. 

  A vase containing a flower nearby suddenly wilted from its blooming state. 

  A bench made of wood which look like a brand new furniture suddenly crumbles down and turns into ashes like time had worn away all of its solid form.

    'Azief?' he mutters to himself like he was uncertain. Because the energy felt a bit different yet at the same time familiar. 

  He frowned. 

  Before, he had sense Azief. He had pretended not to realize it. 

  Death Monarch Azief might have many things that he did not have but no one in the world could manipulate the domain of Time unless Jean knows about it.

  He looks at the clocks on the wall and he sighed.

  'I just repaired it a moment ago' 

  He was silent for a second before he sighed. He slowly walked out from his Time Room. He closes his eyes and concentrate.

  Then he nodded

  'It is him. But it is a bit different. Is it because of the Heavenly Will?' he thought to himself and he believe that he hit the mark. 

  And once he understands it, his frowns become deeper. Because he slowly understands what Azief is trying to do. 

  Inside his body, all over his entire being, he could feel something is pulling his energy. There is this invisible force that is trying to pull away some kind of essence from him

  However, this feeling is subtle. 

  Like being bitten by small ants or stepping on air. If you do no pay attention or your senses are no developed enough, you might not even notice. 

  Unlike the other mortals in the world, he could choose whether or not, to give his energy. His energy is trapped in his body, it could resist the pull of the Heavenly Will

  This is one of the abilities of the Divine Comprehension. Of course, if the Heavenly Will had power surpassing Divine Comprehension level, Jean could not fight against such force.

  But the situation on Earth Prime is different. The Heavenly Will was born after great figures had already achieved great power. 

  Not to mention that the act of heaven punishing Death Monarch backfire leading to Death Monarch having one third of the Heaven Will. 

  The reason why the Heavenly Will could not impose upon people like Hikigaya and Jean is simply because the Heavenly Will on Earth is not complete.

  Jean look at the sky and narrowed his eyes. he could see the gulf that Azief had created and he could it thinning and the Heavenly Will Avatar is slowly gaining more power.

  'What is it that you are planning, Death Monarch? Why do you want to complete the Heavenly Will?'

  Other people could not understand but Jean could understand. In a world of magic, even inanimate object could birth a consciousness 

  It is rare but it is not impossible. Earth that has been struck by magical energy seems to have birthed a consciousness and this consciousness is collectively called the Heavenly Will. 

  Inside Earth and outside Earth, in the vicinity of the Milky Way, it spreads its tentacles. It is a Will born and growing, but incomplete and broken.

  It is incomplete because the operation of Heaven and Earth is not in order. What order that is…. Jean had some ideas.

  The base power of the Heavenly Will is this Earth, the magic energy contained in it that was able to birth a life

  As for why it is broken? 

  It is because of Death Monarch. 

  In the infancy of the Heavenly Will, Death Monarch trigger a punishment by the Heavens, by the Will of the Universe and the Will of Heaven

  Because Perfection must not be born and the only way for Death Monarch to exist while walking a forbidden path is to endure and overcome the punishment

  It could be called a penalty. 

  Azief endure the punishment, approved by the Heavenly Will and in that moment he usurped the authority of the Heavenly Will and so the Heavenly Will is broken.

  Today, it is already shocking enough to find out that Death Monarch had return to Earth. The more surprising thing was that Death Monarch is now perfecting the Heavenly Will

  'One day. That is all the time he needed to have to make a chaos all over the world' Jean said with a chuckle.

  He is quite confident that right now the Senate might be calling all of the Senator to discuss this issue.

  And it would not be long before they would also summon him. As for Boris…... he sighed for a second.

    'Should I help?' 

  Jean thought as he looks at the golden sky above his head. 

  His eyes narrowed and Time around him seems to reverses, the plants around him that was wilting blooms like it was morning.

  'I will ask explanation for this' Jean worries is unlike the worries of normal people. 

  Probably the only other people that is worried about Death Monarch completing the Heavenly Will is Hikigaya

  Nobody wanted to be subservient to some force or will of the world. Because that would restrict his own power.

  But, even then he decided to believe in Death Monarch

  'I think I will believe you'


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