I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 216: Golden flames!

Chapter 216: Golden flames!

*thrashh* From the ocean, several people rushed out of the deep water, some desperately gasping for air as they struggled to stay afloat, while others were scared to death.

*huff* *huff* "Fuck!" One of them cursed under his breath, inhaling the air, and as he turned his head, his pupils shrank in horror.

In front of him is a majestic, demonic creature that is standing on the water with a huge fucking spear in its hand.

"GRAAARGHHHH!!!" The creature opened its mouth, letting out a loud screech that reverberated around the whole sea sending shivers down their spines.

The men who were looking at it lost the color in his eyes "How the hell we ended up in this shit?"

He still remembers about the incident two days ago. A group of deep-sea divers reported about a mysterious black square with purple runes under the ocean.

The report came under the government's ACL. Thinking it might be some ancient ruins or maybe an inheritance, a group of cultivators was assigned to explore it.

It all seemed normal when they first saw it, but they got curious and touched the black box pouring some astral energy to open... and this happened.

"What kind of fiend have we unleashed upon this world." One of them muttered looking at the monstrous creature.

*woosh* At this time, a man dashed out of the water floating in the air, and seeing him, a glimmer of hope appeared in their eyes.

"Rest assured, I will kill this beast now." The man smirked as he thought of his promotion in the ACL after defeating this demon.

One of them spoke, "I forgot Mister Shin is also with us; he is a Heaven Stage culti- *smash* But his words stuck in his throat as he saw the Eldritchfiend crushing his body with its palm and turning him into a meat paste.

*gulp* The men gulped, barely looking at the monster. Even a Heaven Stage cultivator was crushed; who are they in front of this creature?

The Eldritchfiend, feeling the presence of the tiny ants scurrying below it, raised its spear and *sleec*. With a single wave, their bodies were crushed under the pressure of the swing.

"GRAAGH!" The Edlritcfiend opened its mouth and the transparent white balls that were floating in the air were slowly getting sucked into its mouth.

Zhao Tian was startled to see this: 'It is devouring the souls of the ones it killed.'

"Shit!" Ning Xue moved quickly, as she knew if the Eldritchfiend absorbed the souls, it would be hard even for her to defeat them.

Zhao Tian also dashed toward the Eldritchfiend, 'This is a higher rank than the one I fought last time.'

Xia Shenyi was not very knowledgeable about these creatures, but Shi Yixian was quite knowledgeable, as she had fought with many of them in the past.

And from her, he heard that the ones in higher ranks above the lowest ones can devour souls to make themselves stronger.

This is one of the reasons they raid other stars and devour them to become stronger, enhancing their elemental darkness.

*woosh* As Ning Xue appeared in front of the Eldritchfiend, the creature turned its head to the powerful soul in front of it leaving the puny souls.

"GRAGHHH!" With a guttural scream, it tightly gripped its spear, swinging towards Ning Xue.

*swish* Ning Xue quickly dodged the attack and a burst of golden flames erupted from her body.

"Inferno tempest." A mutter escaped her as the air around her ignited in golden flames and a swirl of powerful flames appeared in the air.

*thrasshhhh* The vortex of flames dashed towards the Eldritchfiend and it stood still, not defending.

Instead, the creature hurled the spear toward Ning Xue, and as the spear reached near her. *boom* Her attack landed on the Eldritchfiend's chest, causing it to take a step back because of the impact.

She turned her head and said, "Tian, take a step back... This creature is dangerous."

Zhao Tian frowned his eyebrows and the Eldritchfiend regained its footing over the water and glanced at the two souls in front of it.

*woosh* As the Eldritchfiend again swung its spear, *swish* a spear appeared beside Zhao Tian and as he grasped the weapon, he could feel its immense weight causing his hand to tremble.

With power, he tossed it in the air and gave a swirl kick at the edge of the spear.

*sleech* The spear launched by Zhao Tian's powerful kick cleaved through the air like a swift arrow and it struck Eldritchfiend's right hand, which was carrying the huge spear.

*thrasshhh* The force behind the blow was enough to sever the limb cleanly, as the arm flew and crashed into the ocean.

"RAARGHHHH!!!!" The Eldritchfiend let out a deafening roar of agony as it witnessed the sight of its severed limb, the pain, evident in its anguished cries.

It swiftly raised its left arm as a swirl of faint black energy appeared on its hand.

Seeing this, Ning Xue quickly took action "Hell fire chains!"

*clankkk* Chains forged of pure gold and ablaze with golden flames materialized out of thin air, forming a tight ring around the Eldritchfiend, trapping it within their fiery grasp from every angle.

*clank* *clank* The blazing chains swiftly entrapped the Eldritchfiend as it wrapped around its arm and legs restraining it from moving.

Ning Xue continued as she clasped both of her palms "Eternal Inferno prison."

*feen* The morning sky became even more bright as the air itself burned in golden flames. *woooshhh* Suddenly arrays of fire runes formed around the Eldritchfiend, forming a round prison-like structure.

Ning Xue didn't stop, she was dead set on roasting and purging this Eldritchfiend today "Purifying blaze!"

As she muttered through words, a glint of golden energy passed through her eyes.

*FEEEEENNNNNNNN* The 'Eternal Inferno Prison' burned brightly with golden flames, reaching the highest temperature that could be extracted from the golden flames for her cultivation prowess.

"GRRRAAAGHHHHH!!!" The deafening cries of anguish screeched across the vast expanse of the ocean, causing ripples in the seawater as the sound waves reverberated through the depths.

The flames continued to burn brightly and the painful cries of the Eldritchfiend trembled the air.

(A/n: This is how I imagined it to be lol, *gif here*)

"For the finishing touch..." Ning Xue smiled and she snapped her fingers "Pyro blade!"

Zhao Tian looked at her dumbfounded, She still hadn't finished?

*thrisshh* Golden flames concentrated above the prison forming a large sword of blazing golden flames.

With a smirk, she gestured her hand downwards. *BOOOOOMMMMMM*

This is the 2nd bonus chap for GTs, hm there are still 3 bonus chaps I need to give. KEEP SUPPORTING AND ENCOURAGING!

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