I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 248: Despicable men!

Chapter 248: Despicable men!

It is already midnight-

*creek* Opening the door of her room, Mei Xiu came outside, her face filled with dried tears "I am hungry..." a mumble escaped her dry throat.

She only had breakfast today and after that, she stayed in her room crying.

"Urghhh! I need to wash my face." She again entered her room and went into the bathroom.

Opening the tap, she washed her face, feeling rejuvenated by the cold water hitting her face.

She then quickly went to the kitchen and opened the fridge searching for cold water.

Opening the lid of the bottle, she hastily gulped the water down her throat which was dry after her constant screaming and crying.

*thud* Closing the refrigerator, she began to take the ingredients which are needed for dinner and began to cut the vegetables.

But her mind again drifted to that handsome young man. It hasn't been more than a month since they have been together yet it hurts like this...

Probably because it's her first love.

She muttered under her breath "Now I understood what they meant by 'Nothing breaks your heart more than a breakup.' "

As she continued chopping the vegetables her hands trembled and she bit her lips in frustration "How can I leave him like that?"

There were no more tears in her eyes for her to cry and all she could do was sigh "But... Tian, he was trying to say something to me."

She felt kinda guilty in her heart "Maybe I should have listened to him... t-there must be reasons right?"

She took a deep breath and placed the knife on the chopping board.

With hurried steps, she went to her room and took her mobile to call Zhao Tian.

*ring* But after two tries, Zhao Tian didn't pick up her call. Only then did she look at the time and it was already 1 am.

"He already slept? I will talk to him tomorrow then..."

As she left her room, she frowned as she felt uneasy in her heart "No, I want to talk to him now."

She quickly tidied her clothes and stepped out of her apartment, closing the door.

As she came out it was fully dark and she could feel the chillness in the air.

"Buses should be available now right?" She mumbled under her breath in thought that she could go to Zhao Tian's house.

She walked through the streets, strolling towards the road.

After a short walk, she was close to the road but at this time, there she saw three cars near the road with many men sitting on it drinking and laughing.

Huh? Mei Xiu was startled to see them and stopped in her tracks.

Without making any noise she slowly began to back away, however one of the men noticed her under the dim light of the street lamps.

"See, there is a woman."

"Huh? At this time?"

All of the men's attention turned toward Mei Xiu and one of them yelled "Young lady are you lost?"

Mei Xiu squinted her eyes and began to run back to her apartment.

"Oi, Oi... she is running."

"Haha, Brother you said there is no side dish for drinks... here it is."


The men quickly got out of the car and began to chase Mei Xiu.

Mei Xiu turned her head and saw the horde of men who were rushing towards her. "Shit, it's a bad idea to come out at this time."

She quickly took her mobile and dialed for Zhao Tian "Tian, Tian... please attend the call."

Meanwhile, Zhao Tian is lying on the bed, and Ling Huang and Ling Meiying were lying naked atop him. *ring* His mobile which is on the side table, vibrated but he was sleeping.

*tap* Running zig-zag around the streets she continued to escape from the men but as she blinked her eyes, *woosh* she saw a bulky man standing in front of her, a wicked smile on his face.

*gulp* She gulped her saliva and turned around to run in the opposite direction but as she turned her head, the bulky man was standing in front of her.

At this time, it struck her 'I-Is he one of those cultivators."

The smirk on the man's face grew wider "Young lady, are you one of those bitches who hook up with men at night?"

"How much is the pay?"

"Oh... wait it is free for us if we force you right? Hahaha."

"Bastard." cursing him, she again turned to run, however, the other men were already caught up and rushed from that side.

The bulky man stepped forward near Mei Xiu "Young lady...." with a sinister grin he stretched out his hand to her.


In the next instant, a blade cleaved through the air and the bulky man saw his arm getting sliced by the white blade.

"ARGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!" he screamed in pain and the others were also shrunk back in fear not knowing what had happened just now.

"You are..." Mei Xiu muttered glancing at the white-haired woman in front of her, her face gruesome with scars like the last time she saw her.

"My Liege has ordered me not to let any man lay a finger on you."

Shi Yixian looked at the other men whose faces were filled with dread "Despicable men."

*swoosh* *sleech* "ARRGHHHH!!!" "RAAAHHHHH!" "RUNNNN!!!"

Mei Xiu was horrified by the blood bath as she witnessed Shi Yixian's blade effortlessly slaying every one of the men.

*sleech* Shi Yixian waved her blade as the blood from her blade painted the floor.

Retracting the blade back in her storage ring, Shi Yixian looked at Mei Xiu. Mei Xiu came out of her shock and glanced at the severed corpses of the men.

She averted her gaze and asked, "Where is Tian." which is her priority right now.

Shi Yixian shook her head "I am not aware of it."

Mei Xiu let out a sigh and again looked at the corpses "How... am I going to explain to the police?"

Police? Hearing the term, Shi Yixian remembered something and took a red ball from her storage ring.

"My Liege ordered me to use this if I killed someone."

She tossed the artifact to the centre of the corpse and with a burst of astral energy a swirl of flames erupted from the ball consuming the corpses.

"Wha-" Mei Xiu was flabbergasted and at this time, Shi Yixian grabbed her hand.

"He also ordered me to take you inside the artifact."



IMPORTANT NOTICE: I have started writing a new novel, you can search 'Sorry but I only accept female disciples' add it to library, and comment, it will help me a lot! It will take a while to appear on my profile, so its better to search.

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