How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 292

Chapter 292

When I arrived at the farm, it was so dark that the surroundings looked blurry.

Ryan and I slowly headed towards the farm building. But as I got closer to the building, I felt something strange.

Ryan asked me as I kept looking around with a different feeling.

"SIHYEON? What's wrong?"

"Ah, nothing. Um I think the farm is a lot quieter than usual. Normally, it's always lively around this time.

There seems to be little light leaking out of the window today, and I couldn't feel the presence of the farm members.

Did Boss and Andras who went out this morning not come back yet?

I opened the front door thinking about various things.

I definitely felt it when I entered the building. It was a completely different atmosphere than usual.

"Did everyone go out.

"Its possible. Let's look.

I headed for the dining room and kitchen first.

I thought of making a simple dinner because it was too late, but contrary to my expectations, there was no one in the dining room.

Next, I went and checked the second floor.

However, even if I looked around the second floor, I could not see not only Speranza but also Cheese and baby Griffins.

I began to feel slightly anxious.

As I came down from the second floor with nervous steps.



The cry of the baby Griffins came from the living room.

"Is it you? Finny?"

Immediately, I moved in the direction of the living room where the sound was heard. The living room, where I soon arrived, was just as dark as the rest of the building.

I fumbled my hand on the wall to find the switch.


Lights turned on in the living room all at once, and in an instant, my eyes brightened.




Firecrackers were heard everywhere.



"SURPRISE, Papaaaaa!"

Everyone hiding throughout the living room poured out at once and shouted SURPRISE.

I looked around with a blank look on my face at the completely unexpected situation.

"This is What what.

Ryan standing behind me came to my side and said.

"Did you forget what day tomorrow is?"

"Tomorrow? Tomorrow"

"It's Sihyeon's birthday."


Only after calculating the date in my head did I realize for sure.

Tomorrow is "December 14th". It was my birthday.

"But I heard that there is no culture of celebrating birthdays in the Demon world"

"Demons don't have that culture, but Sihyeon was born on Earth. Then of course we should celebrate.


"I brought up the story, and everyone agreed to hold a surprise party for Sihyeon.

Even after Ryan's explanation, I still looked around blankly.

In the middle of the living room, there was a large table that I had never seen before, and there was a lot of delicious-looking food on it.

Farm members could be seen with firecrackers in their hands, party flutes in their mouths, and birthday party hats in their heads.

There were no exceptions Baby Griffins, Cheese, and even Kaneff, whose face was full of irritation.

Speranza smiled happily as if she was having fun.


It felt strange.

Spending most of my youth with family difficulties and becoming a middle-aged man, I never remembered my birthday.

One day, my mother would prepare seaweed soup in the morning and would tell me it was my birthday, that was when I would realize that day was my birthday.

It was very ironic.

I didn't expect to experience a surprise birthday party in the Demon world even though I've never experienced one on Earth.

"I've lit up all the lights."

"Sihyeon, please come this way quickly.

Alfred and Andras grabbed me on both sides and quickly took me to the top seat of the table.

In front of my seat was a cake decorated with Happy Birthday'. On top of it, candles were lit for my age.

Lia asked me, with a party hat on her head.

"Sihyeon, is it true that in your world they hold a celebration ceremony by lighting up the cake like this?

"That's not the end. If the celebrant makes a wish and blows off all the candles at once, that wish will come true. Its true, right Brother Sihyeon?"

"That's an interesting ceremony.

"If you can't blow it off all at once, will the wish not come true? Then, wont older people be at a disadvantage?

I gradually regained my senses in the usual tumultuous atmosphere.

And suddenly something struck me.

Don't tell me Was everyone acting weird these past few days because of this.

Ryan, who read my expression, smiled playfully and nodded.

I felt so stupid.



"Can I blow out the candles with you?"


I picked up Speranza, who came to my side and put her on my lap.

Speranza wagged her silver tail gently with a smiling face.


"Do you want to blow it with papa?


I calmed down the fox girl, who was shaking her body because she couldn't wait to blow out the candles, and looked around again.

The farm members looked at me with bright smiles.

I began to realize that everyone did their best, trying to celebrate my birthday.

As the confusing and depressing emotions disappeared, the heart became more and more warm and emotional.

"Did you make a wish?"

