Lord Shadow

Chapter 1314 Arturia

Chapter 1314 Arturia

Azief and Katarina finally arrive at some place that resembles a city. They both were in stealth mode when they were flying before

And like before, Azief covers them both with a bit of Heavenly Will. So that even if the Heavens wanted to search for them it would be useless.

Space Laws are kind of iffy for them right now so Azief could not just warp the space like he used to. And to Warp space, at least he needs to know where he wants to warp himself.

Warping spec is to be used with the conjunction of Divine Sense.

They arrive at a port city. Azief heard the conversation around the area and he knows this port city is called Arturia.

It seems the ruler of this port city is a pirate.

Azief frowns a bit listening to this.

he also heard some unknown terms like Leviathan Breath. It seems that things had changed a bit. Azief and Katarina did not land near the harbor instead they land inside the city itself.

Of course, like most cities in the world after the Fall, this port city is also protected by formations.

There are the basic ones like for detection and protection. But all of this in the eyes of Azief is simply mere trifling obstacles.

The formation did not even realize that they have two guest that come uninvited.

Though, Azief wonders if this formation that covers this city really had that much of a security measures.

From what he sees looking at the city gates where there are a few pirates there looking over the city wall, they basically just let anyone in.

There is even some people flying in.

The guards did not seem to care that much.

That was weird. Some cities have plates that recognize one identity before they were let in.

This city basically just let anyone in.

Azief felt a bit frustrated at that. Like he had just punched cotton. Maybe, there isn't even a need for him to hide and he could have just simply walk into the city.

They remove their stealth method in an abandoned alley and then walk out from the alley and they immediately heard conversation all around. This is the bustle of a city.

Azief kind of miss this. It was like he was playing a single player game before and right now he is playing a MMORPG

The reason why Azief felt like this is because for the past few months, the only people that he had interacted with was with Katarina and Qarliya who is basically an artificial intelligence.

Then there is the projection of worlds where he saw the passing of time. All in all, he kind of miss human interaction.

It makes him feel not so lonely. There is people all around, there is screaming, there is shouts, laughter and tears and it was chaotic in the best possible way.

He could also hear the sound of the waves lapping on the shores, the blue water of the ocean brings tranquility and the air of the breeze, all of it make his spirit lifts up

This port city is built near the ocean.

Not far away there is an active volcano.

But Azief could see that there is mechanical structure around the top of the volcano.

It must be some kind of tech. maybe to harvest some kind of thing from the volcano or maybe to regulate temperature of the volcano or as an early warning system.

But, people probably would not worry that much about volcanoes.

Most of the people unless they were Pillar Forming level would usually be able to escape in the event of the volcano erupting.

But while there is such tech, there is not many high sky scrapers instead, this city felt like a city one would see in some kind of medieval era

Of course, even though it looks like a mediaeval harbor city. The cleanliness is top notch. Azief could even see robots cleaning the streets.

If Azief had to say it, it was like antique combined with futuristic.

The city looks like a polished mediaeval harbor city with clean streets, organized stalls and roads and surprisingly enough, orderly.

Nobody seems to be making any troubles. It is surprising to see in a port city run by pirates.

Of course, pirates in this era did not exactly wears shirts like some kind of pirates you would see in Pirates of the Caribbean movies.

Some of them even look like warriors.

But the reason why everyone could tell who is a pirate and who is not is simple

These pirates have a badge of skull and bones with roses behind the background of the skull and bones

'What a weird city' he said

'Things have changed a lot from before' Katarina said. Azief nodded

Azief did not use his Divine Sense to scan this city. Doing things like that is simply announcing to everyone that he is here.

So, he uses his eyes to take in the view and look at the city as he walks on the smooth road. The road itself is following some kind of aesthetic. And Azief knows which kind of road that this city imitates.

It is the Appian Way. This city of pirates is colorful but yet at the same time weird in that it did not feel like a pirate city at all.

When Azief thinks of city of pirates, it is rowdy filled with dirty sailors, brothels and dirty roads

But then he thought about the criminal world and he could accept this. Even crime become organized what more are pirates.

Even pirates like to be clean. As he walks along the road, he could see that there is many construction project all over the place.

There is a place that seems to be a district for selling wares and products. There is even housing district that is being built not far away from the city, a residential area.

It seems the one building it is robots.

Construction after the Fall is not such a time consuming job.

With the advance of technology especially robotic technology by the Order of Thinkers, construction is probably one of the easiest thing to do.

Some that have special class could even set up a city as long as you give them the blueprint and enough resources.

Azief could see that there are also all kinds of Arrayist and Formation Master that is laying down formation before the base of the construction began. It seems that even the construction of the area is very orderly and organized.

And then there is also the many amount of people here

There are all kinds of people here.

They are the pirates and then there are the merchants. There is also normal people that just walk around and work in this pirate city

But most of the people that walk into this city are pirates.

Every once in a while, they would be people flying in the sky and landing on the road.

People did not even seem to care as they just either pass these people who landed without even giving a glance.

Even the person who was flying in the air and then landing on the road did not seem to find any of his behavior weird as they then walk on the road like he had done nothing out of sorts

Azief even saw one of those people fly from outside the city gates, landed on the square, but some kind of first and then take off into the air again.

If you want to see these kind of behavior in any of the Seven Great Powers, it would be impossible.

You could fly over the city but you could not land down on the city unless you have certain permission.

Pandemonium is even more so.

Maybe in the Southern or Northern region where the regulation is a bit loose, it is fine to do such a thing but in the Central region of Pandemonium, that is under the feet of the Emperor.

To the people of pandemonium, there is only one Emperor in Pandemonium and that is Death Monarch

Most people would not dare to fly over the capital city of Pandemonium. After all, even the sound of thunder in Pandemonium would make any criminals shudder.

There is also the fact that most cities of the Seven Great powers had great restriction on their protection formation.

Usually the formation would extend until the clouds.

So, when a person that could fly wanted to go to this city they must go through the front gate and not simply just fly over the city and land down on the ground

It is also conducive to air traffic. In the past, human uses airplanes to navigate the skies.

Nowadays, as long as you reached Disk Formation most of them could easily fly even if they do not learn the corresponding Laws or attributes.

Of course, this does not mean that only those high level people could fly. Now, it is even easier to fly.

Because one could use the advanced tech

Azief knows that the Order of Thinkers even created an Iron Army, a suit of armor that could fly and could be outfitted with normal humans.

Imagine all of these people that could fly.

There is no flight plan that is agreed beforehand, just people flying in the sky without any concern

So, most of the Seven Great Powers put on a ban of flying near cities and enforce it with formation and array restriction.

Yet, these place did not seem to put any ban on restriction of flying. Azief could not understand the logic.

Yet, there must be something that restrained these pirates from making chaos in the city. Because this is not a normal city at all.


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