Infinite Realm: Monsters & Legends

Chapter 432: Nayra

Chapter 432: Nayra

Domain of War

Nayra took a quick look around, making sure that there were no threats. The dragon had dropped them off on the edge of the region ruled by the Grand Spirit of War and its two partners, Grand Spirit of Mysteries and Grand Spirit of Transition.

Finding that all was quiet, Nayra took the lead as Ryun couldnt see. Her arm was tightly in Ryuns grip so he could keep up with her. She wasnt sure what they would gain from talking to these spirits, but Ryun seemed eager for it. Soon enough, they arrived at a ledge, and Nayra stopped short upon seeing what lay beyond.

What do you see? Ryun asked.

Before them a valley stretched as far as the eye can see, made out of the black sand that was softly rippling in the breeze like silk. On it, massive armies of spirits were fighting each other. Many looked like people, others were more beast like, while some were spirits whose natures made them appear in all kinds of shapes and forms. Thousands upon thousands of different shapes and sizes rolled over the ground, like plumes of cracking mist and waterfalls on fire. Colorful banners were planted atop mighty hills, standing triumphant, and others lined the ground.

The sounds of battle raged on all around them, the clangs and crashes, the war cries and screams, the groans and yells and growls.

The earth shook with each step of the armies as they trudged across the land. Their footsteps were synchronized, as if they were all trained to move together. The attacks of weapons against shields, some heavier than others, echoed through the valley.

A battlefield filled with spirits, Nayra answered. I see a massive camp in the center of it. At least that was what it looked like to Nayra. I think that there is a path through the battles that is kept clear of any fighting.

It was as if someone had carved a road leading through the heart of the battles, straight to the camp in the center. The camp itself was immense, great tents in all colors stood taller than some buildings. Long banners rippled between the spires of color standing tall overhead like standards. Spirits moved through them as if they were dancing a grand parade.

Nayra and Ryun climbed down into the valley, then started walking down the road. As they walked, she couldnt help but feel slightly apprehensive as to the response they would get from those currently locked in battle. Though, the more they walked, the more she realized that the spirits didnt even seem to be noticing them. For the most part, they ignored them, their attention focused on their battles. Seeing them fighting, she realized that the spirits didnt seem to be fighting to kill each other. They were fighting seriously, but they werent going for the killing blows. She wondered why that was, but before she could put any serious thought into it, several spirits noticed them, then stopped their fighting and turning their heads after them. After a few seconds of studying, they approached them.

There were three spirits, two had stone-like bodies covered with moss and vines and were twice as tall as Nayra. The last one had an elongated, slender muzzle that looked like it was made out of porous rock and deep-scarred eyes. It seemed to glow in the darkness and looked like a wolf and a cat smashed together. Its golden whiskers caught what little sun there was and sent sparks through the gloom.

Chosen? Here? One of them said in a voice that was like two stones grinding against each other.

The wolf-like one glanced at the speaker then spoke. No chosen comes here.

The last one just nodded its head.

Nayra glanced around at the other spirits, still fighting just a bit away from the road. She didnt want to... provoke them, they didnt come here to fight.

Nayra stilled her nerves, then spoke for both herself and Ryun. We are seeking an audience with the Grand Spirit of War, she said firmly yet politely. The other spirits exchanged questioning looks, something passing by them.

Oh, new supplicants, perhaps, the tall one said. The wolf-like one tilted its head then seemed to agree. Grand Wars vision is vast, to have even chosen come to him.

The last one just nodded its head again dumbly. Then, they seemed to lose all interest in them, turning around.

Nayra interrupted them by calling after them.

Why are you all fighting? Nayra asked while gesturing out to the valley of battle before her with a sweep of her arm.

The tall spirit turned around for a moment. We are preparing for something grand.

Then he continued on, joining back in the fighting.

Nayra frowned, then glanced at Ryun.

Supplicant? He whispered.

Looks like the Grand Spirit of War is making an army of spirits, Nayra said.

Ryun tilted his head. It would appear so.

They left the spirits to their practice as they continued on, heading for the encampment in the center. The landscape here was remarkable compared to any place they had seen before; tent-towers jutting into the air seemingly against all logic or sense as if defying gravity itself. Thousands upon thousands of brilliant torches lit up every corner while drums played music louder than thunder. Under the tents and banners, unique spirits moved around. Painted wolf-like spirits howling prayerful melodies, stone spirits carrying hammers with heads of purest black that felt as if they carried the Essence of the darkest and deepest stone.

A sound of metal ringing turned her eyes to a massive open tent, with forges set up inside that blazed like the heart of fire. She blinked as she saw spirits making weapons and armor in ways that she hadnt seen before.

Ryun paused and looked in their direction, for a few minutes. Then, he turned to her as if only just realizing that he had stopped. He gestured, and they continued on.

None of the spirits seemed to pay them much mind, nor did they seem to question their presence. It was as if something had taken hold of them all that made them ignore them completely.

Eventually, Nayra and Ryun arrived at the grand tent in the center of it all, the last ring of tents. Here, the spirits were different. There were less spirits who looked like beasts or those whose nature was clearly elemental. Here, most looked like armored warriors, like any army she could see in the Real Realm. Only on second look would you notice the differences. Some seemed to be just empty suits of armor, their visors concealing a darkness inside. Others seemed to be melted into their armor and weapons, as if it was their body. Then, she paused as she noticed another group near a tent with a unique banner. She frowned as she realized that all of those spirits looked like the races in the Real Realm. It didnt take her long to notice that they were not spirits at all. Their eyes were the mirror copies of the banner flying above their tent. A multi-ringed eye.

Shades, Ryun whispered from next to her.

Nayra frowned. This place was becoming stranger and stranger by the moment. Everything that she knew about shades told her that they were supposed to be insane. These ones at least didnt rage around.

They moved away, leaving them behind them along with their questions.

As they walked through the center area of the camp, the spirits started to take notice of their passage, and as Nayra and Ryun reached the largest tent, they were intercepted. Two spirits shrouded in elaborate armors approached and blocked their way. They were identical, suits of armor that had no face plate. Inside, she saw only two glowing blue embers as eyes. Their limbs melted into blades, and their legs had inverted knees. They towered over her and Ryun.

What is your business in the War Camp, chosen? They asked at the same time, their voices deep and even.

Ryun just tilted his head, and Nayra recognized the gesture for what it was, so she answered.

Weve come to speak with the Grand Spirit of War.

The Grand Spirit is not taking visitors, they said.

Nayra narrowed her eyes; she noticed that a lot of the spirits around them had stopped what they were doing and were watching them. It was a threat, though it wasnt much of one. Being in the center of an enemy camp alone would be the worst place for most people to be, but not for the two of them.

Weve come because we wish to discuss an important matter, Nayra said slowly. We wish to discuss the yeti, Raazel Equinar.

At the name everything around them quieted. One of the spirits in front of them turned and pulled the entrance flap open, and then walked into the tent. The other one remained in front of them, his two blue orbs staring blankly at them.

Then, the spirit spoke. The Grand Spirit will meet with you.

With that, the spirit turned and opened the tent flap, beckoning them in.

They followed.

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