I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 217: Elemental Lord!

Chapter 217: Elemental Lord!

Meanwhile, at the same time, somewhere in the high stars,

In a sect's area *tap* *tap* A gorgeous woman with long green hair and green eyes jumped into the ark that was floating just above centimeters from the ground.

"Be careful on your way, Li'er." At this time, she heard a charming voice and she turned her head, looking at the breathtaking woman with long white hair.

She was adorned in a delicate veil that concealed most of her face, leaving only her captivating eyes visible. One of her eyes is blue, while the other is green.

Rui Lian smiled wryly "Master, I will be careful; if anything, I will escape with the haven stone."

The woman shook her head with a soft sigh. "Seeing you, I remembered Yi'er; she suddenly disappeared 1100 years ago... she was one of my talented disciples."

Rui Lian chuckled hearing this: "Its been only 1100 years since Sister Shenyi disappeared; she will come back someday."

The woman could only smile "I hope..."

Rui Lian nodded her head "I will be preparing now... to search this." she uttered as her fingers grazed a necklace on her neck, which has purplish runes on it, and is glowing slightly.

*woosh* The ark flew away from there, carrying her away from the High star.


*BOOM* The scorching red blade cleaved through the gigantic body of the Eldritchfiend, which was already weakened by the intense golden flames within the 'Eternal Inferno Prison'

The creature let out a deafening roar as it was engulfed in flames, its once formidable body now crumbling to ashes under the force of the blade.

The heatness emanating from the golden flames began to even evaporate the sea water as they continued burning brightly, illuminating the entire ocean.

"GUARGHH!!" As the screams began to fade away, the intensity of the flames also decreased, and the flames burned the Eldritchfiend, turning it into ashes.

"Now the creature is dead..." Ning Xue muttered with a smile.

Zhao Tian glanced at her as it seemed like she already knew about these Eldritchfiends and was angry about them

'Has she encountered any of them in the past?'

"Let's go back to the shore..." Zhao Tian gently clasped her hand and Ning Xue gave a nod.

*swish* They appeared on the beach sand and turned around at the lack flicker of flame disappeared.

"Xue, do you know... what those creatures are?"

Ning Xue's gaze lowered and she spoke "They are called Eldritchfiends and... I will tell them about that later Tian."

Zhao Tian's frown deepened "The gold flames, is that-

"Tian!" *smooch* Ning Xue hugged him, sealing his lips with her lips silencing him. Sighing in his heart, Zhao Tian hugged her back, his hand grabbing her ass cheeks and he gave a nice squeeze.

"Hnngh~" As she parted her lips to let out a soft moan, Zhao Tian slid in his tongue starting a passionate gaze.

Ning Xue was more than happy and tightly wrapped her arms around his neck, fervently kissing him back, their saliva mingling.

*flick* As Zhao Tian was lost in the depths of the kiss, a subtle noise suddenly beckoned his attention, causing him to flicker his eyes open slightly in curiosity.

Huh? There he saw a a glimmer of golden fire broke away from Ning Xue's body, manifesting itself as a tiny, adorable golden fiery creature on the sandy shores of the beach.

(A/n: pic here)

The spirit opened its eyes and it had a look of absolute reverence as it kneeled on the ground bowing its head.

"The Golden Sun Flame, one of the Empyrean flames, presents itself in front of the Elemental Lord."

Zhao Tian was taken aback by the sweet and gentle feminine voice that echoed in his mind, as it uttered the words 'Elemental Lord?'

"I am elated to be in your sacred presence and for your gaze to fall on me... the Archon of the Elementals."

Hm? Zhao Tian was quite confused, when did he became Archon of the Elementals? Is it his physique?

"If you please let me..." The spirit stood up from the sand, rushed towards Zhao Tian's legs, and disappeared into his body.

*swoosh* A burst of energy swirled around Zhao Tian and Ning Xue was startled by the energy and opened her eyes, retracting the kiss.

"What happened, Tian?"

"I did a... breakthrough." Now he has ascended from 9th level of Emperor Astral Stage to 1st level of Monarch Astral stage and the energy keeps increasing.

Ning Xue spoke hastily "Then, Zhao Tian.. quickly sit cross-legged and stabilize the energy."

Zhao Tian shook his head "No, its alright."

Due to his Honoured One physique, he can manipulate the astral energy better than others. Even after dual cultivation, he just breakthrough sleeping on the bed.

Ning Xue looked at the calm astral energy around Zhao Tian's body. Stepping into the Monarch Astral Stage is important and he is casually breaking through while standing.

Zhao Tian finally reached 2nd level of Monarch Astral Stage and a sigh left his lips feeling his strength increased.

However, Ning Xue felt something was missing from her body and raised her hand. *thrissh* Normal flame appeared on her palm.

-_- ? Huh? She was dumbfounded, where is my Golden sun flame?

She panicked seeing this: "Tian... my flame, its gone. Did I drop it in the ocean, huh? My flameeeeeeeee."

Zhao Tian blinked his eyes and raised his palm as a golden flame burned brightly. "As I thought..."

Seeing the golden flames in Zhao Tian's hand, Ning Xue was startled "My flame, its my flame... how did you take it?"

"Give me back my flame.|" She asked pouting her lips as she grasped his hand.

Zhao Tian smiled wryly "I didn't take it intentionally. It just..."

'Oi, are you there?'

*flick* The cute spirit appeared on Zhao Tian's shoulder 'My Lord, I am at your service... do you want to burn the woman in front of you?'

-_- Zhao Tian glanced at Ning Xue and saw no reaction on her face. 'She can't see you?'

The spirit replied 'No,Lord, I canhidemyselfbeforeothers....'

'Hmm good, You were with her till now, so go back to her.'

'Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh? But I want to be with my Lord! wahhhhh!' The spirit cried.

-_- Huh?

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