Lord Shadow

Chapter 1346 Pray The Clouds Do Not Gather

Chapter 1346 Pray The Clouds Do Not Gather

    'Do not let the cloud disperse, and pray the clouds do not gather' 

  This is the prayers and wishes of the people of the city who looks at the sky after knowing Death Monarch is in the city

  Everyone knows Death Monarch methods of killing. He is so powerful that he could kill someone while he is sitting on his throne in Pandemonium.

  When he kills someone there is usually two methods he used that is famous all over the world. The cloud disperse and the sword come down.

  The clouds gather, and retribution thunder strikes. These are the two methods that is famous all over the world. 

  One must wonder how did the news of Death Monarch here in the city disseminated almost instantly. 

  While Divine Sense of many people are not that powerful, and become even worse after the Multiversal Convergence, humans have adapted to a world with magical energy. 

  From radio-like technology, to instant transmission like a phone, new kinds of communication devices have sprung up. 

  In fifteen minutes since Azief and Katarina identity is revealed, there were tens of thousands of pirates that have leave the city after getting the news

  The wanderers and the merchants also quickly leave. The factions that have attacked Death Monarch all have left the city

  If anyone goes to the district where these faction use to lord around, there is now an empty street. 

  These factions have set up teleportation node in their headquarters so they could easily transport themselves out of the city with the resources that they have gathered

  As for people who have criminal records or relationship with the Crime Alliance, they either catch a ride with some of the fleeing pirate crew or flew into the air. 

  While all of this is happening all over the city, Azief is now inside the City Lord residence. He is now sitting on a chair while drinking coffee

  He looks around, taking the site with a smile. 

  The hall is clean and luxuriously decorated with all kinds of painting on the wall from the tunneling hallways that he had passed before entering this main hall-like room

  He looks relaxed. Maybe, he is now accustomed to luxury as he prefers this kind of things.

  'Katarina spoiled me too much' he thought to himself as he chuckles a bit. 

  It a long hall decorated lavishly. And it has that medieval feeling to it. Azief had a weird feeling when he is looking at this residence. This residence is really large and tall. 

  He felt like this place has some kind of resemblance to his Pandemonium Palace

  Azief palace was a mixture of both modern and classic design. 

  Azief did not design his palace. 

  However, he does have an army of engineers, designers, architect that design and create his palace for him. 

  But the input of how the interior of his palace should look like has always been up to him. Of course, he took the advice of many designers before the Palace of Pandemonium become what it is today.

  He shakes his head, shaking the thought away. It felt like he is missing home. Maybe, because he is now back on Earth, and home is so close, he began to miss it.

  He misses Sina and their banter. 

  He misses her advice. 

  But, things have changed a lot. 

  Sofia…...he doesn't know what she is doing now. In a way, Sofia is like a heartache that he did not want to speak. 

  Then there is Loki, this mischievous little brother of his. 

  Since he takes the blame for the Multiversal Convergence, Azief knows that Loki is planning something. 

  He is angry at him. But he never could stay angry at Loki for a long time. To him, he is his little brother. 

  It is remarkable actually. Loki and him are people of two different nationalities, race but they were like brothers. Loki look up to him like a real brother and he looks at him as a little brother he never had.

  It is because of that relationship with Loki that he could suggest to Will to become sworn brothers and become even closer than real brothers.

  He sighed and said

  'Many things had changed. But also many things still stay the same' And there is a smile on his face

  when he enters this City Lord residence, it felt like he is stepping into a building during the Renaissance era. 

  But while it does have that feeling of classic architecture with tall high Roman columns at some places there is also an element of magic all over the entire City Lord residence

  The protection runes are basic stuff that is vital to any governmental building after the Fall so Azief did not look closely at that.

  But just in the room that he is in now have all traces of magic. Near the air vents, there is a snowflake shape diamond hanged on the air vents. 

  And these snowflakes shaped diamond seems to be able to blow cold wind like an air conditioner. 

  The light ion the chandeliers above him is also made from some kind of energy source that is different from electricity. 

  The hall itself is very long and there is an open space if you walk further forward from the hall. It is a long hallway, a round room and another long hallway.

  The hallway itself is not narrow but large and wide and have its own theme. Azief could tell that the one designing this put a lot of care in designing the residence.

  Even though it is called a residence, the entire residence is actually quite large and could probably filled thousands of people and still have space to left

  In the past such construction would take time and also took up a lot of land.

  But after the Fall, constructing thing is the easiest thing to do if one has an Architect, Designer and Builder class leveler to help built something.

  And as for land...it is in abundance. Imagine, a population that have seriously dwindle after battles with monsters, aliens and even otherworldly invaders from a parallel Universe is now living on a Super Earth whose size is even hard to comprehend. 

  A person could take hundreds of acres of lands for himself and even if every human in this world were to do the same, there would still be an abundance of land. 

  Azief thinks about this when he heard footsteps approaching the Hall. He turns to the source of the sound

  There is a middle age man wearing a very luxurious clothes coming toward the hall. This person had brown hair and there is a trace of tiredness on his face.

