How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 291

Chapter 291

"I think everyone on the farm has been avoiding me lately. I feel like theyre hiding something behind my back, and they don't want to talk about it.

"Did something happen?

Adela asked back with her eyes wide open.


"I heard that my lord and the people on the farm are as close as a family. Did something happen?

"I don't know either. I think maybe I did something wrong.

I let out a small sigh and made a complicated expression.

"I've been thinking about many things. There was only one thing that bothered me.


"I thought it might have been a burden to them because I made them work too hard lately. I might have asked them a little too much while preparing for the winter."

As I planned and promoted a lot of work to prepare for the winter, I had a tight schedule.

Quite naturally, the farm members who were helping around were also forced to have a hard time.

As my worries increased, I wondered if I had taken their help for granted and had made them work too hard.

My heart became heavy with regret.

"Maybe I was so immersed in the position of the Lord that I slacked off and made the others work morehuh Adela?"

Adela covered her mouth with her hand and looked as if she was holding back her laughter, while I was seriously confessing my concerns.

I put a blank look on my face at her confusing reaction.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help but laugh while listening to the lord's story."

"Um I think Im pretty sure that Im not joking.

As my troubles were laughed at, I made a sullen face.

Adela spoke to me with a warm look.

"No no, my lord. I didn't laugh at my lords concern. I just laughed without realizing it because it was a concern that was so my lord-ish."


Adela lowered her gaze and spoke to Miru and Kathy.

"Hey, you two, do you know who works the hardest in the Cardis estate?

Her question was answered without hesitation by the two children.


"Cwandy Uncle!"

"Yes, that's correct.

Miru and Kathy burst into laughter when they heard it was correct.

Adela, who patted the two children's heads once, got up and looked at me again.

"The fact that my Lord works and tries the hardest is a thing that even children in the village knows."


I scratched my head because I was embarrassed by the sudden compliment.

"There's no way that the people on the farm don't know what we all know. They must know that the lord tries the hardest."

"I was trying so hard but I guess I didn't understand how everyone felt."

"Hmm, when I saw them, it didn't feel that way at all. Everyone seemed to trust and follow my Lord.

Adela said with a confident look on her face.

"I don't know the exact reason, but I don't think it would be an as difficult problem as my Lord is thinking about."


"I think so. Don't worry too much about it by yourself, talk to them openly. You'll be able to solve the problem sooner.

Adela once again comforted me with a warm motherly smile. It seemed that sharing the worries really worked, and my stuffy mind seemed to cool down quickly.

"Thank you, Adela."

"Don't mention it, my lord. I'm happy to be able to help you like this. Just know that not only I but everyone in the Elden Village is rooting for you."

"I'll be rooting for you too, Uncle!"

"Mew too! I'm wooting for Cwandy uncle too!"

Miru and Kathy on their knees hugged me, raising their hands.

At the cheering of the two children, I smiled happily and stroked their hair.

I think everything will go well just by being supported like this.


"I'm back, my lord."

Lagon appeared with the sound of opening the front door.

His hands were full of thick-looking bundles of papers.

"We brought additional food and supplies to the neighboring village. Confirmation"

Lagos checked the desk where I was sitting and stopped talking for a while.

The desk was still piled up with documents he had asked for confirmation.

He asked in a slightly resentful voice.

"My lord, don't tell me this was the only thing you checked while I was in the next village?"

"Oh it is. I had a problem to worry about, so I thought about a lot of things.

Driven into a corner, I looked in Adela's direction with eyes asking for help. But the seat had already been emptied.

"Guys, shall we go out and play now?


"I'm gwoing to see mommy."

The children sitting on my lap suddenly grabbed Adela's hands on both sides and left the room.

I had no choice but to stare blankly at the back of the three who went out together.

Huh the rooting.

"My lord, I'm very sorry to say this, but you have to check these quickly. If you do something wrong, you may have to stay here late at night."

"Uh I see. Please bring the documents."

I started checking documents under the supervision of Lagos.

But one thing was clear to me.

