Lord Shadow

Chapter 1278 The Beautiful Night

Chapter 1278 The Beautiful Night

Katarina is someone who is very honest with her feelings. She would never do something to hurt Azief.

Because, she knows enough of what love is when it is distorted. She knows how her father distorts love.

And so, she vowed to herself that she would never be like that. She is not the statistic. She would be the exception

Those who were abused usually become abuser themselves. They were gas lighted. So, they gas lighted other people

They were victims. So, they victimized other people. That is the statistics. She wanted to be the exception

In that way, she could repay her brother. Boris, had been her shield for almost all of her life. He bears the beatings and the scolding, all for her.

And that is why, even if the whole world condemns her brother, she could not and she would not.

And when she first fell in love, she promised herself that she would never be like her father. She would fight for it.

But she also knows that love is not a single player game. The other person also had to fight for love.

It would not work, if she is the only one that is fighting for it. And Azief chose someone else.

She was hurt. She was angry. She had all kinds of emotions. She cursed and she cried.

But.... but...she accepted it. It hurts

Living while seeing the person you love loving another person. Not knowing the love, she has for him

Her heart ache. Seeing him not with her. Only looking at him and not having him by her side

But, after a while, she became used to it. It hurts but she got used to it. Then she got used to it and does not even realize that it hurts

Even after all of that, she still foolishly loves him. It is said that love at first sight is rare and almost disbelieved in.

There is something magical seeing someone for the first time, a stranger and then just falls in love with that person with one glance.

Like there is an invisible bond that is formed the moment they locked eyes.

Yet, it is also a curse.

Because of how magical it was, it is harder for her to forget him, to forget his every touch, his every words, his every mark that he had left in her heart

So, when she saw Azief with someone else, it hurts but she also tries to be happy for him, because the man she loves is happy.

Of course, she had hoped that Azief would be happy with her.

When there is a chance, she knows she could not let it go.

Because if she let it go, she knows, with all the conviction in her heart that she would regret it for her entire life.

So, when she stands in front of Azief a month ago, after that kiss, she bares it all. She is honest about what she wants and she is honest about what she is feeling.

And she wants him to be honest about what he wants and what he is feeling.

And today, this what happens. She finds her way back to him. And she could not be happier. She knows Azief had a lot of enemies.

But it was not like she had a lack of it too. Azief is the strongest person in the world and also the strongest man in the world

And Katarina is agreed by many as the strongest woman in the world. How could someone who have that kind of title did not have enemies?

There is people who wanted to fight her and defeat her so that they could get that title. Then there is people who wanted to destabilize the Republic by defeating her.

There are also those people who wanted to avenge the many deaths that she had caused.

To Azief, Katarina is his angel.

An innocent angel.

And with him, Katarina is gentle and caring.

But, to the rest of the world, Katarina the Ice Queen does not only refer to her ability of using cold energy to fight people.

Nor is it simply because of the snow that would fall down from the sky whenever she appears.

It is because to many her face is cold as the Siberian winter wind. When she kills people, there is no emotion expressed on her face.

Her red sword had killed all of those dark forces in the dark alleys of Europe.

Her sword is drenched with blood and those who were present during that massacre could still remember the screams, the flowing blood that soaks the tiles of those alleys.

The enemies of Boris had always feared that the sword of the Ice Queen would fall on their heads.

Katarina did not fear danger. And she has as many enemies as Azief did. It might be otherworldly enemies but they are as equally dangerous.

And to her, as long as they face it together, she would not regret, even if she fails. To her, the future is the future.

It does not make sense to think too much about it in a world where you could die at every second.

This has always been the truth.

Even before the Fall, everyone could die at any given moment form any given causes.

But, at that time, death seems illusory. Dying of sickness, of a war in distant countries, the feeling of death felt far and long.

But when the fall came, death seems so near and life could be snuffed out at any moment. There is no use of thinking too much. Just do it

And because of that, even if Azief said it would be dangerous for her to keep being beside him, she would just ignore him

Azief then suddenly said

'Don't you have something to do? I think you would be busy now that there is not much time till we leave this world' Katarina shakes her head.

'It could wait' Azief hearing this chuckles. It is usually him that would say such thing.

'You don't mind just accompanying me looking at the sunset?'

'I don't mind'

'Most people would leave by now. It is boring'

'You're here' she said

'What does that mean?' Azief ask

'You're here. So it did not matter whether it is boring or not'

Azief shakes his head and then there is a smile on his face.

'I don't know how you could love me this much' he suddenly said. Katarina did not say anything.

There is another moment of silence.

Then Azief said

'There is a lot I need to tell you. The things I experienced in the Orvanian compound. The things that I have seen and experienced. I think you should know'

'It can wait' Azief who was about to say something halted

Then Katarina said

'This moment is perfect. I almost don't want it to end'

Hearing this Azief suddenly remembers what the Creator said to him

'It must end. If not how could you understand its beauty if it does not end?' he said these word and smile.

Azief uses the Creator words toward Katarina

Katarina close her eyes, hold Azief hand tight and just let the wind caress her cheeks.

For her, this right here is her perfect moment.

She feels happy. She feels free.

She could guess that whatever Azief is going to say to her would be something that is terrifying. It would be something that is life changing. It would be all of that and probably more

But, it doesn't matter.

At least, she has this moment right now.

the sun finally sets and Azief is still standing there.

It is not that he is dazed. It is not that he is confused. It is just that there are too many things in his mind. That he just wanted to forget it for a moment.

He at least deserves that.

That night they see the stars and Azief told her everything that has happened and what he had experienced

The night star that night was so beautiful.


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