Infinite Realm: Monsters & Legends

Chapter 433: Ryun

Chapter 433: Ryun

Grand Spirit of War

Ryun followed after Nayra into the tent, his hand still holding her forearm. It was much easier for him to see in the camp, there were so many spirits, each made out of different Essence, that he had enough information to distinguish things, but it was good to have someone help guide him. He had been pushing his senses constantly since they arrived in the Ethereal Realm, even now he was constantly changing which Essence he was focusing on, increasing and narrowing the range, and just all around practicing. It was still disorienting if he ever allowed it to sense everything, but he was getting very good at switching quickly and not allowing it to expand.

Once inside, the tent suddenly felt different. He could still sense everything going on outside if he focused on specific Essence and around them, but at the same time it was like an invisible barrier had been created outside of the tent that dampened his senses to some extent. The Grand Spirit of War must have done this as soon as they stepped in for protection against any possible attack or espionage. If this was anything like a war camp in the Real Realm. Something about the way the tent felt to his senses made him curious, so he let his limits on his skill go, allowing it to fully take in everything inside the tent. He knew that he was correct that something was different immediately, as he didnt have any reaction to the Essences around him. The tent was locked in place, the Ethereal Realm wasnt changing here, and it was filled with enough different Essences that he could discern everything.

Immediately he sensed two powerful Essences in the middle of the tent. He immediately identified them as Grand Spirits, there wasnt anything else that they could be. One was a tall female drake, and the other... was changing constantly. Rippling from one shape to another so fast that even Ryun could barely keep up. They were speaking in hushed tones, and something surrounding them, preventing sound from leaving their bubble. It didnt do anything against Ryun though, his sense spread through the bubble and detected the vibrations in the air at their source. He overheard the conversation.

... not know why they would send them so openly, with our foes voice on their lips, the one that changed said. The voice flickering, one moment coming from a single source, the next a dozen, or a handful, as if the speaker was growing mouths then losing them.

Two chosen cannot matter, the one that looked like a drake said. We cannot be stopped now.

Dont delay, the shifting one said. Raazel grows stronger and you know that his designs are on more than the Real Realm. You felt his greed, he will attempt to bring down the heavens on our heads.

The drake nodded and the bubble burst, then the one that changed flicker away, teleporting out of the tent in a manner that made Ryuns head spin. He stumbled and Nayra caught him.

You alright? She asked.

Im fine, Ryun said, but didnt release her hand.

The spirit led them through the tent, going in a circle until they reached the room that was in the middle.

It was a large room, with the center of it taken up by a figure that was both tall in stature and power, their presence seeming to fill every space. He had already identified her to be The Grand Spirit of War, but laying eyes on her, the Essence was unmistakable. The Grand Spirit was in a form of a female drake, sitting on a throne, wearing a multitude of weapons, armor, and items that all blazed with powerful Essence.

To the side of the room was an elevated platform where four figures stood together wearing intricate armor pieces layered over exquisite fabrics that glimmered when touched gently by the light shining down from above them: this group seemed to be important, commanders perhaps. Behind them was a table, with a map on top of it. Ryun switched the Essence he was focusing on and took a look from across the room. The map didnt instantly make sense to him, the only thing that he could gather was that it showed different troop placements. Each of the commanders possessed a unique feature; two bore different animal masks around their heads while another showed off their impressive wingspan behind them, ones face hidden beneath deep purple-blue cloth bandanna hung low enough to cover half his face while showing only piercing eyes.

Ryun turned his eyes back to the Grand Spirit of War. She wore an elaborate armor that seemed to pulse and change according to minute movements, rippling as if it was made out of water. He didnt immediately recognize what Essence it was made out of, so he focused on it more closely.

Then, he blinked, realizing what it was. The armor that shrouded War was in fact another spirit, molded into an armor. It occurred to Ryun that it was very similar to how people in the Real Realm might have awakened objects.

Before he could give it some more thought, the Grand Spirit of War spoke.

