Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 482 108.2 - Monster

Chapter 482 108.2 - Monster

<Combat Training Arena, Ninth Day of Training, 5 A.M.>

Astron stood in the center, his mind focused and ready for the day's challenge. Today was different—he could feel it in the air, an electric anticipation that set his nerves on edge.

Dakota entered the arena with her usual confident stride, her expression serious but tinged with a hint of excitement. She had promised something new today, and Astron was eager to learn.

"Today, we're moving on to the [Storm Stance]," Dakota announced, her voice firm and clear. "This isn't like the [Gale Stance]. If [Gale Stance] is about flawless, smooth transitions, [Storm Stance] is more of a blast—a series of powerful, explosive attacks designed to break through defenses. It's about harnessing your mana and virtual core to their full potential."

As she had mentioned before, the [Tempest Fang] style had three different stances. The first stance was the [Gale Stance], which he had been practicing for a while.

And the second one was the [Storm Stance].

Astron's eyes narrowed with focus.

He had mastered the fluidity of the [Gale Stance], but he knew that this new stance would require a different mindset—one that focused on power and impact rather than precision and grace.

That was what Dakota had said before, after all.

"The [Tempest Fang] has three main stances. Each stance serves a different purpose and strategy. The first stance is called [Gale Stance]. It focuses on quick, successive strikes to overwhelm your opponent. The second stance is [Storm Stance], which emphasizes powerful, explosive attacks designed to break through defenses. The third stance is [Cyclone Stance], a more advanced form that combines speed and power to create a relentless assault."

Those were the words that she had spoken when she started teaching him the concept of virtual core.

Dakota stepped forward, her stance shifting into the [Storm Stance]. Her body was slightly more grounded, her muscles tensed and ready to unleash the stored energy. "Watch closely," she instructed. "The key to [Storm Stance] is not just physical strength but how you channel your mana through your virtual core. You need to focus on gathering your energy and releasing it in controlled bursts."

She demonstrated with a powerful forward strike, her fist exploding through the air with such force that it sent a shockwave rippling across the hall. The floor beneath them trembled slightly, a testament to the raw power behind the move.

Astron's eyes widened as he watched. The difference was immediately clear—this stance was about overwhelming force, a direct assault that left no room for subtlety.

"Feel the difference?" Dakota asked, a hint of a smirk on her lips. "This isn't about finesse. It's about breaking through whatever stands in your way. Now, your turn."

Astron took a deep breath, centering himself. He closed his eyes briefly, focusing on his virtual core, feeling the mana pool there, gathering strength. He could feel the energy, potent and ready to be unleashed. Opening his eyes, he shifted into the [Storm Stance], grounding himself just as Dakota had.

With a focused breath, he channeled his mana into his strike, visualizing the energy blasting outwards. His fist shot forward, and though the impact wasn't as devastating as Dakota's, he felt the power behind it—the force that was different from the fluid grace of the [Gale Stance].

Dakota nodded, her approval clear in her eyes. "Not bad for a first try. But you're holding back. You need to let the mana flow more freely, release it in bursts. Think of it as controlled chaos—power that's harnessed and directed, but not restrained."

Astron nodded, understanding the concept. He prepared himself for another attempt, this time pushing harder, allowing the mana to surge through him. He struck out, feeling the explosive force as the energy released, more potent than before.

"Better," Dakota said, her tone filled with encouragement. "But don't just think about the strike—think about the buildup. The [Storm Stance] is all about momentum. Gather your mana, let it build, and then release it in a powerful blast. Every strike should feel like it's breaking through something."

They spent the next hour drilling the movements, Dakota guiding Astron through the intricacies of the stance. She showed him how to utilize his virtual core to enhance the explosive power of each attack, how to ground his body for stability, and how to maintain control even when unleashing such force.

Astron practiced relentlessly, feeling the difference in every strike. The [Storm Stance] was intense, each movement demanding a precise balance of power and control. His body burned with exertion, but he didn't falter—he embraced the challenge, pushing himself to tap into the full potential of his mana.

Finally, after a particularly powerful strike that sent a noticeable shockwave across the hall, Dakota called for a pause. She looked at Astron, a proud smile on her face. "You're getting the hang of it. The [Storm Stance] does not suit you too much, as you are more of a swift fighter and strength-reliant one. But still, that does not mean it will not help you, as it seems you have recently got a good advancement in terms of mana capacity —there's a raw power there that just needs a bit more refining. Keep practicing, and soon, you'll be able to break through any defense."

Astron, though breathless and drenched in sweat, nodded. "I'll keep pushing."

Dakota's smile widened. "I have no doubt you will. Now, just as per usual, I am going to leave you alone to practice by yourself. The manual is here as well."


Just like that, Dakota had left him there, leaving him to train.


<Acrobatics Training, 10.19 A.M, Ninth day of training>

Tianna entered the training area early, expecting to begin the day's session with Astron.

As she approached the towering wall they had used the previous day, she paused, surprised to see Astron already there.