Lia, who was near me, asked.

After thinking for a while, I nodded quietly instead of answering.

Sihyeon, then, on the count of three, blow off the candles. Speranza, you should blow hard so that papas wish comes true.

"Un, I'll do my best."

Speranza seriously burned her sense of duty while looking at the candles on the cake. The farm members, who were looking at it happily, began to count together.






Thanks to Speranza's hard breath, the candles went out at once. At the same time, everyone cheered as if their wishes had come true.

Lia praised Speranza while organizing the candles on the cake.

"Good job, Speranza!"

"To make my papa's wish come true I blew it hard.

Speranza looked at me with a proud expression. I patted her head with a look of adoration.

"SIHYEON, what did you wish for?"

I smiled awkwardly at Andras' question.

"UmmI'm embarrassed, so I'll keep it a secret."

"What? Aren't you going to tell us, Senior?"

"I'm so curious, Brother Sihyeon. Can you at least just tell me?"

Alfred and Lilia, who were curious about my wish, complained like children. Despite the two's nagging, I didn't open my mouth until the end.

In the midst of a sudden birthday party, there was only one wish that came to mind.

If it was in the past, I would have wished for money or success in life.

Strangely, such a wish did not come to mind.

Now it's just

As much as Im happy and joyful, I wish that my family too be filled with such happy things.

"Eat the food prepared before it gets cold."

Lia quickly arranged the table and brought out the prepared food one by one.

Galbijjim (Braised Beef Short Ribs), Japchae (Korean Glass Noodle Stir Fry), Pork bulgogi, and delicious side dishes. It was prepared as if for a banquet.

"Oh? There's seaweed soup, too".

Once again, I was deeply moved by the fact that seaweed soup was prepared. And on the other hand, I wondered how they prepared these foods.

"Who prepared all this food?"

Ryan opened his mouth to my question.

"I brought what I could, but there's someone else who prepared it."


He handed over a small note instead of an explanation. When I opened the paper, I could see familiar handwriting inside.

[Dear son,

I prepared birthday food at the request of Ryan. After your fathers death, I always felt bad that all your birthdays ended with just a seaweed soup, and I hope this birthday makes up for all those years. Have a great birthday with your family in Demon farm this year! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my baby

From mom]

At the end of the note, one more sentence was written in small letters.

[P.S. Tell Ryan that I really liked the winter coat he gave as a gift ]

I folded the note carefully, and slowly raised my spoon. I scooped up the warm seaweed soup and took it to my mouth.

It may be a normal seaweed soup that was nothing special to anyone, but it was a very familiar and heart-warming taste for me.

Ryan looked around and opened his mouth.

"These are the foods we received from your mother around lunch today. We just reheated it and prepared it. How does it taste?"

I replied with a satisfied look.

"It's delicious. It really tastes like my mom made it."

"Ha! That's a relief. Originally, I was only going to ask your mother for advice, but she said she wanted to prepare the birthday meal. I'm sorry, she must have had a hard time preparing these foods."

"Its okay."

"Your mother stubbornly refused when I said I would pay for her hard work, so I only managed to pay for the ingredients. Instead, I bought her a winter coat, and I hope she likes it."

I delivered the contents of the note to worried Ryan.

"Don't worry. She wrote that she really liked it.

"Really? Haha!"

Hearing that Ryan burst out laughing as if he was relieved.

Not only I but also the farm members enjoyed my mother's food, maybe because they had already tasted my mother's food a few times.

"Speranza, it's been a while since you've eaten grandma's food, right? How is it?

"It's so delicious. But eating grandma's food makes me miss grandma even more.

I wiped around Speranza's mouth to soothe her loneliness.

"Just hang in there. We'll go to see grandma in a few days."

Speranza, who remembered the upcoming vacation, nodded and smiled.

After a satisfactory meal, everyone shared the birthday cake for dessert. The laughter continued in a more lively atmosphere than usual.

And at that moment

Ryan said as he stepped forward in front of the crowd.

"The meal is over, and the atmosphere is ripe. Are you ready?


I was puzzled by the sudden words, but the rest stood up from their seats and began to prepare something.

"What else is left?"

Ryan grinned at my question.

"Of course there is. Its giving Birthday Gifts."

(To be Continued)

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