Lord Shadow

Chapter 1349 Golden Sword

Chapter 1349 Golden Sword

  Although Azief did not speak in a roar nor does he speak in a loud voice, his voice penetrated the energy fields all over the world and the entire world could hear it.

  The golden light spreads from north to east, from north to south so that everyone could see the golden light of auspiciousness and could hear the voice of Death Monarch echoing all over Heaven and Earth

  By now, even if the people here did not spread the news, everyone in the world, unless they are in secluded cultivation or in some pocket dimension, they would know that Death Monarch had returned

  If this was in the past, the Six Great Powers would use all of their devices to quickly pinpoint where the source of those voice originates.

  They would already found Death Monarch by now and many great auras would rise up to the sky to contend

  But, this world is a brave new world. Surveilling the world, and having the eyes of the great Powers over all people is no longer feasible.

  One by one, in every parts of the world, great figures that shakes the world rises up to the sky and look at the Heavens

  The Golden color of auspiciousness seems to flow all over. If the weather was chaotic, then it is being calmed down.

  If it's night, it become day. If its day, the day become brighter. Powerful pressure enveloped the entire world. 

  Like a Saint preaching a sermon to the entire world, Death Monarch voice echoes and struck deeply in everyone heart. 

  The sky in every continent is covered with people, there were huge crowds in the sky in large cities. 

  All of the people that could fly, fly up to the clouds

  In secluded forest, powerful figures rose up to the sky, to not only try to find the source of this power but also to feel the Heavenly Will.

  Meanwhile, in Arturia, both Azief eyes right now is shining golden with purple streak shooting off every now and then. 

  His entire titanic Law Body seems to enlarged again that one of his feet is enough to cover up half the island.

  When something is so big that one could not even comprehend the largeness of it, some people mind could not compute this and fall down unconscious.

  It is like an ant looking up to see a human. That is how the feeling for everyone looking at this. The boundary between Heaven and Earth seems to be broken 

  But it did not herald the feeling of something evil is coming. There are no thunder bolts that is about to rain down on the city.

  Instead what they feel was life blooming all over. The Heavenly Avatar appears again. Azief could see it from the corner of his eyes.

  The Heavenly Will Avatar looks at him with a complicated expression. In that dimension of the Heavenly Will Avatar, the gulf that Azief had created is slowly dispersing.

  The Heavenly Will is getting stronger. The Heavenly Will Avatar could feel it and Azief also felt it.

  Today, Azief wanted to try one thing. He had his idea from the moment he slowly learned about his future. 

  And it is an idea that has festered since the advent of Disk Formation levelers where he could see how much damage a person could do to an entire world.

  A destruction that once require the might of nations to inflict could now be inflicted by one lone person.

  The world existence then had to rely on the sanity of the people living in it. 

  And as Azief had seen in many worlds before, there is always one that would be crazy enough to do things others could not.

  Azief had been thinking of this idea but at that time he lacks the power to materialize it. 

  Today, there is an opportunity. He would set up the first layout that would forever change this world. 

  He had a lot of time to kill when he was in the Seresian world. 

  In between learning new technologies, he also thinks about how to prevent or to change what would happen in the future 

  How to fight against fate and destiny?

  When he thinks about it, he knows the matter is too big for his mind to comprehend. 

  It is like he is a blind man walking in branching road not knowing which road leads to his desired destination. 

  Each branching road seems to converge into one specific ending. And he didn't like that ending at all. 

  So, when he is faced a problem which he does not know which is tails and which is heads, where the clue is almost nonexistent, when he doesn't know where to begin, the best thing to do is to advance step by step,

  If he takes a step faster than before, would it change something? He doesn't know but he is willing to try.

  And the Heavenly Will of Earth Prime fell under his calculation. The moment he returns he checks that first.

  He checks the Heavenly Will. 

  And now that his Time and Space laws had returned, and there is an opportunity, why not do a test run?

  Nobody knows Azief thoughts right now. 

  The people in the world could only see golden clouds and golden skies and hear that words echoing all over heaven and Earth

  They did not know from where this voice originates but when it comes to Death Monarch, there is not many that is surprised that he could do such a thing

  The vital force emanating from Azief Law Avatar resulted in great pressure to the city. 

  One could feel the vibration in the air, seeing the air ripples violently like it is going to tear itself apart.

  And they see something else that they have never seen before. Even Azief was a bit shocked

  On top of his head is divine phenomenon that arises from himself

  They saw a large Tree that extended out toward the skies and pierces the Heavens. On the trees there is six branches, each branch seems to emanate the power of creation and one could feel the vital force of Heaven and Earth

  Some people who looks at the tree become petrified not out of fear but like an understanding dawned on them 

  They enter a state of enlightenment. In each six branches there is three leaves in every branches. 

  And swirling amidst this tree that seems to have a branch with the essence of the source of creation, is fire.

  This fire seems to purify all evils and all impurities. 

  Azief did not need to look up to see all of this as he could see it with his Divine Sense. 

  And just seeing this he understood what he is seeing

  "Three Seeds Creating Leaves of Origins, Six Seeds Creating Branches of Creations, Nine Seeds Creating the Tree of Life, Ten Seeds Summoning the Purifying Fire"

  This is the manifestation of his Seed Formation accumulation of the past.

