I Became the Legendary Emperor Throughout the Ages After I Started Giving Away My Territory

Chapter 97.1

Chapter 97.1

Everyone exchanged glances, their faces filled with utter shock.

They had walked for an entire day, strictly following the path, yet somehow, they had ended up back where they started!

What an incredibly bizarre occurrence!

This this this must be the ghost hitting the wall phenomenon!

Weve encountered something evil; there are ghosts here!

Could it be that A-Xing and A-Qiang also encountered ghosts before?

Is it our turn now?

The crowd exclaimed in surprise, extremely panicked.

At this moment, even the Ninth Prince himself couldnt remain calm.

Who would have thought that a simple journey would lead to such bizarre events?

A terrifying thought arose in his heart: Could it be that weve really encountered something evil?

He couldnt help but turn his head to look at the elder beside him, his personal bodyguard and the only support he had now.

The old man stepped forward and said calmly, Everyone, dont panic. There are absolutely no ghosts in this world! I have roamed the rivers and lakes for decades, killed people by the thousands if not tens of thousands, but I have never encountered a ghost!

What we are facing now might be some kind of extraordinary formation, either naturally occurring or man-made, but it is definitely not a ghost. Dont scare yourselves!

The Ninth Prince called out, Listen to Elder Mu, everyone calm down, dont frighten yourselves!

With the reassurance from the two, everyone finally calmed down.

The Ninth Prince asked for advice, Elder Mu, is this really a formation?

The old man nodded gravely, Its very likely, and its highly possible that its man-made! Because if it were natural, it would have been discovered by others long ago, and there wouldnt be any paths here!

What Elder Mu said makes a lot of sense. Then how do we get out of this formation? the Ninth Prince asked.

As for formations, I do not understand them! But I do know one thing. If we can find the person who set up the formation, we can surely solve this grand formation and escape from this trap!

At that moment, Elder Mus ears twitched, and he suddenly charged toward the woods.

The Ninth Prince called out, Elder Mu, where are you going?

Ive spotted someone, very likely the one who set up the formation. Im going to capture him and bring him back!

The Ninth Prince called out again, But what about me?

Your Highness, rest assured, I will return shortly!

The man had vanished, and Ninth Prince was somewhat helpless as he soothed everyone, Everyone, rest well here. Once Elder Mu returns, we will be able to escape from this predicament!

Yes, Your Highness!

However, after waiting for an hour, Elder Mu still hadnt come back.

Ninth Prince and the others started to panic.

Its been an hour already, and Elder Mu still hasnt returned. Could something have happened to him?

Dont talk nonsense! Elder Mu is a peak Imperial Qi master. Apart from a Grandmaster, who could possibly harm him?

But still, hes been gone for so long!

Could it really be that weve encountered a ghost? No matter how strong a person is, its useless against a ghost!

What youre saying makes so much sense!

At this moment, Ninth Prince coughed and said, Lets not talk about this anymore, dont scare ourselves! Rest well and gather your strength. Once Elder Mu returns, we will be able to leave!

Yes, Your Highness! Everyone hung their heads, listless.

The night passed quickly.

Ninth Prince drifted off into a fitful sleep, then woke up groggily, stepped out of the carriage, and the first thing he said was, Has Elder Mu not returned yet?

Not yet, Your Highness!

The Ninth Prince nodded slightly, his mood becoming a tad heavier.

At that moment, he noticed that someone was missing from the group and asked, Wheres A-Jinn? Why dont I see him?

Your Highness, he just went to relieve himself! (TLN: Toilet.)

I see!

The Ninth Prince casually inquired, How long has he been gone?

About the time it takes to burn half an incense stick!

The Ninth Princes spirit was roused, and his expression turned solemn: If its just a minor issue, it wont take half an incense sticks time. Nothing could have happened to A-Jinn, right?

Shouldnt have, right? Everyone exchanged glances.

He might also be taking the opportunity for a big one!

A-Jinn is a dawdler, dragging his feet is pretty normal for him!

He should be back very soon!

But the wait turned out to be another half an incense sticks time, and A-Jinn had not returned.

Everyone had a bad feeling rising in their hearts: Could something have happened to A-Jinn as well?

One of the attendants, who had a good relationship with him, stood up and said, Your Highness, Ill go and have a look. He might have fallen asleep while relieving himself; such things have happened before!

