How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 324

Chapter 324

After a satisfying trip to the mall, we made our way to Namsan Tower, which was not only a popular dating spot for couples but also a renowned tourist destination where visitors can enjoy a panoramic view of the city.

Many foreigners flock to the tower for this reason. I was worried that Andras and Amy might find the location too clich and mundane, but thankfully, they showed great enthusiasm for Namsan Tower.

"Constructing such a tall structure on a mountain is impressive," Andras remarked.

"I can't wait to see it," Amy added.

Seeing the two demons excitedly sparkling, I couldn't help but smile.

Upon arrival, we parked our car in a suitable spot and headed to the cable car platform.

Fortunately, it was less crowded than anticipated, so we were able to board the cable car quickly.

As the cable car ascended the mountain, the cityscape gradually unfolded before our eyes.

"Wow," Andras exclaimed.

"I had no idea when we were in the car earlier, but looking at it from such a high place, the city seems so massive," Amy chimed in.

Observing the two demons' excitement, I too shifted my attention to the view beyond the window.

"Sihyeon?" Ryan called out to me. "Is everything alright? You look a bit strange."

I shook my head, feeling a little embarrassed.

"No, it's nothing. I just suddenly recalled a memory from the past."

Ryan looked at me curiously, prompting me to continue.

"This was the first place I went out to play with my mother after we moved to the city. I just remembered that moment," I explained.

My family had left our hometown to start anew in the city, but the transition wasn't easy. We faced numerous challenges, and our financial situation was dire. Consequently, I have very few memories of going out with my parents, and Namsan Tower was one of the few places we visited together.

"I remember climbing up the mountain with my mother on foot. We couldn't afford to go up to the observatory, so we just enjoyed the view before descending and treating ourselves to some pork cutlets," I reminisced.

Ryan's expression momentarily stiffened upon hearing the heavy story, but he quickly brightened up and spoke.

"Things have changed a lot, haven't they?"

"Yes, they've changed significantly. I've paid off all my long-standing debts now, and my mother is much healthier," I replied, reflecting on the past.

Back then, I never could have imagined the peaceful and happy life I'm living now.

I never could have foreseen myself as the father of a beautiful daughter.

"And above all"

I looked around the party with a mysterious expression.

"I never thought I'd visit this place again with demons."

"Haha! You never know what can happen in this world," Ryan chuckled, causing a smile to spread across my face.

I thought about bringing my mother and Speranza back here next time, putting old, gloomy memories to rest among countless happy ones.

We hopped on the cable car and arrived at the base of the tower in no time.

After wandering around for a bit, we headed up to the observatory.

Despite being a weekday, there were still a few people milling about, including several foreign tourists.

This allowed us to roam freely without being overly self-conscious.

Ryan and I savored the crisp air while taking in the stunning panoramic views.

"It's even better than I expected. And those two look so happy," I remarked, watching Andras and Amy cuddling and grinning like a pair of lovebirds.

Surveying the slightly barren winter landscape, I sighed wistfully.

"It would have been nicer if we came in the fall. The crimson leaves and scenic surroundings would be much more picturesque."

"They seem content with what they have. Plus, wouldn't any surroundings appear beautiful to couples deeply in love, even if it were a sea of flames?" Ryan quipped.

"Hmm That's a bitter pill to swallow," I muttered.

Ryan burst out laughing at my response, and I led Andras and Amy in search of a perfect spot.

I pulled out the camera I had brought along and positioned the two of them in front of me.

"I'll take a photo of you both. Please stand closer together."

"Uh, can I stand like this?" Andras asked.

"Come on. People will think you don't know her. Be more affectionate," I advised.

Andras hesitated at first, but Amy boldly snuggled into his side, wrapping her arms around him lovingly.


"Sihyeon, is this enough"?

"Very good!"

The camera screen reflected a nervous Andras and a smiling Amy.

Suppressing my laughter at Andras' silly expression, I took the picture.

After taking several nearby photos, we explored the inside of the tower, which was filled with attractions, unlike my previous visit with my mother.