  That is why there is a tree surrounded by a pure fire, with six branches emanating the power of creation and in each branch there is three leaves. 

  Azief could feel his connection with the Heaven strengthened and there is a pull and push between his Will and the Heavenly Will. 

  It is fortunate that this is only a projection and this projection not materialized. Because if its, the laws of this world would experience great distortion 

  But that is not the only thing that appears. As Azief is stirring the Heavenly Will with his declaration, more and more divine phenomenon appears above Azief head. 

  He saw ten tall pillars piercing the sky. This is without a doubt signifying his Pillar Forming Stage, the first stage that a person goes beyond normal human abilities and stepping into a new world

  He then saw a golden violet orb spinning around the pillars and he could tell that this signify his Orb Condensing stage

  He saw the attributes of his Energy Disperse Stage, his Totem Image of Death the skull floating round a red soaked land with the scenes of people clawing from the depth of blood red soil

  He saw the Totem Image of his Time attribute, an hourglass of sand. 

  He saw all of it and more and more seems to appear, stimulated by the Heavenly Will filling the entire skyscape.

  Azief believe that only if someone could have a unique situation as he is, having the control of one third of the Heavenly Will and manipulating the Heavenly Will that such phenomenon could happen

  Azief took only a glance and did not look at it after. 

  But for the people below, it was like they were enchanted by it. Some who were practicing the same Law like Azief is gets an enlightenment.

  As most Laws that Azief had cultivated is high tier laws it could help inspire those who learns a basic tier laws or normal Laws.

  Some people who practices the Law of Fire could find inspiration seeing the Nether Law manifestation in the sky. Everyone that look up at the sky saw different things.

  Laws that underpinned realty is different in the eyes of each beholder. 

  Some people saw the essence of Time and their essence of Time is different from others.

  They were enchanted by the visions, enlightened by it. 

  Some even n breaks through to Disk Formation on the spot. 

  Most of these people already have sturdy foundation, they only lack the way to go forward. 

  After all, some people also wanted to comprehend their own Laws and not merely follows what the system told them.

  Some close their eyes and their energy began rising. Some look at it and screams. Whatever the case, Azief vision entranced them all. 

  Then Azief spoke and the enchantment of the divine phenomenon was broken from the minds of the people. 

  He shouted, and the whole world could hear his shouts

  'Heaven and Earth bear witness my words. Today, I would use the luck of the living beings in this world to establish the incarnation of Will of the people in the flesh in order to regulate the world.'

  Azief then held out his hand and in the sky, the Heavens cooperate. The clouds gathers by the tens of thousands, creating a large cloud that covers the entire city from above

  It looks like these clouds could swallow the entire city whole.

  Then the thunder roars like it was some kind of primordial beast that is being unleashed from its chain

  Lightning follows and the whole night was illuminated by the strikes of lightning that is a bright as the sun

  The thunder bolts began striking the clouds like a hammer smithing a ware.

  Even with the attack of the thunder bolts, the clouds were not destroyed. It did not disperse or split apart

  Instead, what happen was these large gathering of clouds solidified. 

  BOOOM! Each time the thunder bolts hits the clouds and as the clouds become even more solids, a powerful shockwave erupted with each strike.

  The air and the wind ripples violently and the emanation created a wave of sound that sound a lot like a sonic boom

  The clouds itself seems to be gaining energy and then the emanation of energy from this gathering of clouds began to rise.


  It erupted in the sky, a force of power that equal to a megaton of pressure that breaks the air and change the wind course all over the entire city

  Some buildings exploded because of the pressure. 

  The force swept the entire city and it forces everyone in the entire city to kneel down like they were in the presence of a King

  The pressure did not come from the titanic body of Death Monarch. Instead it came from the clouds. 

  And no one expected that it would be so powerful

  'What is this?'

  'What the hell?' some of the people in the city was perplexed at this sudden pressure. But this pressure did not kill them. 

  And it did not affect those who are of Pillar Forming. Before anyone could complain, another thunder bolt strikes the clouds. 

  This time, the thunder is a red thunderbolts possessing great power of destruction. 

  The Turbulent Sea seems to be pressured down by the red thunderbolt.

  The sound of the clouds being strike by the thunderbolts echoes all over the world, travelling through the world six times. 

  That is an amazing feat considering that Earth had become so much larger.

  Each time the thunderbolt strikes that clouds, the cloud become even more solid and the power it accumulated grew 

  And slowly that cloud takes a shape. Not many people could look up and see what is happening above them in the city

  Because each time the thunderbolt strikes the clouds, it created an explosion of light. 

  And this explosion of light is filled with power that unless you are Seed Forming level and above, you could not bear to look the sky without having your eyes being burned by this invisible power

  But to those who could withstand it, they could see with their eyes, what that cloud is turning into

  'Is that a-' one of the people seeing the clouds morphing under the constant strike by the thunderbolts could not even finish his sentence because of his shock

  The clouds turn into a golden sword. 

  Bathed in golden and red thunderbolt, the sword is tempered 


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