I’m Really Scared

Chapter 4: Drops!

Chapter 4: Drops!


Guan Shan felt his heart tighten and immediately rolled aside.

Shua! Boom!

The chef roared and slashed with a knife, the blade whizzed and directly sliced the table next to him with a customer in half.

The remaining power was unabated, even the floor had been sunk by a layer, and dust exploded.

Thanks to his greatly improved physical fitness, Guan Shan reacted in an instant and dodged the blade.

But the next moment, the sarcoma and tentacles on the chefs shoulder suddenly grew and twisted into a third arm, then struck him.

The speed was so fast that it even left an afterimage.


Guan Shan only felt that he was hit by a mammoth. His vision was shrouded in dark red, and his Health Bar dropped by about a quarter.

He rolled a few times on the ground, got up, and coughed twice. He reached out his hand, his mouth was full of blood.

But it didnt hurt?

This simulator aims at entertainment, we do our best at providing a simulated environment, and promises that it will never cause pain to players

The mechanical sound prompt sounded.

You are so damn sweet!

Guan Shan scolded and climbed up from the ground, and ran to the corner, collecting the white light along the path.

Although the wound didnt hurt, the physical damage did not disappear.

The left arm and right calf were probably fractured at the moment, and breathing was not very smooth, probably due to internal injuries.

But thanks to being beaten up just now, now he was temporarily able to get away from the boss. Guan Shan took the opportunity to check the information of the fallen objects and was immediately ecstatic.

These monsters actually dropped healing medicine!

Entangled parasites x 3

Effect: Slowly restores health

Explanation: The connective tissue that exudes a strange fishy smell seems to come from a part of someones body, carrying a bit of tenacious vitality

This thing is really hard to look at. But at this critical juncture, Guan Shan didnt have time to care about it too much.

He gritted his teeth and swallowed it straight down.

Fortunately, there is no taste, but the texture is bad enough

Guan Shan saw his health bar immediately begin to climb back up, about ten points every second.

The effect on the body made the wounds start to heal automatically, the arms and calves were quickly covered by white light and gradually healed.

Its not slow at all!

If this is called slow, how effective should the quick healing medicine be?

He was a little surprised, a little relieved, and then turned around and shot the chef twice.

But this guy directly shrank the surrounding fat and tentacles in the middle and instantly formed a facial shield, the bullet sank directly into it, and there was no sound.

The two -30 pitiful numbers floated up, making Guan Shans heart turn cold.

This guys defense is really high, there is no way to cause effective damage without hitting the vitals.

I still have three bullets left. If I cant figure out a way to make him lose his combat effectiveness, it will be me who will die. Whats more, there is a waitress who is staring at me I cant just sit and wait!

Guan Shan looked back and took a deep breath, concentrating, and raised his gun.

A BOSS cant be unbeatable, there must be a weak point he cant protect.

The obvious external part is not it, so you can only rely on the prompt of the simulator.

But the prompt must be triggered by gazing, which means that he must stare at the target for a certain amount of time before the prompt can activate.

At the same time, face the boss!

Lin Shuman stayed under the table, looking completely silly.

The man shot up and took with her gun, and after alarming Zhao Hong and Fang Minmin, the first thing he did was to shoot three consecutive shots and kill three customers.

The images of the brains and blood splattered by the customers clearly greeted her.

The idea in her heart that she had guessed that the other party was on her side was instantly overturned.

Willing to shoot at ordinary people under control without hesitation. This is by no means part of the special security team!

Whats more, among their tasks, the most important one was to save the lives of the hostages in the restaurant as much as possible!

But this person has the accuracy of one shot per one headshot in shooting while mobile, his actions were simple and clean, and he looked like a highly trained soldier or a person from the gray areas.

Is he a mercenary who makes money from the heads of low-level psychics? Or a member of Killer Bee, a psychic organization that recently revealed its traces in Binjiang City not far away?

Zhao Hong roared, his muscles swelled to the extreme, and instantly transformed into a demonic muscle man.

He rushed at the young man while holding an eviscerating knife.

