Lord Shadow

Chapter 1313 The Old Fashion Way II

Chapter 1313 The Old Fashion Way II

'It seems nobody is looking at me' Azief knows all about surveillance from a powerful force

If he had been into the future right now, then he fears that there are people who could surveil him at this moment.

It is also a gamble.

When he kills those beasts outside of his formation he was ready to jump away almost immediately if there is any feeling of him being attacked or being look upon.

But, it seems, this world did not yet birth such entity.

He did feel however the Heavens looking for a few second. But, the Heavenly Will probably could not tell it was him.

After all he could easily cover himself from the Heavenly Will simply because he still has control over some part of the Heavenly Will.

He would feel it if the Heavenly Will had found him

Then he sat back down on the stump. Once again there is silence.

Katarina is still standing there, with no intention of sitting back down. It is clear that she wanted to make a move.

She seems to be waiting for Azief to make his move. But she did not ask anything in this moment. Azief once again fell into self-contemplation.

Azief is anxious right now because he simply could not know the time difference. He fears that every move he would make would push him to a road of doom

'This is the first time I regret making so many enemies' he would not care if he was alone. But Katarina is also with him. But then he shook his head.

'I don't think it is bad as that' he thought to himself maybe he is consoling himself.

He hopes that the time difference is only a few months or only a few years

Right now, there is nothing he could do but accept the current situation

If not for the accident inside the Time Space tunnel, the time difference would be six days eight days' top

His plan was built around that circumstances.

If it's only a few days of time difference, then he could enact many of his plans that he has made before he enters the portal to the Seresian world.

His journey to the Seresian world and the experience is very anticlimactic. He did not fight anyone in the Seresian world.

He was actually ready to fight with the Demon King and when he couldn't, he found himself a bit of sad.

Maybe, after all of these years, Azief also had a penchant for fighting.

If it was in the past, he did not like fighting very much. But maybe because it was not fun. Now, however fighting is very fun for him

It is not only because he wins that makes it funs. It is also because of the things he would comprehend in the fight

Azief had a feeling that if he could fight with the Demon King at that time, there is a chance that he would have some kind of enlightenment

Azief himself had recognized that unlike other people, he seems to find enlightenment or solving some of the problems that plagues him when he is in a fight

The more desperate the fight, the better.

Because when he is truly desperate in a battle, his mind focused like never before and things that is not clear become clear all of a sudden

So, even though he did not show it to Katarina he felt a bit miffed that he was denied of his enemy.

Of course, when he went into the projection world to see the connection between worlds that he had gone through, he did fight Amara.

And of course, in that battle, he once again understands something about the force of fate and destiny.

That fight makes him able to see how powerful people uses the Laws to fight. After this, Azief could apply it.

And he had quite the harvest in the Seresian world. He had learned that there is great force in the Universe that is looking at him

He also learned some secrets of the Universe, met a Being that is thought of to be merely stories and tall tales told to explain creation.

He saw a Garden that brings about an emotion that he did not know he have. he strengthens his understanding of certain laws that he had cultivated.

All in all, his experience in the Seresian world had made him able to refine his ability of Divine Comprehension.

And now, he needs to use all the things that he had learned to come out from this predicament. While Azief was thinking of the best way to determine time difference in this world, Katarina who was standing still could not help but be anxious.

Azief knows that she is worried about her brother. She began pacing around the area, walking back and forth.

'You found the solution? Of how to know the current time difference?' she asks after a few second of silence

Azief had an idea.

It is a simple one. Usually, he would use his Time Laws to detect the difference but considering that both of them could not use Time Laws right now, Azief come up with a simplest and yet the most under used method since he had level up to Disk Formation.

He got up from the tree stump. Azief also knows that it is useless if they keep being here.

He needs to confirm certain things before he could make the next move. Like playing chess. He needs to make a move so that he could plan the next move

He looks at Katarina and said

'We need to get out from this island first'

'The plan'

Azief smiles and said

'The plan is quite simple. We just need to find a city, a village, any kind of settlement'


'And ask them what time is it' hearing this Katarina who was expecting some kind of convoluted scheme unconsciously laughed

'You mean…we just ask?' Azief nodded

'The old fashioned way' Azief said with a smirk

'I could get down with that' Katarina just shakes her head

But then Katarina was reminded of something.

'How about this island? Is there nobody here?'

Azief shook his head.

'There is no village, cities or settlements of any human population here' Katarina just nod. She did not even bother to use her Divine Sense.

If it's any other person, Katarina would not just take their word for it. Instead, she probably would use her Divine Sense to make sure of the truth

But since this is Azief she accepted it almost immediately. Azief then said

'We probably need a disguise. Until we get a good grasp of what is happening in the world, it is better if we do not attract attention' Katarina nodded.

She then clicks her finger.

A powerful burst of energy fills around her. Only this one is not some kind of attacking method. Instead, the particles around her seems to be stimulated.

Light refracted and space bends.

Cold wind blows and then her face morphs into a young face with freckles.

Her hair is now styled with a ponytail, black like night. She is now four feet two, a few feet shorter than her original height.

Her clothes turn red. Azief watch her transformation and she could not help but thing that she takes her inspiration from somewhere. Azief chuckles a bit and then ask

'Did you just take inspiration from the Red Riding Hood?' Katarina who now looks like a young girl of thirteen or fourteen smiles mischievously.

'People usually let down their guard around children' Azief nodded. That is true. Azief also did not want to be outdone.

Unlike Katarina who rarely disguises herself, Azief was a master disguiser if he is to be compared with Katarina.

Azief in Earth Prime had rarely have to disguise himself. Most of the time his face alone is enough to deter people.

But, this did not mean that he never disguises himself.

His experience with Will when they were struck in the Multiverse the first time he travelled with Will to go back home, that four years' journey, was filled with all kinds of trouble and difficulties.

It is then conceivable that he disguises himself a lot during those times.

Azief waves his hand and an energy filled wind passes over him and he transformed in almost an instant. There is wrinkles on his face and his face become old.

However, his eye is bright.

To add to the details, he added a hunch behind his back.

On his hand there is a cane. He wears a gray robe.

Azief took the appearance of an old man. An old man and a young Red Riding Hood. It is quite the combination.

Katarina look at Azief transformation and said

'An old man? Really?'

'People let down their guard when they are around old people'

Even his voice changes.

If one only listens to his voice one would thought that Azief is a frail old man.

Katarina took note of that and she reminded herself to also change her tone of voice to match that of a child

She chuckles at Azief current appearance

'You are detailed'

'Basic of disguise' Azief unashamedly say and Katarina only shakes her head. Azief is not known to be a braggart. But he does brag in a playful way with Katarina and this is one of his moment

Then Azief clicks his finger and the formation that he had laid down almost at once disintegrated. The four runic words that maintains the formation flew back into the ring.

The area once again is empty of any trees. The illusion was broken in almost an instant

This is the area of the clearing and like before it was restored to its original appearance.

Azief then narrowed his eyes. After his initial test, he found out that nobody is using any kind of Divine Sense to surveil the world, he became a bit bold.

'Let's go out' and then Azief immediately flew upwards and Katarina follows from behind. And then like a shooting star they disappeared from the sky


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