Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 483 108.3 - Monster

Chapter 483 108.3 - Monster

<Combat Training Arena, Tenth Day of Training, 5 A.M.>

The air in the training hall crackled with energy as Astron stood in the center, focused and ready for another intense session.

The previous day's introduction to the [Storm Stance] had left him eager to learn more.

Dakota entered the arena with her usual confident stride, but there was an extra spark in her eyes this morning. "Today's going to be a bit different, Astron," she began, stopping in front of him. "We're going to focus on refining your control over the [Storm Stance], specifically how you expel your mana using different strikes."

Dakota gestured for him to watch closely. "In the [Storm Stance], it's not just about releasing mana in a single, powerful blast. There are different ways to channel that energy, each with its own purpose and method of circulation. I'm going to teach you five specialized strikes, each one with a unique way of circulating and expelling your mana. But to pull these off, your control over your virtual core needs to be precise."

She took a deep breath, her expression serious as she demonstrated the first strike. "The first one is called [Thunderclap]." She moved into a stance, grounding herself firmly. "With this strike, you gather your mana in your virtual core and then release it all at once in a sudden burst. The key here is to channel the energy into a single point, creating an explosion of force."


Dakota's fist shot forward, and the air around her seemed to shudder as she released the pent-up mana in a single, devastating blast. The force of the strike sent a shockwave rippling through the hall, the impact echoing like thunder.

Astron watched, understanding the technique but recognizing the difficulty. "The timing needs to be perfect," he muttered to himself, already visualizing how to execute it.

"Exactly," Dakota said, catching his words. "The mana needs to be released in one precise moment. No hesitation, no leakage. Your virtual core control is critical for this one."

She moved on to the next strike. "The second is [Typhoon Burst]. This one's different. Instead of a single point of impact, you're going to circulate the mana throughout your limbs, building up momentum and then expel it in a sweeping motion. It's more of an area attack, meant to clear multiple opponents."

Dakota demonstrated, her body spinning fluidly as she gathered her mana. As she completed the motion, she released the energy in a wide arc, the air around her shimmering with the force of the attack. The strike created a powerful gust that spread out in all directions, mimicking the destructive force of a typhoon.

"[Typhoon Burst] is all about control and flow," Dakota explained. "You need to keep the mana circulating evenly until the moment you release it. It's perfect for when you're surrounded or need to break through a group."

Astron nodded, already visualizing how he would adapt his movements for this technique. "I'll need to balance the flow carefully, making sure the energy spreads evenly."

"Exactly. Now, the third strike is [Quake Fist]." Dakota's stance shifted again, this time lowering her center of gravity. "This one is all about grounding. You channel your mana into the earth through your legs and then release it through your strike, creating a shockwave that travels through the ground. It's a great way to destabilize your opponent."

She stomped the ground, her mana flowing into the earth. As she punched forward, the ground beneath them trembled, a ripple of force spreading out from the point of impact. The floor cracked slightly, showing the sheer power of the technique.

"[Quake Fist] requires you to be fully grounded," Dakota said. "Your connection to the earth needs to be solid, and your mana control needs to be steady. It's not just about the punch—it's about how you direct the force."

"The fourth strike is [Tempest Wave]. This one is similar to [Typhoon Burst] but more focused. You're going to channel your mana into a wave that travels through the air, cutting through anything in its path. It's perfect for long-range attacks."

She moved into the stance, gathering her mana in her virtual core before releasing it in a powerful, focused wave that shot through the air like a blade of wind. The force of the strike cut through the air with a sharp whistle, demonstrating its precision and power.

"[Tempest Wave] is all about focus," Dakota explained. "You need to keep the energy contained until the moment of release, then direct it in a straight line. It's like wielding a blade of wind."

"And finally, the fifth strike is [Stormbreaker]. This is the most powerful of the five. You're going to gather all your mana into your virtual core, compress it, and then release it in a massive, all-out attack. It's a finishing move, meant to break through even the toughest defenses."

Dakota took a deep breath, centering herself. She gathered her mana, compressing it into her virtual core. Then, with a powerful shout, she released the energy in a devastating strike that sent a shockwave through the entire hall. The force was immense, the air around her vibrating with the sheer power of the attack.

"[Stormbreaker] is all or nothing," Dakota said, her voice serious. "You put everything into this one strike. It's risky, but when done right, it's unstoppable. Your control over your virtual core needs to be perfect—you can't afford to waste any energy."

Astron watched, his mind racing with possibilities. These strikes were powerful, but they required a level of control and precision he had only begun to master.

'Interesting….So, that is what she meant by Virtual Core control.'

Astron thought to himself.

In a way, if the [Gale Stance] was more focused on the fluidity of body movements, this one was focused on the fluidity of the mana.

Dakota stepped back, giving him space. "Now it's your turn, Astron. Start with [Thunderclap] and work your way through the strikes. Take your time—focus on your virtual core, control the flow of mana, and release it at the right moment."

Astron nodded, his expression one of intense focus. He closed his eyes, centering himself and visualizing his virtual core. He could feel the mana gathering, ready to be unleashed. Opening his eyes, he moved into the [Storm Stance] and began with [Thunderclap].

