I’m Really Scared

Chapter 5: None of Them

Chapter 5: None of Them

Trap! This is a trap!

Lin Shuman understood in an instant, quickly raising the dagger in her hand, looked at the customers around her, slowly stepped back, and asked: What did you do to my brother and the institute?!

I named my ability Desire Virus.

In addition to making other people have uncontrollable appetites for my body, its biggest role is to parasitize the eater, and control the other persons thoughts so that the other person becomes my clone.

The only problem is that it must lie in the subject for three months. Sounds like a long time, doesnt it?

Lin Wu chuckled in the earphones like a demon: Its a pity that it has been exactly three months since you first captured my parasite.

On the first day, my parasite-infected more than 20 people. In a closed environment like the research institute, how fast can you guess the infection spreaded? Hahahahaha

Lin Wu laughed, as if he had connected the headphones to the public channel.

A burst of chaotic fighting and gunfire came from it, announcing the fall of the third team and its affiliated research institute.

Lin Shumans heart sank to the bottom, now she was alone and helpless!

The so-called waiting outside for the troops to cooperate with her was just a lie.

She stepped back a little bit, resisting her fear, and tried to delay for time: So, from planning to execution of this operation, we were already in your control, and the people who were not controlled were just the clowns in your eyes.

One of the female customers spoke with Fang Minmins voice and walked towards her with a smile: Yes, but because Lin Wus resistance was too strong and even suppressed part of me, I couldnt fully acquire his memory, so I didnt know that your ability was to eliminate your own sense of existence before you acted.

The invisible you became the only uncertain factor.

She paused, then said: At least it was before.

Lin Shumans pupils shrank, and she understood the other partys plan: So, you lied to me to attack? As long as you were aware of it, my ability would be meaningless.

Fang Minmin aroused a sly smile: No need to delay for time, your research institute has already been completely controlled by me.

Except for a dagger and a gun that carries special bullets, you are not equipped with any other weapon, because your ability must ensure that your own mass is below 50kg to take effect.

And your gun was snatched by that guy

Those customers approached step by step, their eyes like a pack of wolves seeing fresh prey.

Lin Shuman kept backing up until she hit a table. She swallowed and said loudly: You also know that he robbed my gun. Are you not afraid that guy will kill your husband?!

According to the data, Zhao Hong and Fang Minmin were a couple before their abilities awoke.

So, when the operation was previously planned, she was sure that as long as Zhao Hong was taken away, Fang Minmin would definitely follow.

Fang Minmins smile on her face grew brighter when she heard those words.

She stepped forward and grabbed Lin Shumans neck, and slowly said: Although I dont know where that guy came from, what you said wont happen. You think he can kill a person with pure physical enhancement ability with so few bullets?

She can see clearly from the side; this nuisance had no abilities at all!

With Zhao Hongs power, just a few punches, and this guy would turn into a pool of flesh and blood.

Whats even more ridiculous is that he took the initiative to swallow her parasites, so many in fact that as long as her mind moved moved it didnt move at all?!

Fang Minmins smile on her face suddenly froze and turned into surprise: How is it possible?! My parasitehow come my parasites are not responding?!

The pillar of support that kept her calm till now suddenly disappeared.

Unease surged into her heart, and she turned her head abruptly.

Boom boom boom!

Gunshots suddenly sounded.

And the meat-like chef fell to the ground wailing.


The roaring Giant approached instantly with incredible speed.

In the big blood bowl-like mouth that the chef opened, the mandibles were filled with fangs that could pierce straight through ones throat.

The rotten meat on them was clearly visible, and even the foul breath seemed to wash his face in an instant.

The tables and chairs along the road shattered into ruin, like a storm crushing the city, horribly terrifying.

In just three seconds, the chef rushed towards him with a low growl, his eyes full of pure malice and killing intent.

Five meters, three meters, one meter!

He raised his sturdy arm and swung a one-meter-long boning knife with a blade like a hanging moon

Guan Shans heart was pounding, almost jumping out of his throat, his hands trembling slightly.

In his dynamic view, everything slowed down at this moment, he finally saw the weak point of the chef being marked red!

The knife swung down towards Guan Shans head!



A canopy of blood mist spurted out suddenly.


The chef let out a miserable cry, the knife in his hand loosened, and when it fell to the ground, he stretched out his hand to cover his lower body.

Boom! Bang!

Guan Shan didnt feel pity for a horror game BOSS that almost killed him, so he immediately fired the last two shots.

The blood flowed down like a waterfall It hurts to look at it.

But Guan Shan looked at the floating -300, -300, and -100, only ecstasy filled his heart.

The effect of gazing is still limited, but the health bar of 1200 has dropped directly to 500, which is already amazing!

Guan Shan was scared to death just now, but luck turned around, this time it can be regarded as venting his rage.

Take advantage of his weakness and kill him!

He put the pistol into the backpack, bent down, and picked up the boning knife on the ground.

Large Boning Knife

Attack power: 100

Description: A special customized product with a size far exceeding that of ordinary knives. The skin of innocents have been peeled off, leaving behind unclean bloodstains.

A new weapon again?

The simulator directly equipped it by default and helped him correct his posture.

It has a fixed attack power of 100, which means that if you are lucky, you may be able to end the battle with a single blow!

Guan Shan felt that victory was imminent, overjoyed, took the knife, and walked to the wailing chef.

