How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 323

Chapter 323

"Are you all ready?"



Andras and Amy, sitting in the back seat, answered in a slightly stiff posture. I smiled, started the engine, and took off.

"Do I have to come as well?"

Ryan, sitting in the passenger seat, asked with a puzzled expression.

"Ryan, you should come with us. We don't know what's going to happen later."  I replied

"I think everything will be fine ."

"Anyway, just come with us. It's a matter of a precious friend, so it's important for you, Ryan."

"Well I see."

Ryan nodded with an expression of helplessness. I turned my eyes forward again and drove the car.

A weekday morning past work hours.

I drove leisurely on the road after the busy rush hour.

Wow As I heard, the buildings are very tall.

Amy, seeing a city on Earth for the first time, burst into admiration.

"There are many buildings in this world that are much taller than the ones you see now. I have heard that there are buildings that are tall enough to look down at the clouds from above."


The two talked together while looking at the scenery outside the window. As the tension gradually eased, the rigid posture and expression also loosened.

I drove leisurely, looking at the atmosphere in the backseat using the rearview mirror. I was going to start today's date as if I was guiding a first-time tourist.

I thought of making them slowly look around the city, enjoy the mysterious view, and relieve the tension of their first visit to the city.

I also don't want to disturb the cozy time between the two, but I couldn't leave the two Demons who didn't know anything about life here.

So at the beginning of the schedule, Ryan and I will be the guides and show them around.

Today's most important event. At that critical moment, we planned to get out quietly so that only the two could be there.

Now it's time for the two to have a good time and concentrate.

"If you have any questions or places you want to visit, please feel free to tell me. We have plenty of time from morning to lunch."

"Oh, I see. Lord Car..No, Sihyeon!"

After hesitating for a while, Amy asked, pointing to a building outside the window.

"What is the big building over there? There are a lot of people going in and out."

"It's a mall. It's a place that sells various kinds of products together. Do you want to go in and take a look?"

Even though it was a weekday morning, the mall was crowded with quite a few people.

Andras and Amy. Since the two demons hid their horns and wore plain clothes, no one looked at them strangely. Instead, all three demons naturally attracted attention because they were handsome'.

To protect the two naive demons, who were busy watching around, from feeling uncomfortable, we quickly left the place before the gazes could gather too much.

"Wow is everything in this building for sale?"

"Yes. They sell different types of products on each floor."

"It can't even be compared to a store run by a large merchant in the demon world."

Following Amy, Andras asked with a curious look.

It seems there are no troops guarding the entrance. Can anyone enter here?

Normally anyone can come in, as long as they are not too suspicious.

"I already knew it was a world without noble families, but I can't believe anyone can enter a place like this The more I look at the place where Sihyeon lives, the more I am surprised.

I continued to lead the admiring two demons and started to wander around the mall.

"Uh, that place, by any chance, is

Among them, the first thing that caught Amy's attention was the cosmetics store.

"Would you like to go in?"


Ryan guided Amy, who was full of expectations, to the entrance of the cosmetics store.

Entering the store, the surrounding area was filled with a lively atmosphere.

And when Andras entered the store, all eyes were on him.

"Si, Sihyeon. This is."

"It's okay. It's just a place that sells cosmetics."

Originally, the cosmetics store was not a place where men could not enter, but strangely, there was a strange atmosphere that made it difficult for men to enter.

I calmed down Andras, who was embarrassed and went inside the store.

"Welcome. Are you looking for any product?"

"The person over here is from abroad. She is interested in cosmetics. Can you give some recommendations?"

Unlike me and Andras, who felt awkward, Ryan spoke very casually with the staff.

"Oh my! You were a tourist. Will you come this way?"

The staff smiled brightly and led Amy to a corner full of new products. There seemed no need to worry too much because Ryan was also with her.

"Andras, would you like to take a look?"

"What? Aren't all the products here for women?"

"These days, they also sell a lot of men's products."

I toured men's cosmetics on the side of the store with Andras. Compared to women's cosmetics, the number of products was small, but there were still quite a few new products.

