How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 308

Chapter 308

Kkyuyuu Yuuuu!

Pow wooo? Pow woo wooo

The divine beast's cry of injustice was met with a solemn nod from Akum.

Despite their cute appearance, their expressions were quite serious.

I remained silent, opting to listen intently while seated nearby.

Cheese, like a rock, watched the tale of the divine and demon beasts with interest, next to me.

Listening from the sidelines gave me a general understanding of the situation.

Meanwhile, the puzzled angels appeared frustrated with their inability to comprehend the story.

Urki, unable to tolerate it, approached me from behind and enquired.

"Mr. Sihyeon, what is the Divine beast speaking of?" Urki asked from behind me.

"Do you really want me to tell you? I don't think Urki would like it," I replied.

"What?" Urki appeared dumbfounded.

Ashmir stepped out beside him and quietly called my name, "SIHYEON."

She asked for an explanation with her gaze.

I sighed slightly before relaying the conversation between the Divine beast and Akum,

"The Divine beast is airing its grievances about heaven to Akum."

"Grievances Has something happened?" Ashmir queried.

"Yes, it appears to have numerous complaints about Urki," I answered.


Urki pointed to himself, appearing confused.

I sighed once more at the scene.

The Divine beast is like this because it's at a loss.

To be frank, putting it as complaint was kind of like a soft expression.

To be precise, the Divine beast is fed up with Urki.

"Sihyeon, what did Apprentice Urki do to the Divine beast?" Ashmir asked.

"It's difficult to say it's entirely Urki's fault, but he didn't handle the situation well," I responded.

"What?" Ashmir sought clarification.

"Can you elaborate?" I avoided Ashmir's gaze and looked toward Urki.

"Urki, you've been taking care of the Divine beast for a while now, correct?"

"Uh, yes,"

"I don't know the relationship between the Divine beasts and Angels, but this Divine beast has been with the Angels for some time, right?" I asked.


Urki's eyes widened upon hearing the question.

My suspicion was confirmed.

"Urki's care of the Divine beast must have been a source of frustration for it,"

"But I followed the guidelines in caring for it,"

"And that's the problem,"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you know the Divine beast's favorite food? Its favorite game? How it reacts when it hates or dislikes something, or when it needs help or is uncomfortable?" I asked.

Urki was silent.

"How could you claim to have taken care of the Divine beast when you don't know these things?" I asked, my voice growing emotional and sharp.

Urki hung his head, unable to respond.

I let out a deep sigh, releasing my emotions.

My outburst was driven by my empathy for the Divine beast's frustration and suffering.

I, too, was familiar with the narrow-minded and controlling nature of the Angels.

Despite my annoyance with them, most of us simply put up with it due to their strength and status.

But imagine being constantly surrounded by Angels, who interfere in everything and try to control your actions, while ignoring your opinions.

Frustration would soon take over for most.

The Divine beast was now expressing these terrible feelings to Akum.

"Sihyeon, Apprentice Urki followed the guidelines in caring for the Divine beast. Are you suggesting this is wrong?"

"Yes, it's wrong. Guidelines with past experiences are useful, but they can't solve everything. We're not all identical, like mass-produced machines."

Two siblings born from the same mother are never identical.

There are more differences, such as some being active and independent, some being passive and shy, and others being curious and dependent.

Life is diverse.

It's arrogant to think one guideline can control all that diversity.

"I get along well with the Demon beasts on the farm, but I always worry if they have any difficulties. They can only express discomfort indirectly, unlike us who can talk about it."

I gestured to the Divine beast.

"Just because they can't speak doesn't mean they don't feel. The Divine beast probably knew Urki was trying his best and expressed its discomfort in its own way."

The two Angels looked puzzled.

"Uh I had no idea. With the guidelines, I thought everything would be fine"

"I didn't expect this kind of problem at all either.

The two Angels looked very puzzled.

At first, I thought, [How can you not know this?] but later, a bitter smile was made as I thought that it might be the case if I were an Angel.

Ashmir, who organized her thoughts before Urki, opened her mouth.

"Sihyeon, what should we do now?"

