How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 309

Chapter 309

"Uncle Si!"

Taeho spotted me from afar and rushed over. Sehe, Jin, and Ryan soon followed.

"I was searching for you," Taeho asked.

"Did you locate the Divine Beast?"

"Hey, what's going on?" the others chimed in.

"Thanks to all of you, it worked out," I replied, gesturing behind me.

There was the Divine beast playing with Akum.

Everyone who witnessed it felt unusual.

"When did it get so close to Akum?"

"It looks so adorable from this angle,"

"It won't run off again, will it?"

"Don't worry, Sehe," I reassured. "It won't flee as haphazardly as before."

As the three members of the Guardians Guild were absorbed by the adorable Divine Beast, Ryan approached me.

"Sihyeon, what happened?" he asked.

"I'll explain later, it's a bit complicated," I replied.

"Okay, I'm just glad you found it safely," Ryan said. "Once the Angels take the Divine Beast, it'll be all over, right?"

"Well, that's"

I started to answer, but was interrupted by Ashmir and Urki bowing shyly beside her.

"Sihyeon, we're going to go now."

"Thank you for everything."

"Are you leaving already?"

"We have to report today's events quickly, especially my decision to entrust the Divine Beast to Sihyeon," Ashmir explained.

Ryan, understanding the meaning of "entrust," made a shocked expression.

Ashmir ignored his reaction and continued.

"I'll get back to you soon. In the meantime, please take good care of the Divine Beast, Sihyeon," she said.

"We appreciate your cooperation," Urki added.

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of it," I reassured them.

As they said goodbye, I saw regret in their eyes as they looked at the Divine Beast for the last time.

"Let's go," Ashmir said.

"Yes," Urki agreed.

With a flutter of their wings, Ashmir and Urki took to the sky and disappeared from sight.

"Wait, why aren't they taking the Divine Beast?"

"I've decided to take care of it temporarily," I replied.

"Really? You're going to take care of it now?" Sehe asked, surprise

"Are you serious?" Taeho added.

I faced their questioning gazes and let out a tired sigh.

"I'll explain later. Everyone had a long, cold day. I'll repay you all soon, so let's call it a day for now."

"What? You want to end already? Let's hang out for a while, Uncle Si!" Sehe protested.

"That's right, Uncle. I still have so many questions," Taeho chimed in.

Taeho and Sehe clung to me, looking apologetic.

Despite the harsh winter weather, the two were still full of energy, even though they had been running around all day.

Is this the power of youth?

"You guys aren't tired?" I asked.

"Not at all! This is nothing compared to battling monsters in a Rift," Taeho boasted.

"We didn't even get to talk properly because the Angels showed up. Let's hang out a little longer, okay?" Sehe added.

"Yeah, you're always busy. Let's hang out a little more before you go!" Taeho pleaded.

It had been a while since I saw them, and I was beginning to think they were adults. But their childish behavior showed me they were still young.

Ryan and Jin smiled, amused by the sight of me being pulled around by Taeho and Sehe, while Cheese looked on with a pitiful expression.

Meanwhile, Akum and the Divine beast playfully ran circles around us all.

Pow woow wooo!

Kkyuu Kkyuuu!

How are you all doing?

I sent a message to the Demon Farm group chat.

It was Lilia, of course, who reacted the fastest.

Im fine! Brother Sihyeon, how is your vacation?

It's been a while since I've had such a good rest. There's nothing wrong with the farm, right?

It's okay. But since Brother Sihyeon and Speranza are not here, I think the farm atmosphere is down. I guess everyone misses both of you.

Lilia's words made me feel a little sorry and emotional.

Maybe it's because I haven't seen everyone's faces for a while, but I was missing them little by little.

I'm doing well. (PIC)

Andras posted a picture along with a short message.

Strawberry fields and Elden villagers were seen in the background of the picture.

Following Andras, Alfred also posted a picture.

The picture showed Alfred and the baby Griffins.

How are you? I miss you.

Finally, Lia's message was posted.

The message was a little awkward because she used  Korean which she was not familiar with, but Lia's heart was conveyed.

I also posted some pictures I took during my vacation in the group chat room.

All the farm members expressed envy and regret.

is 8


What is this, all of a sudden?

A strange message suddenly came up in the group chat.

When I checked the sender, it was Boss who had been quiet until now.

As I continued to ponder what was going on, Lilia soon gave me a detailed summary.

Don't worry, Brother Sihyeon. I went and checked, it seemed like Uncle Kaneff lost in the mobile game and was posting messages in the group chat in frustration. heh heh heh

When I found out the truth of the strange message, I felt ridiculous, but on the other hand, it felt like a typical Boss, so I laughed in vain.

The group chat ended with a message that I would return to the farm soon.

The long vacation was coming to an end.

I felt like I had a proper rest after a long time away from my busy schedule.

I had enough time with my mother, who I had neglected so far, and enjoyed all the things I wanted to do with Speranza in this world.