Make it quick! the Ninth Prince said.

But after half an incense stick had burned, the person who went to look for him had not returned.

Everyones hearts sank again: Could he have met with some misfortune too?

How could someone just disappear in such a short moment?

After that, everyone lost the mood to talk or sleep, and the atmosphere became extremely somber.

Only the kindled firewood crackled and popped.

Dawn was gradually breaking.

None of the three who had left had returned.

Everyone was on edge, and one of them asked, Your Highness, what should we do next?

The situation here is very strange; we must not separate from now on!

The Ninth Prince said, feigning calm, We must stick together for eating, drinking, and sleeping. Even if we need to relieve ourselves, it must be within sight, preferably not beyond 30 feet no, 15 feet!

Your Highness is absolutely right. Shall we continue on our journey?

Staying here is not safe; we must keep moving, but change direction, head back!

Yes, Your Highness!

Once again, they set out, retracing their steps in the opposite direction.

However, after a days journey, they once again encountered the familiar old tree and the traces they had left behind.

No! Why have we come back here again? Everyone was slightly panicked.

On the third day, they chose yet another direction and set off anew.

But by nightfall, they had returned to the same spot.

On the fourth day, they set off again, this time in a different direction.

But by evening, they had circled back to the same spot.

Everyone was on the verge of a breakdown. Why was it that no matter how much they walked, they just couldnt leave this place?

Were they doomed to be trapped here for the rest of their lives?

The Ninth Prince was extremely weary. He too was on the brink of collapse, but as the pillar of the group, he couldnt afford to break down. Rallying his spirits, he said, Everyone, dont panic. Weve already tried several directions, and there are still a few we havent tried. Were getting closer to success with each attempt!

Moreover, if something were to happen to me and I went missing, my imperial father would surely send skilled rescuers to save us! So, please, ease your minds. One day, we will definitely find our way out!

Soothed by the Ninth Prince, everyone finally calmed down.

After dinner, exhausted in both body and mind, he drifted off into a deep sleep.

When he awoke once more and stepped out of the carriage, he was horrified to discover that everyone had vanished, even the horses that pulled the carriage were gone, leaving him alone.

The Ninth Prince finally panicked: Where is everyone? Where have you all gone? Did I not emphasize that we must not separate? How dare you disobey my orders? Come back to me! Come back

He shouted several times, his voice echoing through the woods, but there was no response.

Another hour passed, and still no one returned.

The Ninth Prince finally realized that these people had disappeared as well.

Anxiety welled up inside him: Now Im all alone, what should I do?

He inspected the carriage and discovered that the food was gone, as were the gold, silver, jewels, and money he had with him.

It seems I must leave this place, or else Ill starve to death!

He abandoned the carriage and chose a direction he had never taken before, setting out once again.

He employed his movement skill, then ran with all his might, heedless of the consequences.

Along the way, he still encountered no one and saw no villages.

By noon, he had to run back to that tree, but the carriage had vanished.

He refused to believe in bad luck and set off once again.

By evening, he had run back again.

Its really like seeing a ghost, no matter how much I run, I cant get out!

He touched his stomach, which was already flattened by hunger, but there was nothing to eat.

Although there were trees and grassroots around, being a prince who had been accustomed to luxury and fine dining since childhood, he simply couldnt bring himself to eat such things and could only endure the hunger and rest.

After dawn broke, he set off once more, searching for a way out.

Thus, five days had passed.

The Ninth Prince, famished and weak, with his stomach growling and his back stuck to his chest, lay prostrate on the ground, devoid of the will to move.

Due to frequently running through the woods, his clothes had become tattered and torn, and the soles of his shoes had been worn smooth, now sporting several holes. With no chance to wash his face and no one to tend to his hair, he looked utterly disheveled and downcast.

Upon closer inspection, he was indistinguishable from a beggar.

No, this cannot be! I must find a way out. Before I die, I must see senior sister once more to express my feelings to her!

The image of that spirited and beautiful face came to mind, and he couldnt help but become infatuated, breaking into a silly grin: Senior sister, how I long to

At that moment, a stone appeared out of nowhere and struck him on the head.


He was knocked out cold, with a lump swelling on his head.

By this time, having played for ten days, Lin Beifan felt it was about time to let him out.

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