Lord Shadow

Chapter 1317 Mobility

Chapter 1317 Mobility

But Azief caught something from the conversation.

That there is a few other pirate's cities and these other pirate cities is not as welcoming as this one

And then finally after they keep listening, they finally found some information worth having. The current issue of the world finally comes out from the mouth of these people

They focused all of their hearing to these people and block out the other noises

The more they listen to the words of these people, the more they frowned until finally they sighed.

'So, that how it is' Azief mutters silently. Katarina who was sitting beside him also nodded. Her feet did not reach the ground because of how short she is and her swinging feet had also stopped.

What Azief heard is also what Katarina heard. And they both have their own thoughts on the matter

Listening to these people talking about the current issue, Azief also found out how much time had passed since he left Earth

They both sighed at the same time after knowing and look down. But then they look at each other again and there is a smile on their face

'It is a bit disappointing and it did not actually follow the plan. But, this is good enough' Azief thought to himself.

Katarina sit closer to Azief as she forcefully moves her chair toward her left, the sound of the chair scratching the stone floor grated the ears of some people who were sitting next to them

But after seeing that it is just a little girl and an old man, these people just shake their head and ignore Katarina and Azief.

To the outside world, it would look like that Katarina is the granddaughter of Azief who wears the disguise of an old man.

They never would have thought that this is Katarina the Ice Queen and Death Monarch.

Katarina lean on him and then whispers to his ears

'This means, that we don't need to meddle with Time and Space to open up another portal right?' she whispered while smiling.

She was asking a question but Katarina probably have made her decision.

Even though, the time that they set up did not work, it is clear that Katarina is fine with the current condition

Azief nodded.

'I was thinking the same thing. This much of an error is acceptable' Katarina nodded and then sat back straight on her seat and then began drinking the milk tea.

Not long later, the waiter come with a few snacks

Azief appears like an old man who is tired but, there is a shine in his eyes.

Right now, he is feeling happy and now there is no fear in his heart. Since the moment he returns to Earth, he always had been worried about Katarina safety.

But now after hearing how much of the time that had passed, he is quite confident that he is still the top dog in this world.

Not far away from them there is two people who is drinking some cold milk tea and talking aloud about what had happened.

What caught the ears of both Azief and Katarina was that the person said that since the absence of Death Monarch and the Ice Queen six months ago, the world is now in chaos.

It is not the world in chaos that made them perk their ears up.

It was the six months.

It seems that because of the turbulence of Space Time, instead of six days' difference, it was six months.

An almost one to one time difference. Though, Azief is not blaming anyone. If he does have to blame someone, it would be the him of the future.

He sighed. he was a bit disappointed that it did not go according to plan, yet also relieved that he was not thrown that far away from the future.

His worst case scenario was him being one hundred years in the future, with him having no power to protect Katarina.

He fears that the enemy he has in the past would track him down.

Fortunately, only six months had elapsed.

And there is no need for him to open another Time portal.

He also didn't like opening time space tunnel because of all his bad experience when he is travelling inside it

Hearing this, Azief is quite sure that his cultivation at the peak of Divine Comprehension is still the strongest in the world. He smiles and look at the sky and his gaze is as sharp as sword.

If it's just six months, Hikigaya and Jean is expected not to yet break through Divine Comprehension.

Azief refuse to believe that their speed in cultivating Divine Comprehension is faster than him. When he enters Divine Comprehension leveler, he rose to the peak of Divine Comprehension almost immediately.

The reason is simply because he already had the law Avatar even before he enters Divine Comprehension

If it's not for that, he would probably not progress this fast.

It was weird actually. Azief clearly is practicing the Perfection Path. From what he knows the Perfection Path is one of the strongest and extreme path.

It requires great energy and the methods of passing through each level is different from other people. One prerequisite not fulfilled and the Perfection path would be broken.

But yet he seems to be different.

Even though he walks the Perfection Path his cultivation rose very fast in almost an impossible manner.

He met Azul, gained fortuitous encounters, walk the Supremacy Stairway and other encounters. All of this seem to add luck to him as he breaks through as easily as breathing.

In the past, he simply thought that his bad luck had turned and reverse and he became lucky after the Fall.

But after understanding certain things, understanding the terrifying concepts that is fate and destiny, and knowing his own future.

Azief could feel that there is an invisible chain around him

And this chain is pushing him forward. The reason he was lucky is because the tides of fate and destiny is pushing him.

And that luck had enabled him to become not only the strongest but also become a ceiling of power on Earth

Since he makes his debut in the world stage, he had always been the undisputed number one. The Strongest, The Number One Person, the Heavens of Earth, this title is all given to him.

Even when he breakthrough from Disk Formation to Divine Comprehension, he did not take the normal path and immediately rushed to the peak.

There were times that Azief thought he was slow.

This is because while it takes him many years to breakthrough to another realm of power, other people only needs to take a few years to break through.

But at that time, Azief was comparing himself unfairly.

Those who walk Perfection path usually had to labor for decades if not hundreds or even ten thousand years to progress in their Perfection Path

This is the reason why so many people who walked the Perfection Path in the beginning would usually abandon it when they reached Disk Formation or the equivalent power level

The Disk Formation level could be said the middle level power.

Because everyone who had practiced the perfection Path knows that the further you walk this path, the harder it became to maintain Perfection in each realm.

But, for Azief, the further he goes, the faster his rate of improvement is. It is like he is the anomaly who practices the Perfection Path.

But it is because of this, Azief is also confident that right now, even after six month passes, he believes that Hikigaya and Jean is still in the lower realm of Divine Comprehension level.

'I no longer need to hide' there is a smile on his face when he thought of this. He could have announced his name right now and watch as the people of this city become panicked

He is quite sure that there is no one in this world could restrain him. But Azief was never that high profiled of a man.

Of course, because of his numerous title, he could not help but be high profiled. But most of the time, he prefers not to flaunt himself

And he is also curious of the things that had happened since then.

And as he looks at the stall, at the people that is drinking and eating, those who are laughing and telling boastful stories of their adventure, he also wonders what else is in this pirate city. Right now even when he had confirmed that he is still the strongest person in the world, he still did not fly up.

After all, even though he is quite sure no one could harm him right now, there is still the problem that he and Katarina could not yet use Time and space laws.

It might not seem much, but this is a very important point.

Without the ability to mobilize Time Space Laws, it limits their mobility.

The reason why Azief could deter everyone in the world is because he is able to travels from one side of the world to the other in seconds.

Of course, right now, the world had become too big.

That is also one of the problems.

It is fine that if it just became big. There is also turbulent energy all over the world and this energy mess with a lot of things.

But even so, he could still warp the space around him and travels all over the world easily.

Even though Azief notices that certain places have certain forbidden zones that he could not use his Divine Sense to check.

In a way, this has closed some of his gazing eyes on the world.

But even with these forbidden zones, there is still many places in the world he could go to and see through

Without the ability to command the Time Space Laws, he lose his mobility.


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