Lord Shadow

Chapter 1347 Giving The Means

Chapter 1347 Giving The Means

  The information streamed into their mind like they were watching a movie with great speed yet at the same time they still managed to catch each information. 

  Headlines, projections, reports, all of this enter both Azief and Katarina mind. 

  Katarina who was living in the Seresian world longer than he did, also found out what had happened. 

  If his mind is not reinforced Azief is quite sure this much information could make people go crazy. 

  Azief estimated that only Disk formation leveler or a powerful Seed Formation leveler with specialties in psionic force could withstand the bombardment of so many information all at once

  He looks beside him and could see that Katarina felt dizzy even though she tries her best to shake it off

  The information spans six months from events small and big and Azief mind is trying to compartmentalize these information, as he focusses more of the big news and event and he also found out what the Ten Seas means and the Ten Pirate Lords and the new terms that have sprang up since then, and the rise of many new factions all over the world

  The information is very orderly and organized and a few second later, Azief had finished downloading all the information. Katarina had also finished

  And her face is not good. Azief could understand. 

  Then he looks in front of him, looking at Arthur.

  'Your Excellency. Do you understand now?' Azief smiles a bit and he nodded. After looking at the information he now knows a bit why Arthur wanted his support.

  The Ten Great Seas while most of the seas that bordered the Seven Great Powers are still under the Seven Great Powers, even the Great Powers other than the World Government, the Republic and Pandemonium could not control what is happening in their sea.

  The sea is now too vast and it is hard to monitor it. Even if you sail with the fastest ship in the world you would not reach the other side of the sea even if you sail for another week.

  Not to mention that the sea is no longer so gentle and calm. 

  The waves are deadly and thirty feet tsunamis is the norm and not an anomaly. 

  If this happened in the world before the Multiversal Convergence, a thirty-foot tsunami would wipe out almost an entire continent

  But in the current world, it would even leave a dent. 

  Any populated continent or cities would have all kinds of protection formation from warding monster talisman to element manipulation protection. 

  And it is not only the waves that one needs to worry about when one enters the sea area.

  There is Deep Sea monsters and if there is a Deep Sea monsters, then that also means there are monsters that are not in the Deep Sea.

  There are whales that is the size of an entire continent, sea dragons, gigantic serpents, and even titanic turtles and crabs.

  Yes, crabs. Azief saw one in one of the information entering his mind., He reads a headline saying that a city was attacked by a giant crab.

  It took three Disk Formation leveler and a few dozen Seed Forming leveler to drive off that crab back to the sea

    If not for the severity of the matter in question, Azief would have laughed at how ridiculous and absurd the headline was.

  Then there is the Ten Seas

  The Ten Seas are called so because of the magical effect of these seas. 

  As for Arthur, after organizing the information he had, Azief could tell that Arthur had lost his power in the city and being pressed by the factions

  There is the Syndicate. The Golden Syndicate and the Dark Syndicate both are stretching their hands to the area of the Turbulent Sea. 

  There is also some operative of the Company. 

  Azief know this organization. 

  It is the organization that the World Government always uses to solve problems that they could not solve…. legally. 

  In a way, they are like the CIA, KGB, The Gestapo all combined into one only this one hold their allegiance to the highest bidder. 

  Azief was also surprised to know that some of the reporter of the White Owl is also here. 

  The White Owl is probably one of the most mysterious organization in the world, whose job seems to only disseminate information and knowing things that they should not. 

  From the information he got, the White Owl is in the process of creating a branch of themselves here. 

  Though unlike the other factions, they are not interested in fighting for the city interest nor does they want to control anything.

  They simply wanted to establish their branch to create something like a media company. 

  But of course, the most pressing issue for Arthur is the encroachment of the Crime Alliance. Azief also knows something new which is the Red Table. 

  A gathering of the most powerful crime families and criminals that decide the policy of the criminal underworld, and also settle disputes between criminal factions.

  The Ten Pirate Lords, the Crime Alliance, and a few other factions that had risen since the Multiversal Convergence all wanted a piece of this city

  Arthur is basically saying that he wanted to be a vassal city to Pandemonium. He wanted Azief promise of protection. 

  Everyone knows that when Death Monarch promises something, he would do his best to fulfil that promise. It is for this reason that Death Monarch rarely promise anyone anything. 

  'This information is not enough for me to give you protection. I think you know that' that is the first sentence that Azief said after he had got all the information.

  Arthur was not angry. 

  Because he knows that is the truth. 

  Even if Arthur did not give Death Monarch any information, after the faction of this city knows that it was Death Monarch that was asking for information, there would be droves of people offering information. 

  Everyone would want the strongest man in the world to owe something to them

  Then Azief added

  'I admit that you probably have more information than the others. You even slip in some information about Loki. Since you have someone working for Loki, you probably know more about him that the other factions and this is the source of your confidence. But…...it is still not enough'

  Arthur knows that Death Monarch did not necessary wanted to reject him. And he knows the reason why Death Monarch came to him instead of taking the offer that the Hanging Head is because what he offers was information about Loki.

  Loki has been gone for sixth months and even though the Six Great Powers put a huge bounty on his head, Loki head is not that easy to get.