If you are struggling with difficult troubles. It's good to share it with people around you and receive support, but the best way is to just forget about your worries and work ...


"Ugh! It's over."

I made a strange noise as I pushed the last document aside.

My eyes were stiff from continuously looking at the documents, and I couldn't feel my butt because of the wooden chair that had no cushion.

"Good work, my lord."

"Lagos had a real hard time. You've looked at the documents more than I have."

"I'm fine because I've always done it."

My body trembled without realizing it when I heard that it was his usual job. I can't believe he has been doing this all the time..

I made up my mind!

Ill prepare a most comfortable work chair for Lagos during this vacation!

As I decided to give a chair to Lagos, I glanced out of the window, the sun was going down and the surroundings were getting dark.

I stood up from my seat and said.

"I'll have to go back to the farm before it gets any darker."

"I'll take you there, my lord."

Lagos, who rose reflexively, raised his hands to stop me.

"Oh, come on. Lagos, take some rest. You went to the next village today and continued to do paperwork."

"Then Reville will.

"He should be busy with vigilante work. Lagos, I'm not a child, I can go alone by myself."

I kept dissuading him, saying I was fine, but Lagos followed me, saying he would see me out of the village until the end.

There was a scuffle in front of the front door for a while.

In the end, after bringing up the embarrassing words, [I order in the name of Lord!] Lagos quietly backed down.

"See you next time, my lord."

After waving to Lagos, who was seeing off with a deep bow, I walked out with a light step.

Village streets where loneliness was greater than chillness, the warm smell of preparing dinner at each house spread out, filling the loneliness a little.

Oh! Come to think of it, I couldn't prepare dinner.

I realized my mistake late and hurried further.

At the entrance, receiving greetings from vigilante members I hurriedly left the village.

But an unexpected person greeted me outside the village.

"Good evening, Sihyeon.

A neat suit that doesn't fit in the Demon world, a smile that makes the dark surroundings feel bright for a moment.

A handsome man with a sweet voice approached me.

"Huh? Ryan?"

"Thank you for taking care of the Lord work."


I asked Ryan with a puzzled expression.

"What's going on? Why are you here all of a sudden?

"Of course, I was waiting for Sihyeon.

"Waiting here? Why didn't you just relax and wait on the farm or come into the village?

"I even thought about doing that. But I haven't met many villagers, so I decided to wait here quietly."

Ryan quickly added as if he was aware of my expression that said I still have a lot of questions.

"It's getting late. Shall we talk about the details as we go?

"Uh, yes."

We started walking side by side on the road to the farm.

I had a lot of questions for Ryan, but I walked fast thinking that I had to go back to the farm quickly and prepare dinner.

"SIHYEON, is there something urgent?"

"I forgot to prepare dinner because I was paying attention to Estate work.

"Hmm. Wouldn't it be okay for a day? Sihyeon, you just forgot while working.

"That's true, but I have something to apologize to everyone."

"Something to apologize for?

As I confided with Adela, I confided to Ryan about my thoughts.

"I didn't seem to care about my surroundings. So"


While talking, I felt something strange and looked sideways.

Ryan covered his mouth with one hand and was shaking.


" Pooh.. Hahahaha!"

Ryan burst out laughing as if my call was the cue.

He laughed so loudly that even the villagers in the Elden could have heard it.

I looked at him with a sullen look on my face until his laughter subsided.

Mindful of my eyes, Ryan wiped his tears and breathed.

"Oh It's been a long time since I laughed like this."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it.

"Haha! Don't make that face. It's a concern that's very Sihyeon-ish, so I couldn't help but laugh.


Not just the laugh, hearing the same words as Adela, I felt strange and lost what to say for a moment.

"I didn't know you were worried about that. In a sense should I say that it went well?"

"What? What do you mean.

Ryan gave a meaningful smile and quickly walked forward.

"Let's hurry up and go before it gets any darker. I think I'm slowly getting hungry, too."

"Now, hold on! Let's go together."

I gasped running after Ryan, who increased his steps.

(To be Continued)

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