We climbed the high observatory, peered through telescopes, sat in a caf, and chatted over warm tea.

The souvenir shop with its cute merchandise received the best reception.

The two demons found these products unusual but enjoyed learning their purpose and browsing them.

"SIHYEON, what's this?"

"Oh! That I'll explain it later."

The two purchased some souvenirs before leaving the shop.

When we exited the tower, the sun had already set.

"Shall we stop by there for a bit before heading down?"

I led the group somewhere. Ryan and Amy tilted their heads in confusion, but Ryan quickly caught on and winked at me.

"Sihyeon, what is this?"

"When lovers come here, there's something they must do,"

I revealed a lock I had purchased earlier at the souvenir shop.

"There's a legend that if two people write their names on a padlock and lock it here, their love will last forever until the lock is unlocked."

It's called a love lock!

Of course, it's an exaggeration to claim it's a true legend, and it's a common activity in tourist destinations.

But the phrase "eternal love" held an irresistible allure for couples in the throes of fresh love.

The demon couple's eyes sparkled at the idea.

"Would you like to give it a try?"

Blushing with embarrassment, the two nodded quietly.

I handed them the lock and a pen and prepared to write their names.

"Sihyeon, is it okay if I don't write it in Korean?"

"There isn't enough space to write the full name. Can I just write our last names?"

He earnestly wrote his name on the lock, asking the question in all sincerity.

The two hung their lock among the many others, gazing at it with a mix of blush and happiness.

"I've heard that people become childish when they fall in love. There's no difference between humans and demons in that regard. Those two demons who put the lock here are probably the first ones to do so, right Ryan?"


"Hmmmm. It's getting dark soon. Let's go down quickly before it gets colder."

Ryan forcibly ignored my gaze and headed for the cable car platform first.

Looking at his back hurriedly moving away, I felt like I could imagine a lock with the name "Ryan" written on it in my head.

"Well, we're going down now, Andras huh?"

I was trying to go down behind Ryan, but when I turned, I saw Andras muttering something as he grabbed the lock he had hung earlier.

"What are you doing?"

"Im putting reinforcement magic on the lock with our names on it."

"If its in such an open space, it might be unlocked by someone's attack. Predicting the worst, its best to put reinforcement magic and resistance magic.

I stared blankly for a moment at Andras, who was mumbling earnestly.

I sighed lightly and tugged at his arm.

"Andras. Don't do anything useless and follow me quickly."

It is not useless. We can't just leave the lock like this.

Andras struggled desperately and shook off my hand.

This is how people originally do it.

"No. What if someone attacks the lock to disturb our eternal love"

"Oh! Stop saying embarrassing things and hurry up and come!"

Andras and I had a long fight in front of the lock, while Amy stood not far away, covering her mouth and bursting out laughing.

I argued with him for a while, but in the end, Ryan had to come back and drag him away.

Before we knew it, the sun disappeared and evening came.

As we descended from Namsan Tower, we made our way to the dinner reservation we had.

Inside the moving car, an unusual tension hung in the air.

Despite Amy occasionally breaking the silence with a few words, moments of quiet stretched out longer than usual.

It was easy to guess the reason for this sudden shift in atmosphere from Andras' solemn expression and gestures.

As much as a delicious meal was important, there was a much more significant event looming before us: Andras' proposal to Amy.

In the restaurant with a breathtaking view of the night sky, Andras and Amy would have their own intimate time.

It was there that Andras planned to confess his love to Amy.

The impending event had us all on edge, not just Andras but also myself, who had helped plan the proposal.

I did my best to act normal, not wanting Amy to catch onto anything strange from the back seat.

But my anxiety kept me looking over my shoulder.

Then, by chance, I locked eyes with Ryan.

He nodded reassuringly, his expression calm and collected.

How was he so composed in the face of all this?

With that thought, I was able to forget a little bit of anxiety and regain stability.

In the midst of many thoughts, the vehicle carrying us arrived at its destination before we knew it.

(To be Continued)

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