How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 278

Chapter 278

After many twists and turns, The truth game came to an end.


Speranza, who woke up, stumbled and looked around for me.

I ran out like an arrow before Speranza could fall down, and picked up the little fox girl.

"Did my daughter wake up?


I asked while organizing her disheveled hair little by little.

"Are you still sleepy, sweetheart? How about sleeping a little longer?"

As she was still sleepy, I tried to put her back to sleep a little more, but Speranza shook her head from side to side. She blinked her eyes as if she was trying to force herself to wake up.

"Uh-huh. I don't want to. I want to play with Papa."

"You want to play with me?"


It seemed like Speranza woke up because of the noisy atmosphere.

From a distance, it must have looked like we were having a lot of fun.

"Okay, then let's play together, dear."

I thought it would be hard to put Speranza back to sleep now, so I smiled and nodded.

Hmm But what should I do?

Since the gift from the Demon Lord was so great, it would be difficult to have Speranza participate in the game. Everyone would try to concede their wins to Speranza if she participated.

Is it really okay to let Speranza participate in the game?

As I was pondering what to do, Ryan sneaked up on me.

"You're worried about Speranza, right?

"Yes. Speranza wants to play with everyone, but I dont know if its okay for her to

"If it's because of that, you don't have to worry. Rather, thanks to Speranza's presence, I will be able to proceed with the next game."


Ryan smiled looking at me and Speranza, and then raised his voice looking at the other farm members.

"I'll tell everyone the contents of the next game. The game we're going to play this time is [Who does Speranza loves the most?] World Cup.

Is it a ripoff of the Ideal type World Cup? The one that could be often seen on Korean TV or YouTube?

Ideal type World Cup was a simple game in which the final winner was determined in a tournament manner by selecting a theme.

It was a game where they use a theme to choose a person that they thought would be the ideal type for a particular theme.

It was a game that was fun for both people who participated in it and those who watched it.

Ryan briefly explained to the farm members the way the Ideal type World Cup was held.

The game was so simple that the explanation ended quickly, but the problem was the theme of this game.

"Wait! I understand what kind of game this is, but what was the theme?

"The theme is [Who does Speranza love the most?], Mr. Kaneff."

"Don't tell me"

"That's right. It's a game to find out who Speranza likes the most among the farm members."

An air of grimness pervaded the air when the game's theme was revealed.

Everyones eyes became more serious than when they played the truth game earlier.

I understood why Ryan said that the next game will be played only when Speranza is here.

I hugged Speranza and nodded.

By the way, Ryan is so cruel today.

The person who gets eliminated right away will be very shocked..

Speranza was quite firm, so she often makes decisions without hesitation.

I was even worried that someone might cry today.

"The game will be played from the quarterfinals stage. One ticket will be provided for those who advanced to the semifinals stage and two tickets for the two who advance to the final. I'm afraid I can't add a name to the four players who will be eliminated in the quarterfinals."

"Wait, hold on a second. Then wouldnt Senior be definitely the one to win first place?

Alfred pinched the unfairness of the game. Other farm members also nodded as if sympathizing with his words.

"Oh! Don't worry about that. Sihyeon will not participate in this game. Instead, I'll add two tickets containing his name right away."

Am I some sort of default?

I was embarrassed because I felt like I was getting some kind of privilege, but I was happy to enjoy this fun situation as a spectator.

"Brother Ry. But doesnt that mean there are not enough people to proceed with the quarterfinals? If Brother Sihyeon is out, there are only 5 of us

"Ah! This time, I will participate on behalf of Sihyeon. And the remaining two seats will be filled like this."

Ryan presented the prepared card to the front. The farm members gathered in front of him. And soon, someone's screaming voice popped out briefly.

"Cheese? Grify and Finny?

The remaining two spots in the quarterfinals seemed to be filled with Cheese, Grify, and Finny. The farm member's expressions hardened and their eyes moved quickly.

Their expressions seemed to be saying [I don't want to be eliminated in the quarterfinals!]


While Ryan was making the match-up for the quarterfinals.


Speranza was eating an apple.

It was a red, well-ripe seasonal apple, so it tasted very good, and thanks to this, Speranza's eyes, which were full of sleep, sparkled again.

"Speranza, do you want me to peel more apples?"

Lia, who approached quietly, asked Speranza.

It was nothing different than usual, but the situation was not good now.

"SISTER LIA, What are you doing?

"That's cheating."

"Thats a yellow card!"


Lia was immediately taken away from Speranza by the farm members.

I laughed at the war of nerves that was much fiercer than I thought.

By the time I peeled an apple and fed it to Speranza instead of Lia, the quarterfinals match-up was completed.

"Then, let's start [Who does Speranza love the most?] World Cup. The first match is Me and Mr. Kaneff!"