The latter shuttled through the restaurant, constantly killing customers with extreme accuracy, and his speed was getting faster and faster. Each shot of a gun represents the loss of a customers life.

Captain Lins voice came from the earphones: Xiaoman, I heard the gunshots, have you started? When you come out from there, I will let the team be ready to pick you up!

Lin Shuman quickly said: Its not me!

Lin Wu: Whats wrong? Whats the situation?

Lin Shuman squatted and said: The last customer who came in ten minutes ago, he took my gun just now and is now fighting Zhao Hong, but at the same time he is killing the hostages!

Lin Wu said solemnly: Calm down, you mean that the customer may be a third party that intervened?

Thats right!

I called up the customers information. Hes a reporter named Guan Shan. I cant see anything abnormal from the information He may have been replaced by someone.

Lin Wu has much more experience in dealing with emergencies than Lin Shuman, and immediately changed his strategy and said: The main goal of that person is Zhao Hong, and you havent been exposed yet, right?

Lin Shuman nodded: Yes!

Very good.

Lin Wu said: Now your mission is changed, kill Fang Minmin.

Lin Shuman opened her eyes wide and couldnt help saying: Brother, but

Xiaoman, you must believe in me.

Lin Wu continued: Fang Minmins aggressiveness is lower than Zhao Hong. Now Zhao Hong is being dragged around by a third party, and the biggest threat has temporarily disappeared. It is the best time to kill Fang Minmin.

The control on the hostages will be lost and they will no longer be hostages, so we can act without worry.

So, use your power to kill her.


The decision made by Lin Wu has always been absolute, Lin Shuman took a deep breath: Understood!

There was no delay in her actions. She took a cautious look at the target, then walked towards Fang Minmin, who was bust maneuvering the customers nearby and drew out a dagger. Lin Shumans ability ensures that she will not be discovered, and the training and special combat uniforms she was received gave her the power to kill Fang Minmin.

The rest is easy.

However, Lin Shuman walked to Fang Minmins back, just as she was about to do it. She saw Guan Shan, who had been kiting suddenly seem distracted by something, and his movement stopped for a while.

Zhao Hong was stunned and then smiled before suddenly accelerating to catch up.

Without holding back any of his strength, he knocked the former with one punch.


The fist brought up a dull wind and the sound of broken bones. Lin Shuman was startled, and her heart sank.

Although Zhao Hong was only D-class, the power of the Flesh system was enough to penetrate an alloy plate, not to mention the human body.

Judging from the performance of that person just now, they should be just an ordinary person who has been trained. With this punch, Im afraid theyre now incapacitated

Without this person distracting him, Zhao Hong will soon turn his attention to Fang Minmins side again, thinking that assassination will become even more difficult!

Lin Shuman gritted her teeth, and towards Fang Minmins undefended back, stood straight up to prepare to slit her throat.

At this moment, she saw Guan Shan rolling on the ground several times, and then swore and stood back up like an uninjured person, without any loss of speed.

Whats stranger and more terrifying was that he immediately inserted his bare hands into the heads of the corpses of those customers, and dug out a mass of twisting tentacles, beating like an undeveloped heart.

Then, swallowed it!

Her pupils shrunk, confused: How could it bewhat is he doing?! What is that?!

These three questions were just a flash of thought, and the dagger in Lin Shumans hand has already slit Fang Minmins throat.

Things went smoothly unexpectedly.

Fang Minmins fallen body was at her feet, but Lin Shuman suddenly felt a trace of coolness crawling up her back.

If the brains of those customers have become those kinds of things

So, from the beginning, there were no hostages, they had been replaced by Fang Minmins body tissue!

But what really made Lin Shumans scalp numb was that they had rescued more than a dozen hostages before and placed them in the institute for several weeks.

For such a long time, the experts in the research institute and all the members of their third team have all been in contact with these Fang Minmins parasites.

She raised her head.

The customers all around turned around to look at her at some unknown time, showing a weird smile, and said in unison: Xiao Man, have you killed Fang Minmin? Why are you not talking?

Their voice overlaps perfectly with the one from the earphones.

Thats Lin Wus voice.

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