  He is tall and underneath that luxurious clothes, Azief could tell that this middle age man had muscly body.

  It did not look that obvious with his thick clothes. The moment that the person saw Azief, he bows a bit and greeted him

  'It is an honor to meet you, Your Excellency' 

  Azief only nodded. And he also greeted Katarina

  'It is a pleasure to also meet the most beautiful woman in the world' he said as he bows toward Katarina. Katarina just nodded

  For both Azief and Katarina, they have been accustomed to people giving them compliments, bowing their heads and all of these kinds of things so there is a natural grace in the way they respond to these kinds of acts.

  Azief look at this person and he simply ask

  'You're Arthur?' he nodded.

  'I got someone named Arthur in my employ. Humm. What a coincidence' But he did not laugh

  And he did not smile. And Arthur knows not to be too enthusiastic in front of Death Monarch. What he said does not always means anything. 

  So, Arthur only nodded

    Beside Arthur is Ahmad. 

  Arthur quickly introduce Ahmad to Azief and Katarina. 

  After that there were silence. Azief did not intend to usurp the host position and keep drinking the coffee. 

  He takes a sip of it very slowly.

  Azief then look at Arthur and Ahmad and saw that they still did not sit and then he chuckles

  'You can sit, you know.' 

  'Thank you, Your Ex-'

  'Just called me the way the world called me'

  'But…. I….'

  Azief just shakes his head.

  'Call me whatever you like then' Arthur finally heaved a sigh of relief

  Arthur and Ahmad then sit down. 

  Arthur could be confident with many people but sitting face to face with Death Monarch is still something that made goosebumps rise all over his body.

  There is a trace of awe and disbelief and fear. 

  This person in front of him right now is a legend. 

  A person whose words could turn the world upside down, a person who could change the world order as long as he wished it

  Arthur might still have his innocence as that young man who used to want to become an architect. But…. he also likes power. 

  Those who have tasted it would find it very hard to let go it. But, he is not drowning in it, or lose himself in it.

  He is still quite clear with what he has to do, what he should and what he should not do. 

  Azief then finish taking the last sip of the coffee, put down the cup on the side table beside his chair and then look at Arthur lazily.

  'What you put in that letter is true?' he suddenly asks.

  Arthur knows the rumors about Death Monarch. He likes to go straight to the point, a no nonsense man

  He nodded

  'Oh, this is interesting' 

  Arthur then brought something out from his sleeve. 

  Inside his sleeve he put his storage bag so it would not be surprising if he could even bring out a car from his sleeve.

  But coming out from that sleeve is a small rectangle thing. 

  There are runes on this small rectangle thing. Azief motion with his finger and that rectangle thing flew toward his and landed on his opened palm

  'It is impressive the progress in this kind of technology' 

  'This technology has been developed by the Order of Thinkers and recently popularized'

  'Did you get it from the Order of Thinkers?'

  'Some of their trade groups would trade with the Ten Seas so I also bought a few. It is a convenient piece of device' Azief look at the rectangle thing in his hand.

  'It really looks like a USB drive' he thought to himself. He knows that Order of Thinkers rarely thinks about design and was all about functionality.

  'This is called Universal Information Transferal Drive. The runes are simply an access key. If you touch the rune, it would register you as one of the co-owners. I have already sets it to be able to be modified'

  Katarina then said

  'How about me?' 

  'Please do not worry, Ice Queen.' Arthur then brought out another one of this drive and Katarina made a grasping motion and like Azief, the drive flew toward her and she grabs her with her hand and look at it.

  Azief did not immediately press the rune but look at it.

  'All of the information about the Ten Seas. The Pirates and the Crime Alliance and even the faction of the world right now and the location of all the Seven Great Powers are in this. You would share all of the information that you have painstakingly archived for my promise?' Azief said

  Arthur nodded. 

  'Your Excellency. If you press the rune and download the information, you would soon understand why I would sacrifice all of the information that I have for this one promise.'

  Azief went silent for a while. Katarina who was sitting beside Azief also waited Azief decision. 

  She does care about the information. Because she also knows that the current world is very different and travelling is not that easy as before especially if one is on Earth

  So, the fact that this person has all of these information means he truly spend a lot of time and effort to compile all of this. But if Azief did not accept the deal, then there are other ways for them to get the information

  Katarina knows this and Azief and Arthur also knows this. That is why everyone was very civil with each other 

  Azief then asks

  'That Sam…. he is one of your people?' Arthur nodded

  'From the message you gave me, it is clear that you already know who I was. Why didn't you inform him?'

  'I wanted to confirm something. I know he did it because he thinks he is being loyal to me. But I also know that he has two masters. I confirmed it today' Arthur only sighed at this. Azief did not ask anymore question.

    After all, it is not his place to comment on this. 

  And it did not matter to him.

  Azief then press the button and in that moment, his mind is filled with all kinds of knowledge. He found out almost all the big news that had happened in the six months he was absent. 

  And it was a lot


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