Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 498 114.2 - Young Hearts

Chapter 498 114.2 - Young Hearts

<The Heart of Ember, Deep Underground, Second Week>

The Heart of Ember, known as the Emberheart Chamber, was a place of legend, a sacred space deep within the heart of the Emberheart estate.

Carved from the very bedrock of the earth, the chamber was vast and cavernous, its walls lined with ancient runes that pulsed with the energy of generations past.

This was the place where the Emberhearts came to harness their fire, to forge their power in the crucible of their legacy.

Irina stood at the center of the chamber, her body enveloped in flames. But these were not ordinary flames—they were the living essence of the Emberheart lineage, each one a different color, each one representing a different facet of their power.

The air was thick with heat, the temperature far beyond what any normal human could endure, but for Irina, it was a familiar and welcome embrace.

The flames that surrounded her now were white, a rare and pure fire that few in her family had ever mastered.

'Fire of Ember.' It flickered and danced around her, caressing her skin like a lover's touch, yet carrying an intensity that could incinerate anyone unworthy of its power.

Irina's eyes were closed, her expression one of deep concentration, but there was a faint furrow in her brows.


Her body was shaking slightly as if to show that she was in pain.

Indeed….Her body trembled under the intense heat, her skin prickling as the white flames licked at her like a predator testing its prey.

The "Fire of Ember" was the pinnacle of the Emberheart Chamber, a fire so pure and potent that even the most seasoned Emberheart had to steel themselves to withstand it. But Irina was still young, her body and spirit not yet fully forged in the crucible of their lineage.

The pain was overwhelming, searing through her as if the flames were burning her from the inside out. Her muscles tightened involuntarily, with her teeth clenched as she fought to maintain her focus. Every nerve in her body screamed in protest, the fire pushing her to her very limits.

'This is too much,' she thought, a flicker of doubt crossing her mind.

But she quickly quashed it. She had chosen to ascend to this level, though not directly; she was still aware of the decision that she had made at that time.

She also knew that this would be her punishment, knowing her mother – to test herself against the same flames that had tempered the greatest of her ancestors.

She would not back down now, now that she had made the decision.

From now on, she has refused to back down from any decision that she has made.

Even as the pain threatened to consume her, she could feel something else beneath the agony—a resistance, a strength that had been dormant within her. The blood of the Emberheart family flowed through her veins, born from fire and tempered in its heat.

That blood now reacted to the "Fire of Ember," responding to the challenge with a defiance that was as much a part of her as the flames themselves.

The white fire was relentless, unyielding in its intensity. It sought to burn her, to strip away the weak and the unworthy.

But Irina could feel her body pushing back, her skin toughening, her spirit hardening in response.

The fire was not just a force of destruction—it was a force of creation, forging her into something stronger.

'This is what it means to be an Emberheart,' she reminded herself, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she struggled to hold her ground. Even while she did not like the name or being responsible for the family since they were all forced, she still took it to heart. The chamber was silent, save for the crackling of the flames and the sound of her labored breathing. But she could feel the presence of her ancestors, watching her, judging her.

Her body continued to burn, the fire searing through her, but she refused to give in. The pain was a crucible, and she would emerge from it stronger and more resilient.

She could feel her resistance to the flames growing with each passing moment, her body adapting to the heat, becoming one with the fire.

The white flames danced around her, testing her resolve and pushing her to her limits. But Irina was an Emberheart, and she would not be broken. The fire that sought to consume her would only serve to strengthen her.


Just as she thought about that, suddenly, she felt the door of the chamber opening.

The heavy stone door moved slowly, its weight echoing in the cavernous space. Irina's eyes flickered open, the intense concentration in her expression giving way to a flicker of recognition as she saw who had entered.

Esme, the person who made her feel complex emotions every time she saw her, stepped into the chamber with a tray in her hands.

The flames dimmed slightly as if acknowledging her presence, but they still flickered with intensity around Irina as if unwilling to fully relent.

On the tray, three items were meticulously arranged, each one crucial to Irina's recovery and continued endurance through the grueling process of the chamber's trials.

The first was a vial filled with a shimmering liquid, its surface iridescent and swirling with faintly glowing particles. This was [Aether's Elixir], a high-ranking concoction crafted by the finest alchemists under the Emberheart family's employ. It was specifically designed to accelerate the body's natural healing processes, allowing Irina to recover from the extreme damage inflicted by the fire. The elixir was rare and precious, used only in the most demanding of trials.

