Lord Shadow

Chapter 1279 A Few Days Later

Chapter 1279 A Few Days Later

A few more days had passed since the incident in the Orvanian laboratory. Azief had already told Katarina of what had happened.

He did not blame Qarliya. That AI is probably only one of the many pawns of the Five Seats of Orvan.

It is not really fair to blame her. Katarina listens to him and what most important to her was whether the Five Seat of Orvan meant harm for him.

Azief now had the opportunity to think about the matter and he believes that while the Five Seat of Orvan did scheme against him, it was not to harm him.

It had something to do with the Creator.

Considering the complicated history between the Orvanians and the Creator, it is no wonder that they wanted to see where the Creator is in the Omniverse

But still...being a pawn of someone else chess game is not exactly a pleasant experience.

In these few days, Azief had been helping Katarina.

With his enhanced senses and his now vigorous energy all over his entire body, Azief had been hunting deep sea creatures.

These deep sea creatures had the strength of Essence Creation.

Fortunately, they could not control Laws and a few that could, did not able to control the Laws masterfully.

It might have something to do with the fact that the Seresian world is not exactly a world conducive to nurturing intelligence.

It wasn't until the arrival of the Orvanians fleet that they restore back the energy of this world. Azief had been hunting.

Some he killed immediately.

These monster that he killed is usually monsters that would bring calamity that would affect millions of people living in this world.

The people of this world, the dwarves, the Elves and even the humans would not able to reach the strength of these monsters in a short time.

If they are released after both him and Katarina is gone then the only result is that there would be too many people that would die.

While some of them are killed, some are caged so that the new inhabitants of this world could study them

Azief is removing hidden danger all over Seresian world.

He moves mountain and diverted rivers. He forces the flat plains to rise, forces jagged terrain to be flattened.

All over the Seresian world, the inhabitants of this world could see great changes happening almost every hour.

They look at the sky and could see that godly being in the Palace of Altayera flying out and doing godlike things.

Whenever he flies out from the palace, any people of the world that saw him would prostrate to him

He brings rain to drought affected area.

He stops rain where flood is happening. The whole world seems to be in a prosperous era.

Calamity was stopped. Storms is blown out with one blow of his breath.

Fire is snuffed out with a wave of his hand. All kinds of disaster that would have overwhelmed any security forces in this world is so easily calmed down by him

And Azief is not the only one that is doing things. Katarina is also busy. She is looking for a successor.

She mediates conflicts, drafted laws, and build great monuments. To some these monument is a monument to glorify her and him

But that is not really the truth., The truth was that these monuments are their hidden cards for these people.

If one day a tyrant rose to rule over them with cruelty and fear, then these hidden cards could be used.

Azief let Katarina had a chance of ruling. Katarina could be said much younger than him if they were to talk about their mental age.

Unlike Azief Katarina did not go to any parallel worlds to train nor did she have nay inheritance like that of Azul where his mind and soul would be tempered.

The fall had only happened almost a decade ago.

Some people did not count the years that humanity had spent in the fake world and only count the years of the real Earth. Some count it toward the calendar.

And that is how long Katarina had practiced.

Only around eight years give or take and she already reached Disk Formation level. Even in the vast Universe, this is breakneck speed

As for Azief, even though it had only been almost seven to eight years since the Fall, he had been practicing, sharpening his mind and soul for hundreds of years.

There are the years that he had trained in other worlds with Will. There are also the years that he had spent in the Six Trials of the Saber.

So, his mental age is more like that of an old existence.

The fact he could still retains his sanity and his own personality after all of that time is the most remarkable thing.

It is because of that even though he and Katarina is not that different in age, their mental age is very different.

When Azief rule Pandemonium when he gave an order, none dares disobey

It is not only because of his prowess that people followed and listens to him. It is because the way he carries himself as a ruler, as a leader.

He did not like being a leader but that did not mean he is not qualified.

He had the trace of a great Emperor. This did not come overnight as he drew on the experience of when he became an Emperor in Azul trials.

Because of that, he rarely gets shocked and flustered no matter what kind of problem that is facing him

He had experience

But Katarina did not have that opportunity. Azief had told he that Jean had become a Divine Comprehension leveler.

And he explained to her how this would probably trigger a factional battle in the Republic.

Jean might not want the power of the High Chancellor but this did not mean that his people would not fight for him

And Katarina must not judge this simply. Katarina approach to this is very simple.

She said to him that if that is the case, if Jean did not want the title and did not want to rock the boat, then the solution is easy

She just had to execute the people pushing Jean to that place. However, Azief had to explain to her that it is not that simple

Yes, Jean was not interested in that position. The reason why he does not want that title is because he no longer wanted to fight for the world.

War changes a lot of people and Jean included. And the position that he is sitting now is high enough for him to protect his people.

If Katarina chose to execute his friends, regardless of his friend's wrongdoings, he would not allow that

And if that happen, Jean would turn his face around from the Republic. Jean right now is a force unto itself.

And he mastered one of the most powerful Laws in the Universe, the Laws of Time and Space.

Even Azief dare not say that his comprehension of Time and Space is as advanced as Jean. If he turns his face against the Republic and once again join the World Government, the world order needs to be reshuffled once again.

The reason why Katarina could choose such a simple action is not because she is foolish. It is because she did not have any experience. This is politics. And it is related to power and influence.

There is a reason why he could stand as the undisputed number one in the world without every Tom, Dick and Harry coming to challenge him every day.

Azief influence reaches all over the world and he does not need to make a move to destroy his enemies.

One gesture, one hint and his enemies could be destroyed by the allies and officials of Pandemonium.

Azief uses his influence freely and he also knows when to use it and when to restrain it.

Before he reached Divine Comprehension, when he was in Disk Formation, it was not like Azief was truly invincible. The only reason he appears so is because no other world powers dare to clash with him, fully, fearing that it would spark a war so great that it would consume them too much that it would not be worth it.

Katarina needs to learn this. She needs to learn how to use power, how to use influence and when to restrain from using it

Azief knows the difference between him and Katarina.

Katarina believe himself to be a genius, capable of doing everything.

To her, he had no bottlenecks when breaking through other realm. It wasn't until later that it was discovered that many people had certain bottlenecks when trying to break through the higher level.

Because of the system, one could circumvent this. But, even though they break through using the circumvention of the system, their power and prowess is different than those who break through using the knowledge that was given to them

That is the reason why Katarina believe that he is a genius because he does not have any bottlenecks and breaking through is like drinking water.

Well, that is not entirely true.

The reason why he did not have any bottlenecks is because the Perfection Path did not have any bottleneck.

There is only getting more energy and enduring

That is the only thing one needs to do.


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