Hmm While I am here, maybe I should buy some for the farm members.

"Excuse me."

"What? Sir."

Im trying to buy some as a gift. Can you give me some suggestions?"

"Really? What kind should I recommend?"

"Umm just tell me one by one for each type."

I picked up the cosmetics recommended by the staff according to the number of people.

When I, who didn't seem to be interested in cosmetics, swept in the products, the staff's confused expression suddenly brightened. In a much kinder voice than at the beginning, she began to recommend this and that.

"Sihyeon, aren't you overdoing it?"

"This much is fine. And even if everyone didn't say anything, they would have wanted to come out together. I should buy a present like this."

I smiled faintly as I imagined the farm members who would like to receive the gift.

On the other hand, Amy was sitting comfortably, getting recommendations for cosmetics, and being guided by the staff on how to use them. Ryan also stood by and helped with the explanation.

"Your skin is so good. Your eyelashes are really long and pretty."

The staff looked at Ryan next to her and asked Amy.

"Is the person next to you your boyfriend?"

"Oh, it's not him, it's.."


When asked about her boyfriend, Amy jumped up from her seat and ran off somewhere.


And she quickly slipped her arm around Andras' arm.



Andras trembled in surprise, but Amy did not let go of him and tightly held his arm.

And she gave a strong look to the staff who was explaining.

Everyone in the store looked blank for a moment at her sudden action. But soon everyone had a happy smile on their faces.

It was because she bragged about her boyfriend and Amy's behavior was so cute and lovely.

We left the cosmetics store and looked around the mall some more.

This time, Andras looked around the place that he was interested in, and the place he was interested in was a place where home appliances were gathered.

"Ohh! This much clarity on such a large screen 4K? UHD? What does this mean?"

Andras, admiring the numerous TV products, constantly asked questions. He enjoyed himself like a child while listening to the detailed explanation from the store employee passing by.

He was so happy to see home appliances. It was as if he had completely forgotten that he had a lover by his side. Feeling uneasy, I glanced around.

But contrary to my expectation, Amy was looking at Andras with a smile. She felt my gaze and opened her mouth first.

"What's wrong, Sihyeon?"

"Well, that's"

" !!?"

"Don't you feel sad? You were on a date. But he completely forgot about your existence. Should I go and drag him?"

At my question, Amy burst into a small, bright smile.

"It's okay. It's common in the Germor Wizardry. If he finds an interesting research subject or artifact, he would always become like that."


It's a characteristic of the Schnarpe family.

Both Andras and Lilia were the types to end up like that when they became interested in something.

Amy, a member of the Germor Wizardry, has probably seen this kind of behavior many times.

Still, it's a date, but Ryan and my concerns were overshadowed.

Amy rather looked at Andras with a warm expression.

"I respect that look of Andras. It made me realize a lot of things, to always enjoy your passion despite the difficulty and hurdles you face."

The sparkle in her eyes grew.

"At first, it was okay just to watch from a distance. From a certain moment, I wanted to watch more and more closely."

"So I'm very happy now."

I was dazed and taken aback by Amy's sincere words. And I felt strange because I felt like I had a glimpse of what Andras was like in her mind.

Is this a match made in heaven?

The relationship between the two seemed so great that a little jealousy arose within me.

"Sihyeon! The new product over there. Why don't you install it on the farm Uh, Sihyeon?"

Andras, who ran excitedly like a child, sensed a strange atmosphere and reacted bewilderedly.

Seeing that, Amy only kept smiling, while Ryan shook his head.

I motioned for Andras to come closer. He lowered his head with a puzzled expression as I whispered in a low voice in his ear.



"You must succeed in proposing today. You better think that you're going to die if you're not with Amy. Do you understand?

" ..??"

Andras was very confused, but he nodded his head, unable to overcome my intense gaze.

He was determined to confess his love successfully as if he made a resolution once again.

It was not easy to meet a partner who acknowledges and supports you for who you are.

Especially if you are someone who is always stuck in the workshop to the point that it feels abnormal!

Andras! You have to get the words YES from Amys mouth no matter what.

(To be Continued)

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