His fist shot forward, the mana bursting out in a powerful strike. It wasn't as strong as Dakota's, but it was a solid start. He continued, moving through each of the five strikes—[Typhoon Burst], [Quake Fist], [Tempest Wave], and finally, [Stormbreaker]. Each one required a different approach, a different way of channeling and releasing the energy.

By the end of the session, around one hour later, Astron was drenched in sweat, his muscles burning from the effort.

But he had made progress—each strike was stronger, more controlled than the last. It was also thanks to Dakota's feedback. While he instantly absorbed the knowledge, there were still some minor body adjustments that he needed to make, and Dakota's help was crucial.

Dakota watched with a mixture of pride and approval. "Not bad, a solid start," Dakota mumbled as she looked into Astron's body. "For the time being, you will practice on your own."

She left Astron to train further after saying that. n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om


As Dakota left, she had expected him to train those strikes and virtual core control more.

But Astron's thoughts were elsewhere, drawn to the nuances he had noticed while practicing the [Storm Stance].

The way the mana moved through his body, the methodical yet powerful flow—it had sparked something within him, a realization that made his heart race with excitement.

While he had trained with the virtual core, he had always been aware of its limitations. It simplified the process of mana circulation, yes, but it also came at a cost. The processing speed of his energy was significantly slowed, and the more complex the technique, the more noticeable the delay. It was as if the centralized control of mana was creating a bottleneck, restricting the full potential of his movements.

But during the [Storm Stance], something had clicked. Each of the specialized strikes—[Thunderclap], [Typhoon Burst], [Quake Fist], [Tempest Wave], and [Stormbreaker]—had followed a systematic method of mana circulation. The energy flowed through his body in precise patterns, each strike utilizing similar points but in different directions and intensities.

'What if…' Astron thought, his mind racing. 'What if instead of relying on a single virtual core, I created multiple, smaller judgment points? Nodes that could control the flow of mana more efficiently spread throughout my body.'

The idea was tantalizing. If he could create these smaller control points, the mana wouldn't have to travel as far or wait for commands from a single location.

It could be managed more locally, allowing for faster, more precise control. His movements could become smoother, and his strikes were more powerful and immediate.

He closed his eyes, focusing inward, visualizing his body's internal energy pathways. The virtual core he had been using felt clunky, centralized, and slow.

He began to dismantle it mentally, breaking it down into smaller segments, each positioned at key points in his body—his shoulders, elbows, knees, and the center of his chest.

He imagined these points as miniature cores, each capable of processing and directing mana on its own.

The energy would flow through his body like a network, each node working in harmony with the others, reducing lag and increasing responsiveness.

Slowly, he began to circulate his mana through these new nodes, feeling the difference immediately.

The energy moved faster, more fluidly, without the bottleneck he had experienced before. His body felt lighter and more responsive as if a weight had been lifted.

Astron's eyes snapped open, but something was different. His purple eyes, usually sharp and focused, now carried a faint glimmer as if reflecting a light from another world.

'…..This is….?'

Inside his mind, a scene began to unfold—a vivid vision under the bright moonlight.

A solitary silhouette moved with deadly grace across a desolate landscape. The figure's every step was smooth and precise, yet filled with an ominous power. The air around him seemed to hum with tension, each movement calculated and lethal.

Astron watched, entranced, as the figure executed a series of movements that were both familiar and alien to him. The silhouette's hands and body were covered in a translucent energy, its edges sharply defined.

Though the color of the mana was transparent, its presence was undeniable—a force that seemed to bend reality around it.

This wasn't just any combat technique; it was a manifestation of something far deeper, something primal and instinctive. Astron could feel the connection, the resonance between this vision and the breakthrough he had just experienced.

His combat art, Lethal Arsenal Ascendancy, was reacting to his newfound understanding and control over mana.

The figure moved with an eerie silence, each strike more powerful and precise than the last. The energy around him pulsed and shifted, adapting seamlessly to his every command.

Astron recognized the fluidity of the [Gale Stance] and the explosive power of the [Storm Stance], but there was something more—an integration of these stances into a seamless whole, elevated by the perfect harmony between body and mana.

As the vision continued, the silhouette launched into a series of attacks that seemed to defy the very limits of what Astron thought possible.

Each strike was executed with a lethal precision that left no room for error. The energy around the figure shifted in perfect synchronization with his movements, creating a deadly arsenal that was both overwhelming and inescapable.

Astron's eyes never left the figure as he absorbed every detail, every subtle shift in the figure's technique. This was the pinnacle of what he had been striving for—a level of mastery where every aspect of combat was honed to perfection, where the distinction between the fighter and the energy they wielded blurred into nothingness.

'Lethal Arsenal Ascendancy…' Astron thought, his mind reeling from the realization.

This was what his combat art was revealing to him—a path forward as a [Martial Artist].

'Translucent Energy….That is….

His thoughts paused as he recalled the various forms of moon mana he had learned about, each corresponding to different phases of the moon and imbuing unique qualities when wielded.

'The energy of the Waning Crescent Moon...'

And now, the form of mana he needed to use for such blasting strikes materialized in his head.

'Just the raw energy and most primal form with only increasing the strength of the attack and the body.'

At that moment, Astron discovered a new energy and a method of controlling his [Lunar Mana].

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