  And he remains elusive to the world. The fact that he has this information and stressing to the Death Monarch that the Hanging head did not have this information is what won Death Monarch over to this side

  But he also knows that Death Monarch also wanted something else than this. 

  Like he said it is not enough. And what is it that is not enough?


  That is what he wanted. 

  Azief got up from his seat. Katarina on the other hand is closing her eyes. She seems to be thinking of something. 

  Azief looks at her and knows why she is acting like that. So, he did not bother her and let her collect her thoughts

  Azief then walk toward the windows and look out. From here, he could see the panoramic view of the city. 

  He seems to be waiting. Arthur then said

  'There is not a lot that I could offer that you did not have' Arthur begins. Azief did not say anything and he just listen. 

  'As Your Excellency might have understood, the Turbulent Sea is a very special sea. This is the reason why so many factions wanted to control this area. It is not that this sea is the most mysterious but it is one of the sea where it is full of all kinds of minerals'

  He paused for a second, like he wanted to emphasize it.

  Arthur tries to see if there is any change on Death Monarch face but he could only see the side profile of Death Monarch

  He is not brave enough to stand beside Death Monarch and look at Death Monarch face and look into Death Monarch eyes.

  It is hard trying to make a deal with this kind of person. 

  He then continues

  'New minerals and new resources. The minerals could channel energy, could become an insulator of magical damage and much much more. 

  'Who knows what one could find if we continue exploring this vast Turbulent Sea'

  There is still silent. This silent is not comfortable at all for Arthur. If it was anyone else, they would at least express interest.

  The energy stones all over the coast alone is enough to arouse greed but he knows he could not judge Death Monarch like the pirates the Crime Alliance.

  Pandemonium is one of the strongest organization in the world. And with the benefit of being the strongest, they are probably also the richest.

  Everyone knows that since the Multiversal Convergence, Pandemonium is now one of the largest continent in the world, the vastness is so humongous that it is sometimes even hard for the mind to comprehend. 

  One could only imagine the kind of resources that such a huge vast land would possess. 

  If the pirates and Crime Alliance could be thought of as rich merchants, then Death Monarch is a tycoon with immeasurable wealth

  Small benefits would not interest him. 

  Ahmad who was standing beside Arthur look at Arthur and nods, urging him to continue.

  Arthur then said

  'There is also all kind of spawning dungeons all over this island. There is a few thousand on the ground and that is only the explored ones. There is also thousands of them below the sea. This might interest you a bit'

  He takes a pause and then said

  'For normal people this place might be crawling for monsters but for soldiers, this is the perfect place to quickly raise their levels' 

  'It might not help once someone reaches the Disk Formation but before that, this place could give a lot of EXP to them. Pandemonium have a lot of generals who are high quality generals, having the power of Disk Formation, almost all of them in the peak realm. And I believe that Pandemonium also had grown a lot. I would not dare to speculate the dungeons there'

  Arthur knows that no matter how many resources there is in the island, it might not be as much as Pandemonium. 

  Pandemonium is one of the largest continent in the world right now. there is more land than people. 

  Even if one took thousands of acres of land for each one of the citizen of Pandemonium, there is still millions and millions of acres of lands that is unowned by anyone. 

  In that large vast land, there must be tens of thousands of dungeons that would spawn monsters. 

  So, Arthur did not dare compare this island to Pandemonium. But it is necessary to mention it to highlight the resources there is in this island. 

  'But, this island has resources that other places did not have. This has been verified by many of the faction that have make this place their home.'

  Azief still did not say anything

  'Give me an army, protection and each year there would be tribute of these resources' Azief who was looking at the view suddenly smiles

  'Now…. that is enough' Azief turns toward Arthur and look at his eyes. Arthur could only look at Azief eyes for a few second before looking down. 

  There is a certain pressure that is enveloping him just by Death Monarch looking at him. Azief then said

  'That is a good eye.' He paused for a few second and then said

  'This city would have my protection. As for the pirates…' and hearing this Arthur and Ahmad both become startled. They finally remember who they just made a deal with

  Death Monarch has always been a staunch defender of justice. That justice might not be the law, but it is justice. Of course, his justice in the eyes of some other people is a bit macabre. 

  Azief could see that both Arthur and Ahmad seem to become pale. Azief chuckles and then he said

  'They can come. But, they have to follow the rules. I don't think that this city has slavery trade, right?'

  Arthur is silent for a second but then he said

  'The Law of the city forbids it. But, there are some faction that engage in it. I could not stop them.' Azief look at Arthur and he nodded.

  He could understand. From what he knows about this city, it is very orderly. But while there is order, it lacks justice. This city is not the city for the weak. 

  He could tell that Arthur is man that is not evil. He knows evil. He had cut it so many times that even if he did not use his laws to see one past and future, his eyes could tell. 

  But, Arthur is weak. 

  And in this world, the weak could not even choose the way they die. A man that is trying to do the right thing, but lacks the means to do so.

  'You are weak' Azief said. Arthur could not help but look down even more

  'And the weak have no means'

  Then he chuckles. He looks at Arthur and he seems to have decided on something

  'Then, let me give you the means' 


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