It was the match between Ryan and Kaneff.

Of the two, Kaneff seemed to have an advantage since Ryan doesn't spend a lot of time with Speranza.

"Speranza, who do you love the most between the two over there

I asked Speranza carefully.

"Between Boss Uncle and that Uncle?"


If Speranza was stressed or looked burdened by such a question, I thought of stopping it immediately.

However, the cute fox girl answered without hesitation to the point where I felt embarrassed about my worries.

"Boss Uncle.




She really did not care what the loser would think, she was so brutal.

After winning, Kaneff raised his lips as if it was natural, and Ryan scratched his cheek and smiled bitterly.

"Ugh I expected to lose, but this is a bigger blow than I thought

For some reason, I felt sorry for Ryan, so I expressed my heartfelt comfort with my eyes.

Ryan continued the game, leaving behind the shock of elimination.

"Mr. Kaneff beat me to advance to the semifinals. Next is Lia Vs Grify & Finny."

This also seemed to be a clear win. It was Lia who took care of Speranza the most after me among the farm members.

"Grify, Finny, and Sister Lia? Hmm."

Unlike the previous match-up, Speranza hesitated to answer a little.

But the agony didn't last that long.

"I love Sister Lia the most."

As I expected, Speranza chose Lia.

After passing the quarterfinals, Lia quietly clapped her hands to celebrate her victory.

Half of the quarterfinals ended quickly thanks to Speranza, who was much more determined than I thought, and the progress was very fast.

Soon, the next match-up commenced,

"Alfred vs. Cheese."

In reality, Alfred had an overwhelming advantage when it comes to the time spent together with Speranza. However, he was still very nervous.

Alfred waited for Speranza's choice with an expression, [Would I lose?]

"Speranza, who do you love the most, Cheese or Elaine?"

"Cheese? Brother Elaine?"

Speranza answered after blinking her eyes twice.

"Um Cheese.


Alfred, who was confused, urgently called Speranza, but Speranza, who had already decided, only smiled.

"Speranza, why do you like Cheese more? You've been with Brother Elaine much longer, haven't you?

"Un, but Brother Elaine doesn't play with me these days. Cheese, play with me more. That's why I love more.

When he heard why he lost to Cheese, Alfred looked devastated.

Sorry pal, you should have paid some attention to Speranza..

The game continued, leaving the shocked Demon behind. In the last quarterfinals, the face-off was between the Schnarpe siblings, Andras vs Lilia.

The two stepped forward with conflicting expressions. The relatively relaxed side was Andras, and the anxious side was Lilia.

Andras had spent a very long time with Speranza and was also playing the role of a teacher. I expected an easy victory for Andras.

"Speranza, Teacher Andras, and Sister Lilia, who do you love the most?

Speranza alternately looked at the two with sparkling eyes. Every time their eyes met, the two trembled.


Compared to previous confrontations, Speranza took her time to answer.

Meanwhile, tension filled the faces of the two who were in front of Speranza.

Time flew, and Speranza, who finished thinking, finally opened her mouth.

"Sister Lilia."


"Really? Did you really choose me?

The sound of a dry cough burst out from Andras' mouth. Lilia, on the other hand, looked incredulous. I also thought it was an unexpected choice and asked why.

"Why did you choose Sister Lilia, dear? You liked Teacher Andras a lot, didn't you?

"I like Teacher Andras a lot, too, but Sister Lilia used to make me fun toys and sang along with me lately. I think that's why I love her a little more.

Lilia has recently been one of the people who actively play with Speranza. Perhaps she got a very high score in that respect.

Come to think of it, Andras used to make a lot of small toys to get Speranza's attention in the past. Ironically, Lilia won the match in the same way.

Andras, with a blank expression, crouched next to Alfred with his unique drooping appearance.

There was pitiful energy around the two Demons who tasted the bitter taste of elimination in the quarterfinals.

"Then let's move on to the semifinals right away."

The semifinal of the game was held behind those who were eliminated from the quarterfinals. The first semi-final match was between Lia & Lilia.

"Sister LIA!"

The match between the two female Demons ended with an easy win for Lia.

It was a game that was lopsided toward Lia in the first place, so Lilia was not so disappointed.

The second semifinal match also followed soon.

"Kaneff Vs Cheese".

Cheese, who beat Alfred, was the dark horse of this game. It was not expected to be an easy match for Kaneff.


"Boss Uncle!"

Contrary to expectations, Kaneff overcame Cheese, who was a powerful contender, very easily.

Did Speranza like Boss this much?

Not only me but also other farm members looked very surprised. It was a really unimaginable change compared to the time when Speranza first came to the farm.

After the two eliminated players were decided, all that was left was the final match of [Who does Speranza love the most?] World cup.

(To be Continued)

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