I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 247: Misunderstanding resolved?!

Chapter 247: Misunderstanding resolved?!

Zhao Tian glanced at the beautiful woman who had pinned him down on the bed, as she sat on his abdomen.

"I need to talk with you, so please talk."

Zhao Tian slightly frowned his eyebrows "As I told you, I don't want to-"

Ling Chen closed his mouth with her palm and said "Please..."

Zhao Tian still frowning, muttered, "Ok, then..."

With a sigh, Ling Chen retracted her hand and asked, her voice soft rather than cold asusual "Why... you seem like avoiding me."

Zhao Tian shrugged "You already said that you hate me, so I thought I shouldn't bother you anymore. You don't like being approached by the person you hate, right?"

H-Huh? For that? Ling Chen was dumbfounded "F-For that?" Her confusion quickly turned to joy as a smile spread across her face and she couldn't help but burst into giggles. Tears of happiness welled up in her eyes, overwhelming her with a flood of emotions.

Zhao Tian was surprised as this was the first time he even saw a proper smile on her face and she was giggling now.

She took a soft breath controlling her laugh and rubbed the small tears from her eyes "I-I thought you hated me or something... but I am glad now."

With a sly grin on her face, she narrowed her eyes and firmly grasped his collar, teasingly questioning "So you distanced yourself from me just because I said I hate you?"

Zhao Tian grabbed her hands and took them from his collar as he gently pushed her to the bed and stood up "Of course, if you don't like me... why should I waste my time with you."

Hearing his indifferent tone, the smile on Ling Chen's face faded, Is he still mad? "I don't actually hate you... I just blurted it out in the moment and it slipped past my lips."

Zhao Tian glimpsed at Ling Chen who was sitting on the bed "The thoughts in your mind are the ones that slip out of your tongue."

"No..." Ling Chen quickly moved off the bed and wrapped her arms around him, shaking her head in denial

-_- Zhao Tian glanced at Ling Chen who was hugging him tightly, resting her head on his shoulder. Does she hate me or not?

Ling Chen lifted her gaze to meet his, her eyes filled with confusion "Didn't you say that I am your woman... then why are you leaving me like this?"

Zhao Tian nodded his head "You are my woman."

Ling Chen scoffed hitting his chest "Then you should have consoled me and should make me fall for you when I said 'I hate you'. But... you just left."

"If I am your woman and you want me, you should do that. But, you just forced yourself on me."

Letting out a sigh, she leaned on his shoulder again and muttered in a soft tone "And that day I said I hate you, because you didn't give me a ring."

"Ring?" Zhao Tian raised an eyebrow.

A faint blush painted Ling Chen's cheeks "The ring you gave to Sister Huang and Sister Meiying... but you didn't give me."

"Am I not your woman? Where is my ring? Of course, I will get mad at you. Hmph."

An amused smile appeared on Zhao Tian's face seeing the cold woman being grumpy "So you were actually jealous."

Hearing his teasing voice, the blush on Ling Chen's face deepened "I am... not." she mumbled averting her gaze.

"Still not being honest?"

Ling Chen sulked her lips and buried her face on his chest "Okay, I am jealous. I am so jealous I wanted to punch you that time and ask for my ring. Are you happy now?"

Zhao Tian chuckled upon hearing this and a smile bloomed on Ling Chen's lips "Finally you laughed."

Zhao Tian raised his hand delicately caressing her cheek and this time, not avoiding his touch, Ling Chen closed her eyes relishing in the warmth of his fingers.

"So this Ling Chen doesn't hate me now?"

Ling Chen pouted her lips "No, I still hate you. where is my ring?"

Zhao Tian let out a chuckle as he never expected her to pout her lips like this, seems like her real personality is coming out bit by bit.

Zhao Tian shows his palm "Give me your hand."

An excited smile appeared on Ling Chen's face and she quickly lifted her hand placing it on his palm "Here."

Zhao Tian gently slid in a ring on her ring finger and Ling Chen's eyes trembled in happiness.

She again hugged him and with a smile, Zhao Tian hugged her back her head resting on his shoulders.

Closing her eyes Ling Chen spoke "I was actually thinking about... our relationship about these past days. As Sister Xin, in that situation, you did that to save our lives."

"But you have to think about it from my perspective too. It was all sudden for me too... so, I acted that way."

"However when you ignored me after that, I felt pain in my heart for the first time. I felt something was wrong... and it was you."

"You somehow made me fall for you and I started missing you."

She retracted her head from his chest looking at his blue eyes "I am sure I am falling for you even more... and this love thing is all new for me. So, can you please wait and slowly we can move our relationship?"

Zhao Tian's eyes softened and he felt kinda bad for pushing himself onto her, maybe it's his possessiveness that made him force himself on her, to get her no matter what.

He nodded his head faintly "Yeah..."

Ling Chen smiled and leaned in gently pecking his lips "Let's start our relationship from here and I am glad our misunderstanding was cleared."

Seeing the captivating smile on her face, Zhao Tian raised his hand gently tugging her hair behind her ear "You look even more beautiful when you smile like this."

Ling Chen was flustered by his sudden compliment and looked away shyly which made her even more captivating in Zhao Tian's eyes as he couldn't get enough of her cuteness.

'She is so cute.'


They heard a teasing laugh and both of them turned to look at Ling Huang and Ling Meiying peeking from the door.

"Sisters." Ling Chen was embarrassed even more thinking that her sisters heard her conversation till now.

"Haha... I never thought that Sister Chen would blush like this."

"Yeah, see how red she is haha."

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