I wanted to continue living like this, but on the other hand, I felt impatient, wanting to go back to the farm quickly.

Should I say it's a bittersweet feeling?

Anyway, I had to start getting ready to return to the farm at this point when the end of my vacation was just around the corner.

I didn't need any special preparation, but I was going to prepare a gift for each member who suffered while I was away.

It would be better to go to the shopping mall to prepare a gift, right?

Good! Let's think about what kind of gifts I should buy at the mall.

I went out of the room, organizing today's schedule in my mind.

Soon, I found my mother preparing something busily in the kitchen.

"Mom, what are you doing?"

"Uh, I'm going to make some side dishes."

"This much?"

"Its for you to take with you when you go back to the farm after your vacation. The people on the farm must have had a hard time because you weren't there. I should send them some side dishes like this."

The kitchen was full of ingredients as if she was preparing for a feast.

"Mom, isnt this a little too much? I can't take all of this."

"Why can't you take it? Since the farm has more members, of course, I should prepare this much."


" Dont disturb me now. Go rest in the living room. I'll make your lunch later."

When I was being pushed out of the kitchen, Speranza came running this way.

She had a mop for cleaning in her hand.

"Grandma, grandma! I cleaned the dining table and the living room table."

"Oh, my! Are you done already, dear? I'm so proud of my darling."

My mother hurriedly wiped her hands and patted Speranza's head.

Speranza wagged her tail with a proud expression.

"Grandma, is there anything else you want help with?"

"Well? I don't have anything right now, dear. I'll call you again if I need anything later."

"If you need anything, you have to call me, Grandma."

"Okay. In the meantime, rest with Papa in the living room."

Speranza and I left the kitchen and headed to the living room.

On the couch in the living room, Akum and the Divine beast were watching the TV screen together.

The Divine beast had adapted very quickly, in a few days after arriving at my house.

Meanwhile, Cheese was looking down the street from a large sunny window.

It was the main routine of Cheese to look around the streets quietly like this.

I was going to sit on the couch and watch TV, but Speranza sneaked in.

I immediately noticed that the cute fox girl had something to do with me.

"Speranza, what's wrong?"

"Papa, is there anything I can help you with?"

"Help with?"

I asked back with a confused look.


Regardless, Speranza looked at me with a look full of expectations.

There was no such thing as I want help with, who was going to be idle until lunch was ready.

"Do you want to watch TV with Papa?"

"No, not like that Papa, but something I can help you with!"

"Uh then there isn't."

Perhaps because I didn't give the expected answer, Speranza's face was filled with disappointment.

I was also very confused by Speranza's unusual behavior.

-Pow wo woooo.

Kkyu Kkyuuuu

The Divine beast next to me tapped my leg.

Thanks to the close bond we developed over the past few days, I quickly understood the meaning.

"Are you hungry?"

Kkyuu! Kkyuu!

"Okay. Just wait a little bit. I'll get some fruits from the fridge"

"Papa, I'll get it!"

Before I could take my butt off the couch, Speranza quickly headed to the refrigerator.

And soon, she brought a box containing the favorite fruits of the Divine beast.

"I'll feed you."

Kkyuuu Kyuuuu

Pow woo wooo

Speranza even took the fruit out of the box and fed it directly to the Divine beast and Akum.

Seeing the two eat deliciously, Speranza smiled proudly as if she had accomplished something.

Ding dong!


"Yehhh. Im back.

The front door opened and someone appeared with a roar.

It was Yerin in a comfortable outfit and a haggard face.

My mother, who was in the kitchen, peeked out.

"Yerin, is it you?"


"Yes, Aunt Saya."

"Did you work late yesterday? Oh, my. This will ruin your pretty face.."

"I think the same, Aunt Saya."

"You haven't eaten yet, have you? Just wait a little bit. I'll make your lunch right away."

"Thank you Thank you, Auntie."

Yerin bowed her head as if bowing with a moved expression.

"Speranza, can you help me put spoons on the table?"

"Un! Yes, grandma."

Speranza ran to the kitchen with her ears raised.

Yerin, who was tired, sat down in the empty seat where the fox girl left.

If she was the same as usual, I would have scolded her for being rude in the morning, but since she looked so tired, the words of concern came out first.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Ugh. I'm dying. Someone is playing comfortably with a pretty daughter and cute animals, and what kind of trouble is this for me.

"But isn't everything urgent over?"

"I have to take a day off and go out again tomorrow.



"HEY! What are you talking about in front of the kids? Nice words!"

She sighed with a tearful look.

"Ughhhh I never thought I had to go to work again on that day. This is a curse. Effing Curse!"

"That day?"

"Yes! What's the special day left at the end of the year? I'm going to work again on that day like last year."

Special day left at the end of the year?

What's special about

"Thats it.

Something suddenly struck me and I let out a pointed scream.

(To be Continued)

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