"Hmm, I think the will is the most important thing."


"The will of the Divine beast. We should respect what it wants to do."

After a moment's hesitation, she nodded, her eyes, as if asking for help.

Now that we've come this far, I felt like I had to take responsibility until the end.

I got up from my seat and approached the Divine beast.

The Divine beast was naturally wary of my approach.

Kkyuuu kyuuuuuu

Pow wooo woooo

Next to the Divine beast, Akum calmed its excitement.

Thanks to that, I was able to get closer than I thought.

"Hi, I'm Lim Sihyeon. The cute one next to you is Akum, and the big cat yawning in the back is Cheese."


"I just heard what you were talking about with Akum. I understand why you messed up with those two, too. You can't keep running away like this. It will be dark soon."

The Divine beast listened to my story with just its eyes blinking, though I didn't know if it understood me at all.

"I want to help you do as you wish, if possible. What do you want to do?"


"Going back with those two over there"

Kkyuu Kyuuu Yuuu

Upon mentioning Ashmir and Urki, the Divine beast strongly opposed.

The intensity of its expression surprised even Akum next to it.

"Okay, you really dislike that."

From the response, it seemed difficult to reconcile the Angels and the Divine beast at the moment.

There was no guarantee that it wouldn't run away again even if taken forcibly.

"Hmm do you want to come with me?"


The Divine beast's eyes twinkled at the new proposal.

"You'll eventually have to return to heaven, but while you're here, you can stay at my house. It's not fancy, but it's more comfortable than being on the streets."

Kkyuu Kkyuu kyuuuu

"I'll take you outside and show you around often. There are many friends to meet and have fun with."

Pow wooo woooo!

Akum also joined in, encouraging the Divine beast to come with us.

The Divine beast appeared to struggle with the decision, its eyes moving back and forth.

I waited patiently, allowing the Divine beast to take its time.

Kkyuu Kkyuu

Finally, after much consideration, the Divine beast stood up on all fours and slowly approached me.

Pow woo woooo

Akum and I watched as the Divine beast came closer, both of us a bit nervous.

When it was close enough to touch, I kept my posture relaxed and held out my palm.

The Divine beast looked at my hand and face, sniffing my palm.

Finally, it gently placed its paw on my hand.

"You're coming with me, right?"

Kyuu Kkyuuuu

Although the Divine beast was still a bit wary, I had established a connection with it.

Akum, who had watched the scene, happily jumped around.

Okay! Then the Divine beast's side is settled.

What's left is how to convince the Angels.

My head was throbbing as I imagined Ashmir and Urki's reactions if I told them I would take care of the Divine beast.

I rose from my seat and approached the Angels, leaving Akum and the Divine beast behind.

"Are you done talking to the Divine beast?" asked Ashmir.

"Yes, Ms. Ashmir," I replied.

Ashmir gave me a look, and I told her about the conversation I had had with the Divine beast.

"The Divine beast hates following the two of you and it will take time to restore its trust."

"But we can't leave Shinsu unattended,"

"That's why I suggest taking care of the Divine beast for now. The Divine beast agreed to it,"

"I see,"

"Mr. Sihyeon will take the Divine beast?"

While Urki was surprised, Ashmir responded more calmly than expected.

I hurried to explain because I thought additional explanations would be needed.

"First of all, in the direction of prioritizing relationship restoration

"Then lets do it that way."


"For the time being, Sihyeon will be in charge of the Divine beast," she said.

I was caught off guard as I stuttered in disbelief,


The Angels I know wouldn't just agree to this, right?

Meanwhile, Urki voiced his concern,

"Officer Ashmir, leaving the Divine beast to an outsider is against the rules."

"Even if we force ourselves to take the Divine beast, can you guarantee the same thing won't happen again?" Ashmir replied confidently,

"It may be against the rules, but it's the best choice now and Sihyeon is reliable. I'll take responsibility."

With a charismatic look, Ashmir pushed away Urki's worries.

Then she spoke to me, smiling faintly.

"Shall I request you once again with consideration and due respect, Mr. Sihyeon?"


(To be Continued)

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