Next to the vial was a small dish containing several dried leaves of [Crimson Sage], a rare herb known for its potent regenerative properties.

The herb was revered for its ability to mend damaged tissue and restore vitality, making it an essential component in Irina's recovery regimen.

The leaves had been carefully prepared to ensure maximum efficacy, their crimson hue a testament to their potency.

Finally, there was a small piece of [Emberroot], a gnarled, fiery-colored root that pulsed with a faint warmth.

The root was an ancient remedy passed down through the Emberheart lineage for generations. It was said to strengthen the body's connection to fire, enhancing resistance and bolstering the inner flame of those who consumed it.

Its bitter taste was well-known, but its effects were unparalleled, especially for one undergoing the intense trials of the Emberheart Chamber.

Esme approached Irina, her steps measured and calm despite the oppressive heat that filled the chamber.

She set the tray down on a small pedestal near Irina, her expression serene as she bowed her head slightly.

"Young Miss," Esme said, her voice soft yet firm. "It is time for your recovery."

Irina, her body still trembling from the strain of the white flames, nodded slowly. Even though she disliked getting help from Esme or others, she was not dumb enough to not understand this was crucial.

If before her pride would have prevented her from doing so, now she saw the world in a more pragmatic view. n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

The intense heat that had seared her skin and tested her resolve was still fresh in her mind, but she knew that she had to replenish her strength before continuing.

This was a process she had gone through every day for the past two weeks, a ritual that had become almost second nature despite the pain it involved.

At the same time, she could not help but feel a bit of excitement rising in her heart. The reason for that was….

"This is the seventh day, correct?"

"That is correct."

It was the small break time that she had.

That was something detrimental because if she were to stay in this place for more than a week constantly without getting out, her mana would be corrupted, and she would explode.

That is the limit of being in the presence of Fire of Ember. Only an Archmage could resist that state, and she was no Archmage.

Not yet.

She reached for the vial of Aether's Elixir, the cool glass a stark contrast to the searing heat that still clung to her skin. As she drank the shimmering liquid, she felt its soothing effects almost immediately. The burning sensation in her muscles began to ease, and the tension that had built up over the week slowly unwinded.

Next, she chewed on the bitter Crimson Sage, feeling its regenerative properties work through her system, restoring her energy and mending the microtears in her flesh.

Finally, she bit into the Emberroot, the warmth of the root spreading through her, reinforcing her connection to the flames she had been battling.

With her strength returning, Irina slowly stood up, the white flames around her dimming as if in acknowledgment of her renewed resolve. She gave Esme a nod of thanks before turning toward the exit of the chamber.

The door opened with a heavy creak, and Irina stepped out into the cooler, less oppressive air of the Emberheart mansion's lower halls. The contrast was striking—where the chamber was a crucible of heat and fire, the rest of the mansion offered a sanctuary of calm and quiet.

Irina walked slowly, allowing her body to adjust to the cooler temperature as she made her way through the winding corridors.

The walls were lined with tapestries depicting the history of the Emberheart family, a legacy of power and flame that she was now a part of.

Eventually, she emerged into the night air, the cool breeze a welcome relief after the intensity of the chamber.

The stars were scattered across the sky, twinkling like distant embers, and the moon cast a soft, silvery light over the estate.

Irina made her way to a small, secluded garden, a place she often retreated to when she needed time to herself.

The garden was lush and green, a stark contrast to the fiery trials she had just endured. She found a quiet spot beneath a large tree and sat down, leaning back against the trunk as she looked up at the night sky.

The exhaustion from the week began to catch up with her, her eyelids growing heavy as she stared at the stars.

She knew she needed to rest, to allow her body to fully recover before she returned to the chamber. But before she could drift off to sleep, her thoughts turned to someone else.

Reaching for her smartwatch, she opened the call section.

Since it was the promised hour, she was sure that he would answer the call.

The soft hum of her smartwatch filled the quiet night air as Irina initiated the call. She waited only a moment before his familiar voice came through, calm and steady as always.

–You're five minutes late today," Astron remarked. His tone was light, with a touch of amusement. "You must be tired."

Irina smiled despite herself, the fatigue in her body momentarily forgotten. Just hearing his voice seemed to soothe the lingering pain from her training. "I guess I am," she admitted, leaning back further against the tree. "But you'd be tired too if you spent the week bathing in flames."

–I would not be tired…..I would be burnt to death."

"Ahaha…..I guess that would be the case."

She laughed with a smile, looking at the stars.

She was refilling her quota.


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