Lord Shadow

Chapter 1316 The Ten Seas

Chapter 1316 The Ten Seas

Azief pays the waiter with energy stones and the waiter smiles and it could be seen that he is very happy.

It seems that this is the currency here. Azief did not mind as he had a lot of those energy stones.

and after the waiter leave, Azief and Katarina just sit there and close their eyes.

As he was drinking he could hear bit and pieces of information.

Both of them were surprised to hear many different and new terms. What Azief found out was that this city is near the route leading to the Turbulent Sea.

What is the Turbulent Sea? This is the question he had.

This question however is not answered.

Everyone seems to know what Turbulent Sea is and it is like some kind of common sense

'A new sea?' Azief thought to himself.

Even though the name of the seven seas is called differently by the ruling power of the Seven World Power, in the end, sometime it is still called by its old name like the Pacific Ocean or the Mediterranean Sea.

But Turbulent Sea?

It is not some kind of way of saying that the sea is turbulent.

The people that he hard talking about it speak of turbulent sea as a name.

Not long after, their drink arrives. And Katarina order some snacks when the waiter was dropping off the drink.

The pirate looks at Katarina and smile gently fearing that the child would be afraid of them

If they know that they just try to be gentle to the Ice Queen, they probably would lose their mind.

Azief reputations might not be good, but that does not mean the reputation that Katarina had is that good either

They both then opens their eyes again.

They both know how weird it would seem like if they are the only ones closing their eyes. It is clear something is up if he did something like that.

Both Azief and Katarina close their eyes only for a few second so it might look to people like he was just tired and close his eyes.

But if he closes his eyes for a minute and Katarina did the same, it would be insulting the intelligence of the people here.

But even if they were only closing their eyes for a few second, in that few second Azief had heard many conversations all at the same time

And in that brief seconds, he could isolate the conversation that matters and not mattered.

So, they open their eyes but they keep listening to the conversation around them.

Azief did not say much. His disguise as an old man is perfect and so is Katarina. And they did not feel any Divine Sense sweeping around them

If they feel there is Divine Sense snooping on them, then it means that his disguise is not good enough.

What Azief heard sometimes is useless conversation. But there are also a few useful conversations.

Some talk about some treasures that they found.

Of course, there are pirates here. But there is also the casual gatherers and treasure hunters. There are also warriors from other parts of the world, sailing the seas and is hunting for treasures of Heaven and Earth

Even before the Multiversal Convergence, there is treasures of Heaven and Earth.

Azief rarely participated in such matter because he is already the strongest in the world practicing one of the most extreme path in the Omniverse which is the Perfection Path.

Then he also had his own treasures like the Ten Eternal Rings. That rings are enough for him to overwhelm the world.

So, Azief was never that interested in treasures.

In a way, Azief is like someone who is born with gold spoon the moment the Fall began

It is ironic that before the Fall, he was a nobody.

But when the Fall happens, the forces of destiny and fate pushed him to the forefront.

He already had a great treasure so he never cared that much about some treasures that manifested or born on Earth

But for people who did not have any artifacts, treasures born on Earth, is something that is highly desired.

And there is no lack of people who hunts for treasures.

Azief still did not understand many things about pirates and their emergence after the Fall. Especially not the way the current pirate world is operating right now.

This is inevitable considering that there are no pirates around Pandemonium Sea.

Pandemonium was a forbidden zone before Azief clears it up.

And even though Azief had cleared up the continent from dangerous monsters, in the sea and around the Pandemonium Sea there is still many titanic sea creatures roaming around

Pandemonium has a formation that deters the monsters from coming near to the shore of Pandemonium so the monsters usually roams a bit further than the shores of Pandemonium.

Of course, one might say why would Death Monarch didn't just wipe out all of the sea monsters around Pandemonium.

The reason is simply because the sea monsters also acts like a deterrent.

Pirates that have tried to cross the sea to go to Pandemonium, would usually be attacked by the sea monsters.

Even if they survive the sea monsters, they still have to deal with the other defensive measures that are in place.

Everyone who knows about Pandemonium knows that there are many formations around the entire continent.

And if they managed to go on the land there is the Three Army, the Shadow Guards, the Inner Security Council of Pandemonium and many other security forces in Pandemonium who would be more than happy to beat them down.

Let say that a pirate managed to get through all of these. Waiting at the end of the line is the strongest person in the world.

In the end, most pirates and criminals concluded that to go to Pandemonium using sea route is a suicide job.

It is because of this there is no pirates around Pandemonium sea and Azief could count on one hand the reports he had about pirates.

He listens to all of this talks about people seeing more treasure of heaven and Earth after the Multiverse.

He listens to tem talking about the new changes of the world and how the energy of the world had soared

Some talks about the enemies that they have met. They were boisterous with boastful stories.

Some of the pirates talked about how they outmaneuvered some navy of the Seven Great Powers.

But they did no go into details and some of them is lost in context. It is not like he would just go there and then suddenly he would get all the information he wanted

Azief knew he had to wait and be patient to listen to some information that he wanted.

Of course, Azief also heard that there is a tavern on the end of the street where everyone usually hangs out.

He also learns that there are information brokers there.

And he also learns that it is not weird to see many people who do not know about this port city. Azief look at the people, listen to their stories and every once in a while he would smile.

It has been a long time for him to feel this familiarity.

Of course, in the Seresian world he also met people. But most of the people there treats him like a living God.

There is this fear and awe and all other kinds of emotion reflected in their eyes. They lack a certain something.

On Earth, however these are people that he is familiar with. And the way of life is not that different.

So, he took it all in and enjoy it.

And there was something else that shocked them

Katarina and Azief are both surprised to find out that not only pirates come here, normal people also sometimes comes here.

From the words of some of the people who come here, they said that this pirate city is the safest out of the ten pirate's cities.

Both Katarina and Azief look at each other when they heard that

'Pirate cities?' Katarina seems to muttered. Azief also felt shocked hearing this. Azief knows that before there is always pirate headquarters all over the seven seas of the world

For example, he knows that the League of Freedom before they become one of the seven great powers had many relations with the great pirates of the seas.

But even during the moment where undoubtedly the power of the pirates is at its peak, they still did not have a city.

At most, these pirates would rest in some port cities under the seven great powers or they would create a headquarters in some secluded island or some caves in uninhabited island.

That has always even the case

But a city of pirate?

That alone had shocked Azief. Now he heard that there are ten pirate cities. How could he not be shocked?

This is also something new Azief had just found out. Not only piracy seems to be booming, it seems that it is now the grand era of piracy.

And that there is Ten Pirate Warlords that covers the Ten Seas.

Some people even said that maybe there is twelve Seas. The measurement of the world seas and mountain and continent is not yet complete.

Some of the pirates even spoke that there needs to be a new map considering the current size of Earth

Even though Azief did not use his Divine Sense to check the world after he was out from the portal, he still remembered what happens after the Multiversal Convergence.

The world expanded because of magical energy. And it is because of that there is so much dense magical energy in the air

Even if Azief did not intentionally tries to absorb energy from his surrounding, even just by breathing he is inhaling energy and strengthening himself.

It is the same for many people in the world right now.


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