He was climbing effortlessly, his movements smooth and controlled, as if he had been practicing for hours.

She watched in silence, her curiosity piqued. It was clear that Astron had not only refined the spell but had fully integrated his new approach into his training.

What intrigued her even more was how fluidly he moved, with no signs of strain or depletion. 'He's been at this for a while,' Tianna thought, noting the ease with which he scaled the wall. 'But he doesn't look fatigued at all.'

Unable to resist her curiosity, Tianna reached into her pocket and pulled out a small device designed to measure magnetic field levels. It was a device to test the strength of the spell so that they could be sure that it would work.

She aimed it at Astron as he continued his climb, expecting to see the usual readings associated with the spell.

The device flickered for a moment before showing a result that made Tianna nod her head. There was no significant magnetic activity. In fact, the readings were almost negligible. 'He's not using magnetic energy at all,' she realized. 'He really did what he said… He's using adhesion instead of the traditional method.'

To be frank, it was not that they had never thought of using different ideas to create the spell. They also thought of using adhesion property.

But while creating such a spell, one needed to understand the targeted audience. Not everyone who would be learning spells would be talented at manipulating mana and controlling the circuits.

And for properties like 'Adhesion,' where things rather happened in a microenvironment, much more precise control was needed to target the correct molecules.

However, that also meant that the user would be talented at quick calculations and understanding three-dimensional environments and visualization, and not everyone would possess such a talent.

That was why the spell would use [Magnetic Fields] as it did not require as precise control as it was needed.

That was why Tianna was amazed. The fact that Astron was able to do that meant he possessed those talents.

'Well… now that I think about it,' Tianna mused, her eyes following Astron as he effortlessly continued his climb, 'he had already shown that he possessed those talents… Maybe I should have expected it.'

She watched as Astron reached the top of the wall, pausing for a moment before descending with the same fluid grace. His mana levels, which should have been noticeably depleted after such an intense session, appeared nearly untouched. It was clear that his method was not only working but was far more efficient than the traditional spell.

'This boy…' Tianna thought, shaking her head in a mixture of awe and respect. 'He's not just talented; he's exceptional. To innovate so quickly and with such success… It's no wonder he's advancing at this rate.'

As Astron landed softly on the ground, Tianna approached him, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Astron, I checked your spell work with the device. There's almost no magnetic activity. You've fully transitioned to using adhesion, haven't you?"

Astron nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Yes, Instructor. It's more stable and uses far less mana. I can keep this up for much longer without exhausting myself."

"I see." Tianna nodded. "It seems you have completed this stage as well."

"It sort of happened," Astron replied modestly, though the progress he had made was anything but ordinary.

Tianna regarded him for a moment, her expression turning serious. "Then… I have only one last thing left to teach you."

Astron waited in silence, sensing the weight behind her words.

"But," Tianna continued, "let's not do that today since you've already tired yourself out. And the seventh stage… It will be a little bit different."

"I see," Astron acknowledged, understanding that the final lesson would likely push him beyond his current limits.

"For now, I'm just going to let you use the training grounds for self-training. Is that okay?" Tianna asked, her tone lighter.

"I don't mind."

"Good," Tianna said, nodding with approval. "Then, I will start the preparations."


<Reina's Room, 3 P.M, Ninth Day of Training>

Astron approached the training room, his mind already analyzing possible passwords. 'It could be. Embrace the Unseen,' he thought as he deciphered the psions.

"Beyond the Horizon."

The answer was different once again. He let out a small breath, his eyes narrowing in thought. "She's keeping me guessing every time," he muttered as he entered the room.

Reina was waiting, standing in the center of the room with an air of quiet authority. "Today is crucial," she said, her voice steady. She conjured a new set of psion lines, more intricate and complex than any before. "This will be your final test with these higher-ranked threads. You'll need to combine everything you've learned."

Astron nodded, his focus sharp as he extended his mana threads. The psion lines before him were dense and tightly woven, each one resonating with a different rhythm. He had no room for error.

He began the process, filtering out the ambient noise and honing in on the unique flows of each thread. The challenge was immense, but Astron's movements were precise and controlled, his earlier training guiding him through the complexities. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

Reina watched intently, her eyes narrowing as she observed his every move. 'This is the culmination of all his efforts,' she thought. 'If he can master this, he'll be ready for what lies ahead.'

The room was filled with a subtle hum as Astron worked, the ambient mana synchronizing with his own. He filtered, assimilated, and wove his energy through the psion lines, his pace quickening with each successful connection.

In what seemed like a shorter time than expected, Astron completed the task, his breathing even as he turned to face Reina. "It's done," he said, his voice calm but filled with quiet satisfaction.

Reina met his gaze, a rare smile touching her lips.

"You've exceeded my expectations, Astron. Tomorrow, we'll move on to something new—something far more advanced. Something that you have been expecting, most likely."

Astron nodded, a spark in his eyes. "I'm ready."

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