Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 499 114.3 - Young Hearts

Chapter 499 114.3 - Young Hearts

In the place where the heart of the vast, ancient forest is located, a young woman stood in a lotus position.

The place was a sanctuary of natural energy, filled with the essence of life itself. Towering trees, their branches intertwined like a protective canopy, surrounded her, and the air was thick with the scent of earth, leaves, and the subtle fragrance of blooming flowers.

The sounds of nature—the rustling of leaves, the distant calls of birds, and the gentle flow of a nearby stream—created a serene symphony that accompanied her every movement.

The place seemed to be carefully chosen, a place where the natural energy was at its peak, allowing her to harness and refine her abilities.

The forest, though seemingly peaceful, was alive with hidden power, as if the place of nature itself.

As she continued to breathe deeply, her body remained calm and composed, a picture of serenity.

The animals of the forest, sensing her tranquil aura, wandered closer to her. Squirrels scampered through the branches above, curious deer grazed nearby, and even the smallest creatures—rabbits, birds, and insects—seemed to be drawn to her presence. They moved around her in a silent dance as if paying homage to the queen of the forest.

Her purple hair cascaded down to the ground, mingling with the soft earth and fallen leaves. Particles of nature's energy surrounded her, shimmering faintly in the dappled sunlight. At this moment, she seemed like a queen of the forest, a being in perfect harmony with the natural world.

But as she meditated, a sudden shift occurred. Her normally blue eyes snapped open wide with alarm. In an instant, her calm aura shattered, and her eyes turned a deep, unnatural crimson.

Her aura, once gentle and motherly, shifted into something dark and menacing.

The animals around her reacted immediately. The deer bolted into the trees, the birds took flight, and the smaller creatures scattered in fear. The once harmonious connection she had with the forest was now tainted by the bloodthirsty energy radiating from her.

The two auras clashed violently within her. On one side, there was the soothing, nurturing energy of the forest—a reflection of her true self.

On the other, a dark, oppressive force, born from her vampiric nature, surged to the surface, demanding control.

Her body trembled as the opposing forces battled within her, the gentle aura struggling to reassert itself against the bloodthirsty one.

'Control it.' The forest, once a place of refuge and peace, now seemed to shrink away from her as if recoiling from the darkness that threatened to consume her.


Maya closed her eyes, trying to regain control. Her breathing became shallow, her hands clenching tightly as she fought to suppress the dark energy.

'Control it.' The two sides of her nature were in a fierce struggle, each vying for dominance. The peaceful, motherly aura called to her, urging her to remember her connection to life and the forest, while the darker, more primal side sought to drown out everything with its overwhelming power.

For what felt like an eternity, the struggle continued. The forest seemed to hold its breath, waiting for the outcome.

Finally, with a monumental effort, Maya managed to push back the darkness. Her eyes slowly returned to their natural blue, and her aura began to calm.

The animals, sensing the return of her gentler nature, cautiously emerged from their hiding places, though they remained wary. The forest itself seemed to exhale, the tension easing as the balance was restored.

Maya took a deep breath, her body relaxing once more.

"Not good enough," Maya muttered, her voice tinged with frustration as she gazed at her surroundings. The forest, now calming down after her internal struggle, reflected the same tranquility she was trying to achieve within herself.

But it wasn't enough. The clash between her two natures was more intense than ever, and she knew that she needed to find a better way to control it.

Her thoughts drifted to the research she and Astron had been conducting together. They had spent countless hours poring over ancient texts and experimenting with different methods to help her maintain control over her evolving nature.

Astron, with his calm demeanor and sharp intellect, had been instrumental in guiding her through this journey.

He had suggested a theory that resonated with her: to control her vampiric urges, she needed to strengthen the other side of her nature—the human side.

Maya wasn't a complete vampire, but she was no longer a normal human either. Her evolution had been halted midway, leaving her in a state of limbo.

This incomplete transformation was the root of her struggles. The vampiric nature within her was powerful, overwhelming even, and without a strong enough counterbalance, it was constantly threatening to consume her.

Astron had theorized that by reinforcing her human traits, she could tip the scales back in her favor.

Her vampiric side, while potent, needed to be tempered with the strength of her human side….Though not that she was ever a complete human, to begin with.

But that is not important for the time being. Only by finding this balance could she hope to gain full control over herself.


That was why she had been here from the moment she came to her home. She went to a secluded training in the best place where she knew she would improve herself.


From the moment she was born, she was always someone with a good affinity for nature. She had always loved being in nature, and that was what kind of person she was.

