I Became the Legendary Emperor Throughout the Ages After I Started Giving Away My Territory

Chapter 97.2

Chapter 97.2

After another nights sleep, the Ninth Prince, touching the lump on his head, groggily woke up: Damn it, where did that stone come from? It hit me right on the head, it hurts like hell!

Just then, his ears twitched, and he became excited: Someone! I hear someones voice! I am saved!

He immediately stood up and ran towards the direction of the sound.

Finally, he saw an ox cart, upon which an old man sat, driving the ox while singing a tune of unknown melody, utterly at ease and content.

It was the sound of that ballad that had drawn him over.

Waving his hands excitedly, he rushed to the front of the ox cart: Wait! Wait for me!

The old man pulled the ox cart to a halt, eyeing him warily: Young man, what do you want? This ox of mine has a bit of a temper; if I werent holding him, youd be sent flying by his horns!

Its nothing just that Im so happy to see you so excited haha The Ninth Prince spoke incoherently and with great excitement.

The old man muttered under his breath: Whats there to be excited about seeing an old man like me, weirdo!

At that moment, a rumbling sound came from his stomach. The Ninth Prince clutched his belly while looking at the old man with eager eyes: Old man, I havent eaten anything for several days. Could you spare me something to eat?

Starved for several days Are there still people going hungry these days?

The old man asked. You wouldnt happen to be a refugee from another country, would you?

The Ninth Prince nodded vigorously: Yes, yes, yes, I am a refugee from outside, here to make a living!

That explains it.

The old man said. In Great Xia, weve basically eradicated hunger. As long as you have hands and feet and are willing to work, you generally wont go hungry! He reached into a wooden box beside him and pulled out a plate of steamed buns.

Seeing as youre quite pitiful, I have a few steamed buns here. Take them and eat!

The Ninth Prince quickly grabbed them and devoured them hungrily while saying, Thank you! You are a good person! You are the best person I have ever met! I will surely repay you a hundredfold in the future!

The old man shook his head and chuckled: No need for that. Theyre just a few steamed buns. Just make sure to work hard in return! Let me tell you, coming to Great Xia is the wisest decision of your life! As long as you put in the effort, you will certainly be able to live the life you want!

Mm-hmm, youre right, thank you!

After eating a few steamed buns, Ninth Prince felt much more comfortable and energized.

He had never realized that plain steamed buns, without any seasoning, could taste so delicious. They were even more delectable than all the exotic delicacies he had ever tasted, making him crave for more.

Having eaten his fill, it was time to get down to business.

Ninth Prince asked, Old man, where are we?

The old man chuckled and said, Do you even have to ask? This is, of course, Great Xia!

The Ninth Prince asked again, How far is it from here to the Great Xia capital city? Which way should I go?

The old man pointed ahead, Not far, about 50 li left to go! If you walk quickly, you should be able to find it by nightfall! Ah Im puzzled, having come this far, dont you know the way?

The Ninth Prince gave a wry smile, pointing not far off, Old man, I wont lie to you. I came from that road over there, but its a strange one. I walked and walked and then got lost!

The old man was somewhat baffled, You came from there? But theres no road in that place!

The Ninth Prince felt a chill run down his spine, How can there be no road? Ive been walking there for several days, if you dont believe me, Ill take you to see!

The two of them walked back, but the scene before them stunned the Ninth Prince!

Because the place was overgrown with weeds, there was no road at all!

The Ninth Prince felt even colder, his complexion turning a shade paler.

I knew it,

The old man said, somewhat angrily. Theres no road here at all. Have you been bewitched, or are you deliberately using me for some amusement?

Please listen to me, Old man. I havent deceived you; I might truly have been bewitched

Amidst the Ninth Princes repeated apologies, the old man forgave him.

The Ninth Prince wanted to go to the capital city, but he was afraid of encountering more supernatural troubles, so he clung to the old man.

The old man also wanted to go to the capital city for the market, so he decided that they would set out together.

Starting the journey in the afternoon, we should be able to reach the capital city by the morning of the second day.

Sitting in the ox cart, the Ninth Prince was extremely excited, finally preparing to meet the senior sister he had been longing for!

After meeting senior sister, he must convey his feelings to her.

Let her know how much he loves her and that he nearly lost his life in his quest to find her.

At the same time, he also implored senior sister to help him find his own people.

On the second day, they arrived at the Great Xia capital city as they had hoped.

The moment he walked through the city gates, the Ninth Prince was stunned.

The streets were bustling with carriages and horses, the flow of people was like the shuttle of a loom, and the clamor of voices was deafening. The entire city was extraordinarily lively.

There were also many items in shops with names he couldnt recall, which dazzled his eyes.

This is the Great Xiacapital city, it looks so prosperous, not any less than the imperial capital city! he exclaimed.

The old man hopped down from the ox cart and laughed, I have never been to other countries, so I dont know what their capital cities are like, but this place has indeed become more prosperous and lively than before! However, the law and order here is strictly managed, so dont just run around aimlessly, and certainly dont engage in any criminal activities, otherwise even I wont be able to save you!

Dont worry, I wont do such things, the Ninth Prince shook his head.

Also, you need to change the way you address yourself. Which commoner refers to themselves as bn gng? Thats a taboo, do you understand? (TLN: Someone referring to themselves in a regal manner.)

Bn I understand now! The Ninth Prince was very honest.

After all, the people around him were gone now, and his status was in name only.

Moreover, the Old man before him had shown him great kindness, saving him from trouble and providing him with food; he couldnt be tough in return.

At that moment, a commotion arose in the distance, and a group of guards rushed over, standing on both sides of the street, not allowing anyone to approach.

Whats happening over there? the Ninth Prince asked, puzzled.

The old man lowered his head and spoke softly, Those are the Imperial Guards; it must be the Emperor who has arrived!

The Ninth Prince thought to himself: Perfect timing! This prince wants to see for himself what the man who stole my senior sister looks like!

At that moment, a shrill voice came from a distance: His Majesty has arrived, why have you not knelt in reverence?

Long live His Majesty, may the Emperor live for ten thousand years! The commoners knelt in homage.

The Ninth Prince did not kneel; instead, he squatted on the ox cart, feigning paralysis.

But with so many people around, no one noticed him.

Amidst the crowds welcome, a luxurious golden carriage drawn by six horses slowly made its way forward.

The Ninth Prince slightly lifted his head, casting a glance towards the opulent carriage.

Inside the carriage, there sat a young man dressed in a dragon robe and wearing a crown. With his sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes, his presence was commanding and his appearance was handsome and extraordinary.

Even the Ninth Prince felt a twinge of jealousy: Though he may be good-looking, hes still an idiot emperor, unworthy of senior sister!

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