He moved his fully recovered arm, raised the butcher knife, and aimed at the latters neck, which was now exposed in red.

Guan Shan took a deep breath, facing a humanoid monster, after all, was different from killing chickens and ducks.

Its never easy the first time doing these types of things.

He can only encourage himself: There is nothing to be afraid of It will be over soon.

Its just a game.

For the convenience of exerting his strength, Guan Shan stepped on the chin of the hideous chef, told him to shut his mouth and thrust it in.



The chefs final struggle weakened, his eyes widened, and he let out a violent hoho gasp.

There is still health left?

Guan Shan was preparing to take another swing.

But at this moment, a piercing scream sounded.

The customers suddenly went crazy, using their hands and feet, they quickly swarmed towards him.

And the waitress turned her entire face inside out as if she had opened a zipper.

The skin sac fell to the ground, and several tentacles burst out and a huge eyeball in the center replaced its own existence.

The tentacles covered with dense eyes were like spider legs moving forward alternately. Accompanied by a scream, they rushed to the front in a few seconds, the scene was very disgusting.

Guan Shans eyelids twitched, and he almost took a half step back, muttering: Sure enough, the bosses in the final stage will summon mobs Tch, how troublesome.

But now his level was higher than these mobs, and his equipment was much better.

The big boss has already fallen beneath my feet, you think Im still afraid of you, miscellaneous fish?


The customer in the front opened his mouth and rushed towards Guan Shan. The densely packed little tentacles danced frantically, showing its inhuman nature.

Guan Shan picked up the boning knife and pierced with it.


The blade directly penetrated the mandible without hindrance, stabbed straight through to the top of the head, and with a crit, it turned this lvl. 3 customer, into a skewer.

Experience +150

Guan Shan kicked the dead body towards several other customers, knocking them away.

It was estimated that there was a lvl.1 unlucky person among those few customers. He flew out and fell directly on the back of his head, dying on the spot.

Experience +50

So crisp after the increase in level?

Guan Shans eyes lit up, and the mobs in front of him suddenly seemed to have become walking experience.

It just so happened that these ignorant monsters were all squeezed together. Guan Shan estimated the angle and stood upright, jammed these monsters in position, and spun around.

The boning knife easily cut open the abdomen of several customers, and blood was splashed all over the place.






Current experience value: 200/600

Current HP: 600

When the level-up reminder sounded in Guan Shans ear, the waitress happened to rush in front of him.

He looked at the prompt lvl.6, 400 HP on the top of the waitresss head, pushed aside the pile of corpses in front of him, let out a sigh, and greeted him without dodging.

Well, its your turn.

Guan Shan murmured, before slashing with the knife.

Blood dripped from the blade.

Experience +50

Huh? Nothing?

Guan Shan was taken aback, and suddenly he saw a figure among the customers squirming suddenly, transforming into the waitresss appearance, with the waitresss logo on her head.

He remembered the description of the waitressshe was everywhere.

It turns out that you have the ability to be cloned!

Guan Shan suddenly realized and looked around: It seems that all the mobs have to be cleared up.

Lin Shuman sat slumped on the ground, clutching his throat and coughing for a long time before she was relieved.

She staggered to her feet, looked up, and saw a dead body.

Not far away, Guan Shan cut off one of the customers with a single knifeNo, those should be the heads of the parasites.

He threw the headless corpse aside, muttering to himself, Its not this.

Then went on to kill the next one.

He muttered every time he killed one.

Its not this one not this nor is it this

Lin Shuman was so frightened that she hid in a corner in horror, covering her mouth.

The earphones suddenly sounded, and Lin Wus weak and anxious voice came: Xiaoman! Xiaoman! Are you there! The reinforcements above have come over, and Fang Minmins control of the parasites has been lifted. You must immediately evacuate the restaurant. Violent cleaning will be carried out soon!

Um understood!

Lin Shuman took a deep breath and nodded vigorously.

She pointedly found that Fang Minmins previous parasite was dead. Although still unsure whether what Lin Wu was talking about now was true or not, she should at least leave the restaurant as soon as possible.

And Zhao Hong still had a breath in him, his eyes were dim, but he was still struggling.

So is this guy looking for Fang Minmins real body?

Lin Shuman looked at Zhao Hongs glaring, bloodshot but desperate eyes, and shuddered at the blood-covered figure that killed with one step at a time.

Suddenly she felt Maybe this guy wanted to torture Zhao Hong.

In front of her husband, holding a butcher knife, bit by bit trying to find out the location of his wife, and kill her.

Probably, nothing is more tormenting than this, right?

Did this guy like to torture before taking revenge?

Guan Shan looked around, there were only two living creatures left in the restaurant, and all the dropped objects had been picked up, yet he couldnt find the waitresss body.

He thought for a while, then suddenly turned his head and stared at the dying chef: Eliminate the impossible, and whatever is left must be the truth?

Guan Shan walked over and made the last cut directly.

Experience +1200


Current experience: 450/800

Current HP: 800

The chefs gaze dimmed completely, and at the same time, his heart suddenly squirmed, and countless tentacles broke through the surface and spread towards the surroundings.

But when only half of it spread, it lost its vitality, turned into a stone-like object, shattered and was blown away.

The heart of the chef is the Meat nest of the waitress.

Experience +600


Current experience value: 250/900

Current HP: 900

The final boss has been killed

The simulation is over, this scene will be destroyed soon, please leave as soon as possible

Countdown: 00:59

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