Slowly, she rose from her lotus position, her movements graceful and deliberate. The animals that had been cautiously observing her began to relax, sensing the change in her aura.

The gentle, motherly presence that she had cultivated over the years began to reassert itself, pushing back the dark, bloodthirsty urges that had threatened to overwhelm her.

RUSTLE! Maya extended her arms, palms facing upward, as she focused on drawing in the energy of the forest. The leaves rustled softly, and the earth beneath her feet seemed to pulse with life.

She closed her eyes, visualizing the balance she sought—her naturistic side strong against the dark allure of her vampiric nature.


The soft, inquisitive sound made her open her eyes. There, just a few feet away, stood a small, cute creature—a [Lunaphen], an evolved inhabitant of the forest. The Lunaphen was a delicate, ethereal creature with soft fur that shimmered with a faint, silvery light.

Its large, luminous eyes looked up at her with curiosity, and its small wings fluttered gently as it approached.

A gentle smile spread across Maya's face as she crouched down to meet the Lunaphen. "Hello there," she whispered softly, extending her hand toward the creature.

The Lunaphen chirped again, its tiny voice filled with a sense of innocence and trust, and it nuzzled into her hand as she began to caress its soft fur.

The touch of the Lunaphen was comforting, its presence a reminder of the purity and gentleness that still existed within the forest—and within her. Maya stroked the creature with care, feeling a sense of calm and connection with the natural world.

It also reminded her of a certain Junior.


But then, the tranquility was interrupted by a sudden, loud grumble from her stomach. Startled, Maya blinked in surprise, realizing just how long she had been in the forest. Though she wasn't sure of the exact time, it was clear that it had been quite a while since she had last eaten.

The Lunaphen tilted its head as if it, too, was curious about the sound.

Maya chuckled softly, giving the creature one last gentle pat. "It seems I'm in need of a meal," she said with a smile. "But before I head home, there's something I need to take care of."

Since she was reminded of him, there was no other choice.

With a calm, practiced motion, she reached for the ring on her finger and called forth a blood bag from her storage. The small, sealed bag materialized in her hand, filled with the rich, crimson liquid that had become a necessity in her life.

Maya hesitated for a brief moment, her eyes lingering on the blood bag. The sight of it brought back the familiar pang of hunger, the dark cravings that were never far from the surface.

But she had learned to embrace that as her own nature. At this point, there was no need to reject them as he also said that would cause more harm than anything.

She brought the bag to her lips and bit into it, her fangs easily piercing the seal. The blood flowed into her mouth, warm and invigorating, and she closed her eyes as she slowly sucked the blood, reveling in its taste. The Lunaphen watched curiously, its luminous eyes wide as it observed her with innocent wonder.

Maya felt the warmth of the blood spread through her body, quelling the hunger that had been growing within her. The familiar taste was both comforting and necessary, a reminder of the duality she carried within her—one that she was learning to balance step by step.

Once she had taken enough to satisfy her immediate need, she removed the bag and carefully sealed it again. Her eyes, now back to their usual blue, softened as she looked at the Lunaphen. "Thank you for keeping me company," she whispered, giving the creature a final pat on its head.

The Lunaphen chirped in response, its wings fluttering as it hopped closer to her, nuzzling her hand one last time before it scurried back into the forest.

With a deep breath, Maya stood up, feeling a renewed sense of strength and calm. The forest had given her much during her time there, but now it was time to return home. She was ready to face the challenges ahead, stronger and more balanced than before. Nôv(el)B\\jnn

With a final glance at the tranquil surroundings, Maya returned to her home.

As Maya approached the entrance of her home, a line of maids stood waiting, perfectly poised with heads slightly bowed in respect. At the front of the line, Alfred, the ever-dutiful butler, stepped forward.

"My Lady, you have returned," the maids said in unison, their voices soft and reverent.

Maya nodded gracefully, acknowledging their greeting with a serene smile. "Yes, I have."

Alfred, ever attentive, took a step closer and spoke with his usual composed demeanor. "Welcome back, My Lady. Your bath has been prepared, and a meal awaits you in the dining room."

"Thank you, Alfred," Maya replied, her voice warm and appreciative.

The thought of a relaxing bath and a hearty meal was exactly what she needed after her time in the forest.

As she was about to enter her home, Alfred presented her with a sleek smartwatch, its screen illuminated with a notification. "Before you proceed, My Lady, someone has attempted to contact you. The call came in while you were in the forest."

Maya's breath quickened for a moment, but then she composed herself in the last second. "Who was it?"

"The caller is recorded as Junior, and they left a message."


As expected, he would not leave her uncontacted like that.

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