Chosen, the Grand Spirit said slowly. Who are you, and who sent you here?

Ryun took in the Grand Spirit for a few seconds. There was a sense of power to her that Ryun could feel in his own soul. The spirit was powerful, and the Essence of War pulsed around her. There were touches in it that he recognized, like Violence, Anger, but also things like Order, Inspiration, Essences that were concepts. The Grand Spirit was powerful, but Ryun had faced powerful individuals before.

Nayra didnt answer, instead she glanced at him. They had agreed that he would speak with the spirit, after all he was the one that wanted to come here.

My name is Ryun Nacht, he stepped forward. Ive come of my own accord.

The Grand Spirit leaned forward on her throne, and her voice thundered like a raging avalanche, demanding an answer to her question. Why?, she growled, the intensity of her presence causing the air around them to quiver with anticipation.

Ryun ignored the threat. Because we share an enemy. Raazel Equinar has struck against my own, I have come here to seek your aid in bringing him down.

War narrowed her eyes, her nostrils flared, and her lips pulled back to show rows of sharp teeth. You would have me believe that you found me on your own? You are not a Summoner or any kind of spirit whisperer, she said slowly. How did come here?

Ryun tilted his head. We were brought by the Explorers Soul. He has said that you would be willing to help us.

At the mention of the dragons name, the Grand Spirits entire demeanor changed, growing confused for a moment, and then contemplative.

The Explorers Soul, not the Grand Spirit caught itself, then nodded. The spirits hidden in the shadows of the tent melted away, and Ryun relaxed his touch on his Qi. He was ready to blast them all to nothingness.

So, you wish my aid against the yeti, the Grand Spirit continued.

Ryun nodded. My people, he said, hedging a bit. Have already faced the yeti and injured him greatly. We understand his power and the threat he poses. I understand that your kind cannot easily enter the Real Realm, but perhaps you can offer us something else. Anything you can give us in the service of our common goal, we will appreciate.

The Grand Spirit glanced at the spirits standing next to the table and something seemed to pass between them.

Then she looked back at Ryun, her eyes unreadable. Your proposal is unusual and not something that should be taken lightly. There are rules in place amongst us spirits. I have wanted to end the threat of the yeti for a long time, and I had been thwarted on all sides.

The Grand Spirit rose to her feet and stepped forward so that Ryun could suddenly feel the full force of her spirit around him. The entire tent felt like it was shaking as if preparing for some kind of onslaught.

I am uncertain of what you could provide, She said after a few moments pause but kept on looking at them with an expression that wasnt all serious anymore but seemed more understanding, almost amused in its own way. Though we always need more beings for our cause.

And what exactly is your purpose here? Ryun asked.

We are preparing for a war, the Grand Spirit said.

That much is obvious, Ryun added.

The Grand Spirit narrowed her eyes, then spoke. Ive made a bargain with a powerful chosen, if I fulfill my part of it, I will get to have what I want.

The yeti? Ryun guessed.

Just so, she answered. But there are delays. I can tell you are powerful. I do not know the ways of the chosen, but perhaps you could provide some aid. I must think about it Meanwhile, you are both welcome to stay in my camp. There are many great spirits and beings gathered here under my banner. Some might be able to give you what you are seeking.

Ryun held her eyes for a long few seconds, then nodded. He recognized a dismissal when he heard one, but still he didnt move to leave. Instead, he spoke again.

Ive been told that you have joined forces with the Grand Spirits of Transition and Mysteries, Ryun said slowly. If it is alright, I would like to talk with them as well.

The Grand Spirit of War paused, but Ryun detected the minute stiffening of her body. She didnt like that question.

Transition and Mysteries are not here, she told him. Weve parted ways for this cause.

Ryun narrowed his eyes but didnt ask for more. He had a suspicion that the other being in the tent before they arrived was another Grand Spirit. He was interested in knowing who exactly that was, but instead he turned around and let Nayra help guide him out of the tent. Something strange was happening in this camp, he didnt know what, but he would find out eventually. He always did.

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